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Everything posted by LEepicPOULET

  1. Off topic: I was waiting for someone else to say something, lol. I didn't know what to say Purple looks spots a very strange green hill up ahead. as he gets closer, it gets even stranger. Purple: Wh-WHAT!!!! What kind of bricks don't get effected by gravity!!! Better not stand under it. What's up with the animated question mark on it? This must be a trap! Purple takes out his arrows and shoots the bricks. To his supprise... Purple: A MUSHROOM!!! What kind of place is this anyway?!
  2. In my town, the average temperature is about -2 degrees celcius. Canadian winters are friggin' cold! It isn't even officially winter yet.
  3. Oh No! Not like this! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Man, this guy should have an oscar.
  4. If PETA actually thought that what they said about mario was a smart idea to sue nintendo over tanooki abuse, well, DUMB AS ____!!! It's as stupid as suing mario for stomping on turtles.
  5. The four links are out of the portal (or whatever it is). Green, Red, and Megaman are transported to the same gereral area, but...Purple: What!? Where am I? Red, Blue, Green? WHERE ARE YOU ALL!!!
  6. I hate how linear mario games have been lately. I've been waiting since after sunshine came out for a true sequal to super mario 64. That's what I was hopeing super mario 3D land would have since they teased some photos of it back in march, I think. But it was the most linear 3d mario platformer yet So yeah, I would like the next big mario 3d platformer to use what made super mario 64 and sunshine so great, the open levels. (just pointing out, the bottom picture of your post shows a pre-realease pic of SS)
  7. Yeah, I actually heard that a couple of days ago. But I have two theories about this situation. Either they are telling the truth about it being a joke, or they are just trying to cover up their stupidity by making everyone forget about what they said in the first place :/
  8. Como eu estava andando pelo caminho, havia dois caminhos a percorrer. Eu não sabia qual tomar. Parece que estou no caminho, do problema. (I dare someone to translate this horrible pun)
  9. WOW, it's just a video game. Mario isn't killing Tanooki, he finds a power up that magically turns him into tanooki mario. Even if someone did kill a tonooki in mario, don't blame mario, blame the powerup for killing tanooki.
  10. Man, that game looks awesome. Although I don't think it'll work on my pc My pc does not have a very good graphics card, as it can run games like Garry's Mod only on lowest setting with a framerate of 30 fps on average. And what looks like huge amounts of objects on the screen on that trailer, it would probably run this game at about 7 fps at highest.
  11. So, Skyward Sword has been leaked, huh. I don't think I'll download it, though. I'd rather wait until the release date.
  12. You should get Zelda. Why? Cause Zelda is AWESOME
  13. I would like to see a OOT style camera, dosen't matter if it is young link or adult, and I do NOT want another toon link game!!! Waaay to overused. I also hope that nintendo uses the second slider pad extention aswell as OOT 3D style controls.
  14. Hi. Welcome to the GCN! Also, do you have a youtube channel? Your name sounds very familiar...
  15. YES!!!! Watching my first Zelda game in the 3D Zelda gameplay would bring a tear to my eyes "sniff "Although Nintendo will probably keep it in the 2D Zelda format and maybe put it as a downloadable game for the 3D collections in the eShop.
  16. That would be quite scary, but because you are alive, That was an awesome story XDDDDD
  17. I know, I was just saying that it looks rather impressive for a portable system, and that it isn't 360 or PS3, but it is close enough for at least a comparison.I'm sorry if this post sounded like I care about graphics more than gameplay, because I also care a lot more about gameplay.
  18. That statement is true, a lot of 3ds games look rather horrible when it comes to graphics. But the people who realize the potential of the system can make it look rather impressive. For example, this game for the 3DS looks like it has about as much power as a standard DS game.
  19. I agree, younglinkx, i'm just getting tired of the same thing for so long. A game where you can run around as kirby in more ways then just left and right would be down right awesome. Maybe a fast pased 3d action/platformer kirby game on the Wii u? (Says hopefully) Please Nintendo, MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!
  20. Yes, but that is because 1, it is and early 3ds game. And 2, that game is not made by nintendo, it was made by the porting company called GREZZO, who probably isn't as familiar with the 3DS's hardware. It was just published by Nintendo. (Nintendo hired GREZZO to do OOT 3D as they worked on SS) But if you look at the game Super Mario 3d land, you can see that the model used for Mario looks pretty much the same as in the galaxy games. It just depends on how the company works with the system. (If you look at many Ubisoft games for the 3DS, their graphics are a lot worse then the GC)
  21. Just to compare the GC and 3DS's best looking games on thier consoles, which do you think looks better? I'd say they look pretty even, although I think the 3ds has better shaders and lighting effects.
  22. A lot of people are saying that the 3ds can pull of graphics as good as the Gamecube, but nothing really past it. I would disagree with that. I wouldn't say it is Xbox 360 or PS3, but it is pretty dang close!!! "Picture got a little messed up when I uploaded the photo, but the left is a PS3 image and the right is 3DS" So What do you think? Post your thoughts below (and please do not turn this post into a console war)
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