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Tell-Tale Heart

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Everything posted by Tell-Tale Heart

  1. Susan! *Runs over to help but is blocked by Zombies*
  2. *Girl looks shocked at the truck* Are you a friend or a Foe? *Dodges an attack from a zombie and cuts off a limb*
  3. I can't wait until it's released!
  4. *There is a young girl who looks something like this slashing Zombies with a Kodachi on the side of the road* Get away from me! You may have gotten my Father, but you won't.... you won't....
  5. Yeah! been a long time! *Takes out Wakizashi*
  6. "Patenting the cure is among the worst possible scenarios. This establishes an oligopoly of corporations and effectively makes the cure unobtainable except to those with hundreds of thousands of dollars to dispose of. It's because the cure is unpatented that it's easy to manufacture and obtain--except, it would be, but the corporations refuse to develop it, because they're profiteers even in the face of their customers dying. A patent will only propagate this bullshit mentality. " Yeah, I was going to say, that... what is it? The Chemo therapy? Is very expensive, so health care would rather charge you for that than a cheap drug. It's always, Always, about the money.
  7. Er... I overheard something about Dodongos.... from Ganon and Zant....
  8. We have more important things than food at the moment, like perhaps Volvagia?
  9. You even fail to see the faults in your own plan! Of course, pointing them out would only help.... you.... *Zelda appears to drift to sleep* *Sheik appears with a flash of light* You told them to build a fire? It should be a little difficult, since there are few plants. Unfortunately, Ganon now knows you're not dead, and is sending more minions on the way.
  10. *At Ganon's Castle* Hmmm.... things not going your way? I told you, he'll stop you. They'll all stop you.
  11. No.... *Starts fading away* I don't want to go yet..... I'll be back, when I gather more power.... *Disappears* *Zelda awakens in Ganon's castle*
  12. *Sigh* how many times must I explain this? This personality comes with the persona. Get used to it. How else would I know stuff about Ganon? I'm watching him as Zelda. *Walks off toward Death Mountain Trail*
  13. The Sheikah are trained to find food in even the hardest of- QUIT TALKING ABOUT FOOD! Dang it, I very may well have to save Zelda myself. Errr..... Myself. By myself. Yeah.
  14. For as long as I have energy. It's hard to use my Powers on an empty stomach- *pauses, then smirks oddly* The Stalfos have accidentally fooled Ganon into thinking Shadow Link has killed you.
  15. *sigh* Here. *hands over 2,000 Rupees* I stole them from Ganon's castle.
  16. Dang it, my other Person is hungry too! This persona is just a fake body, it doesn't need to eat. But my other.... DON'T EVEN TALK ABOUT FOOD RIGHT NOW *blows up a Stalfo*
  17. *Speaks while fighting* I have some inside info. Ganon has remembered who he really is, and Zant seems to have as well. Zant's the one commanding the Stalfos. Ganon can watch some of your moves.
  18. Hmph, I never thought.... well, whatever. I'm sure Ganon wouldn't want to see you guys slacking off here, hmmm? If this young man said they went that way, you better check it quick.
  19. Hmmm.... I guess I'll be a medic. My name shall be.... Dareia. A girl who was abused by both parents from a you age, and wants to be different from them. So she chooses to heal people instead of hurting them.
  20. You coward.... you never face him... yourself..... *Zelda simply closes her eyes and sleeps. She is extremely fatigued from using her powers*
  21. Why would you want to obey Ganon, Zant? Why not work alone, or help Link instead?
  22. You fully remember who you once were. It doesn't have to be this way. A Hero has always come to defeat you. You had a chance at a normal life. But you threw it away, and you will be defeated.
  23. *Zelda wakes up, and tries to use her powers to free her from her Crystal prison*
  24. She was. Erm... I was. But I can use my powers to use this as a separate vessel for short periods of time. Anyway, the chosen Hero must hurry to obtain the Master Sword. Also, there is an Oracle of Ages, find her if you want to go to your original time for awhile. My time's up, for now. *Disappears in a flash of smoke*
  25. .....Live with it. My personality seems to change as well..... OFF TOPIC: btw, Sheik looks like this
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