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Tell-Tale Heart

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Everything posted by Tell-Tale Heart

  1. I pre-ordered OoT and Kid Icarus, but I can't wait for KH to come out.... I hope that there will be more Zelda games for the 3DS, though....
  2. Oh no.... the Kangaskhan mommy died? D:>
  3. She's a character I made up, and have been making her story for 5 years, if not more. I suppose I'll start by explaining her names. Daria: Original name. A young, curious girl who lives quietly in a mansion. Events send her to faraway places.... Rena: "Ruby" in a language I sorta made up (She travels dimensions, and most have a separate language). So named for her hair color. Emira: Once she had amnesia, and the people she met named her "Emerald", or Emira, for the color of her eyes. (Again, the language thing) She travels from dimension to dimension (In a way similar to The Magician's Nephew, with an "In-between place" and all), sometimes restoring balance, sometimes destroying "List" dimensions for energy. She was once a sweet and naive child (Which shows when she has amnesia), but over time, she had to kill again and again. Guilt, sorrow, and pain had made her personality somewhat twisted. She wishes for death, but lives on in order to protect those she loves (the people in the in-between place who work with her, and a dimension she lived in for some time). Her Powers are: A sword she can make appear and disappear; she can make it large or small, or even multiple swords. If she gets emotional enough, she can make an amour around her out of the swords, or even a sort of dragon form. All her powers take a heavy toll on her body, however. She has black blood. She can also use her powers to monitor and manipulate others' bodies, by making her sword into a small needle and throwing it into someone's blood stream. Using her powers excessively can make her faint or even go into a coma. She can also tell when people lie, but a black aura appears when she does.
  4. Uhm.... okay? I guess someone has to do it..... *Takes a bite out of the fruit.* Tastes good.....
  5. I decided just to torrent the whole thing. Now I just need a good emulator, which none exist at the moment.
  6. Tell-Tale Heart


    Aw..... I love cats.....
  7. Whaaaat? Please, just wait and see if we can find food soon please?!
  8. I guess I forgot that too....? Uhm.... *Thinks long and hard* Dareia.......
  9. I'm sorry..... and you guys don't know either? Where we are?
  10. Whew.... that actually worked? She said maybe we could buy one this week.... Thanks!
  11. Can anyone please come up with an argument that I could use to persuade my Mom to let me buy a 3DS? I have the money, she just probably won't let me buy it until there's a game involved.
  12. What if it was a Pony? (Yes, I just had to say that.)
  13. So.... I'm guessing.... none of you know me?
  14. Oh dear, I wonder if I can hack Claves in somehow.......... Well, I'm downloading the ROM at the moment (It's rather large...., so I guess when everything's done, that'll be my first project. ****EDIT**** Meh..... this is disturbing.... I got the files, and they're all WinRAR, but when I try to unzip them, it says "Corrupt file".....
  15. Uhm.... I don't know? I forgot..... I forgot.....
  16. *A strange girl in Lolita-like clothes steps up and looks at everyone curiously* "Where... am I?"
  17. That's amazing! I'll check it out after I'm used to being back.
  18. I've played Crash Bandicoot, (If that's how you spell it), and they also have a wide range of deaths. The only one I've played recently is the 3rd one. Difference: The deaths are comical. Like when the worms pull the kid into the wall, he struggles, then stops suddenly. When Crash gets pulled into the wall by a sea serpent, he disappears, but you see his.... underwear fly out. And when he falls, you just hear a whistling sound. When he gets jumped on and kissed by a frog (Which turns into a Prince).... actually, that's it. I wish I knew how that kills him. It's rather funny to watch him die, instead of watching a kid struggling making realistic moans and often getting limb ripped from limb. The graphics also give me motion sickness. This is a Creepypasta waiting to be written.
  19. Why doesn't he use flame? WTH, what a wimp.
  20. I Googled Elsewhat, and found my hack.
  21. IKR? I Watch Criminal Minds, Dr.G, and Fringe. I've seen people have skin grow over their face, women's body- well, *cough* yeah- and a few other gory things (Stephen King, etc.) And they don't make me flinch. So why did this make me so afraid?
  22. That's.... rated... E..... Uhm... I think E as in "Everyone Who reads the scariest Creepypasta and Horror films in the middle of the night every night and still sleeps well with every light off and no music or anything to keep their mind occupied." .....I'm creeped out now, good thing it's daylight..... Oh, wait, look here. It's good for kids older than 6. Uhm... if my kid even looked sideways at this, I would force him to play the most underrated game ever. Even this guy suggests it. They made a remake for This Awesome Game for the Wii. Yay Klonoa!
  23. Here, if I can do it again.... *Light glows, and Alice completely heals, but I faint....*
  24. What if there's more Zombies in Canada?
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