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Tell-Tale Heart

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Everything posted by Tell-Tale Heart

  1. You can post anything that is inappropriate for kids as long as you don't go beyond GCN rules, but Nightmare fuel just interests me the most. Still, Dumbo and that chocolate factory thing scarred me for life, although I don't know why they scared me but Tim Burton didn't.... And Zeth, wth is that thing? http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DisneyAcidSequence
  2. SpongeBob moments that might accidentally scare young children (or adults....)
  3. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/NightmareFuel/SpongebobSquarePants :<
  4. Oh man, if she had some kind of character development where she was extremely pathetic at first but became an epic heroine later, instead of being an epic ninja/pirate first and becoming a damsel in distress later..... +10/+10 until end of turn (Magic: the Gathering joke)
  5. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- That's news to me, is it ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY or only for certain things? How much does that.... nonsense cost anyway? *Googles it.* Average of $19.99. *sigh* I don't mind, but man, Mom's gonna be mad.... Anyway, I think it looks to be an awesome game that incorporates a bit of Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, and Shadow of the Colossus, as well as a few unique details. Twilight Princess had a few flaws, including Hyrule Castle Town. The music there = fail (That may be my own personal taste, though....), most models were repeats, and the characters seemed more comical (In a bad way) than the ones in Wind Waker. It was a wonderful game otherwise. But yeah, I can't wait to fly on a bird, fight giant whale things covered in eyes, and some black.... thing. Here's a Few Screens:
  6. Triple post, probably the last drawing I'll post on the GCN....
  7. I did preorder it, but I wasn't informed about any bundle. Maybe that's because I'm in the states? Anyway, that wallpaper is on the cover of the GameInformer this month. And, uhm, why is there a small white hand on Link's shoulder? I'm sorry if I sound a little cynical....
  8. I saw someone post a Texture hack for Brawl, and I figured how to do that. Then an ambassador of the GCN posted on some Zelda site, and here I am, although I don't hack much.
  9. I've bought every one of the books in that series, it makes Link and Zelda act like I imagined they would.
  10. http://www.zeldanime.com/ I like the art style, and I like how it's colored as well. I'm also insanely jealous of how good they are and I wish I had the chance to do something similar. I'm not quite sure I like how they portray Link and Zelda though, since I have always imagined Zelda more gentle and kind and Link more... shy.
  11. Rivan!!!! I will welcome you! I'm so glad to see you here!
  12. LOL, and yeah, there are a few cartoony games I like. The style of this game bothered me at first, but after seeing Ghirahim and Princess Zelda I don't mind much. Now, TP's graphics I absolutely loved, but I didn't mind WW's except for the weird proportions. And my favorite graphics of any game would be Klonoa 2 and Eternal Sonata, both cartoony. Still, I see what Hellraiser's saying. It looks like a painting come to life, not a crossbreed. Anyway, I'm curios, what games are cartoony and Drak, other than Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon?
  13. Is this a BeetleJuice thing? I mean you should never say BeetleJuice three times in, like, an hour I guess? What Candle Jack is I don't
  14. Hello! Welcome to the GCN! Do you like to RP? Hack? Drawing/Art?
  15. Isn't what we do Illegal? Downloading ROMs (Pirating) and modding them? I really don't have much respect for the law these days when it comes to copyright and such.
  16. Yeah, CreepyPasta is pretty fake, but most people like to think it's real. Like there are "Pictures" of Slenderman that people call "photographic evidence", but it's really just basic photoshop tricks. I mean, even old movies can accomplish this to some extent. Besides, why would the government even bother with "covering up" this stuff if it did happen? How would they benefit?
  17. Sorry, I'm not used to this layout.....
  18. Maybe capturing Video using CamStudio would be an alternative? No, that didn't work, and there's no seeds for the Torrents.
  19. Well, Torrents will be my backup if no one else has any suggestions?
  20. Normally when I make one, I use RealPlayer to get the video off of Youtube. The anime, Shiki, has no episodes on YouTube due to copyright. Any safe sites to get anime episodes from? Like direct downloads? Please help.
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