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Tell-Tale Heart

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Everything posted by Tell-Tale Heart

  1. Wow, wakymaky, you've done a great job on the nose and lips! I love the drawing, very well done. I need to work on skies and clouds more, any good tutorials?
  2. Welcome to the GCN! It's a nice website, in my opinion. I hope you enjoy your stay!
  3. Tell-Tale Heart - Art I'm here to confirm that I would still like to be a part of the team, as an artist.
  4. Yeah, I've noticed that my characters tend to be rather stiff. Thanks for the feedback, though. I really need to try working on it more often. Edit: I was practicing animals and backgrounds:
  5. You can never draw that beautiful man too much, Kusai <3 Here's how Rena originally looked, before I began drawing her and putting her into dresses/adding color to her.
  6. Thank you so much, that's very kind of you ^-^ I draw whenever I have a spare moment, which is a lot these days, so I tend to move along often. I really need to devote some of that time to practicing backgrounds and animals, though.
  7. wakymaky, That's a very nice artwork you have there. I'm not very good with landscapes, myself, so I'm rather impressed!
  8. I know that I messed up on the girl's head structure:
  9. Sure ^^ Here's one: Kusai's Omnai is there. And here's another:
  10. Half of characters I know seem to be a bit sadistic D: But that's what keeps things interesting. And here's something realistic-ish:
  11. You do excellent on your clothing folds, but one critique I have is that the eye seems too close to the edge of the head. Here's a tutorial of a profile, not done by me or anyone I know: And here's something I drew for Secant's birthday (It's of his character).
  12. At least they're not joined by Ghadin, Kusai :U
  13. While we're all showing off our Zelda characters.....
  14. Sorry for the double post, but here's another drawing of a friend's character:
  15. Here's a drawing requested by someone I recently began talking with: It's their fan-made version of Vaati.
  16. Reviving this thread because I loved seeing everyone's work and want to see more again Also, here's a sloppy impulse art I did that turned out okay (I think)
  17. That is true, they've dumbed down both, but there's always an Argument for the other side winning. I'm not going to bother with the debate of the characters fighting, since again, the answer is always just going to be whomever the person arguing wants to win, and it'll end up a pointless, long discussion. I'm not saying whether I agree or disagree in this battle in particular, I'm saying that I disagree with comparing apples to oranges, or in other words, video game characters from different series.
  18. So they didn't choose one Link, but made him have all the powers of every possible past Link? And I'm still not seeing the wall running as Canon. This is exactly why I'm not a fan of these videos. Edit: Also, being able to hookshot the Master Sword back would have been useful in the Ganondorf battle in Ocarina of Time.
  19. I'm honestly not a big fan of these sort of videos; you're comparing two extremely different things and the answer usually ends up just what you want it to be. I do appreciate the effort they put into making these videos, but there can always be compelling arguments for the other opponent to win. Besides, the hover boots make Link really fast, then walk on walls? I'm sorry, but I only recall the hover boots giving him a slow start, then a slippery finish, and the only thing they did was allow him to walk in mid air for a few seconds. They're not even making it completely canon.
  20. I've heard that Skype undoes the changes you make to it, so those solutions don't necessarily work. So far, it's only one person in particular I'm having the issue with, and kicking a group chat they're in usually makes the PMs go through. Hopefully they'll fix this before it affects my messages that go to others.
  21. I've been watching SAO, myself. Finished it the other day, actually.
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