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Tell-Tale Heart

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Everything posted by Tell-Tale Heart

  1. (I don't think Ruto would offer tea.... And People, please use proper grammar...)
  2. I torrented it, but when I hit the autorun and install, this happens.... Help please?
  3. Well, tell me if there's an offline mode please; I'm curious.
  4. Yeah. I probably won't have him with a hat since they're mostly not allowed at schools.
  5. Yeah, thanks, I gotta hurry to the next class, though. Bye!
  6. As the bell rings, the kids hurry and run out the door. One kid "Accidentally" knocks the books out of Ilia's hands.
  7. Shhh..... (Ilia hissed with a glare)
  8. OFF TOPIC: I take it Ms. Nadine Avigard is Navi? Glad to see someone cares about education!
  9. How about here? It would be easier than PM's, and everyone can see what your Character looks like. Just... try not to overdo it, okay, artists? Okay, Ilia. Just a warning, I've never done sprites. Doesn't mean you can't try. Yeah....
  10. Uhm, a mix of the two? An Earth styled-Hyrule? Yay. Hyrule when it got to our time in terms of technology. Also, I'll draw Female characters, if anyone wants. Anyway, The other characters can be chosen as we go along, so let's start out. In a land, called Hyrule, a young boy and his older brother move from an old farm (Where they were homeschooled) to Hyrule Town, now a large city. Hyrule is still a monarchy, however, Princess Zelda is in a Public Highschool pretending to be a regular girl since her parents wanted her to understand her people well. She is called Tetra. This is the First day of school, and we zoom in on this facility as the first bell rings.....
  11. Thanks, well, anyone want to choose a second Character? Also, for reference, Link's 15, Vio's 17.
  12. How about.... hmm.... Shadow Link, Link's older bro, called Shad for short? Or Vio.... You'll also be a new kid. People can take on more than one role. And Vaati is my favorite Zelda character, then Oni Link. Oh, and I guess I'll make up events occasionally. Like assemblies or games (Or Zombie apocalypse if the time is right).
  13. Choose a character you want to be, this wasn't a plan for a mod.... I think I'll be Midna? Hmm.... no.... Ilia. I'll be Ilia.
  14. Most VAs for Character creation in Phantasy Star Portable 2
  15. Okay, we'll need several people for this, so here are the characters. If there's a (T) next to a name, that means someone else can claim that character at any time. Link- Protagonist, and the new kid who's always curios and exploring places in the school he shouldn't. (Satoshi) *Looking for temporary substitute.* Shadow Link- Mischievous Link freed when Vio found the four Sword. (Satoshi) Red Link- Hot-headed Freshman (Shade) Zelda/Tetra- Popular chick, who's nice. (Tell-Tale Heart) Sheik- Long explanation, read the story to find out about this person (Tell-Tale Heart) Ganondorf (Ganon for short)- Gang leader, one bad dude. (Destroyer4292) Vaati- Emo kid. (Leon) Malon- Nerd girl in choir. Ruto- Popular girl on the swim team. (Salvage66) Colin- Naive Freshman. Navi- Teacher everyone thinks talks too much.(Sage of Mirrors) Tatl- Popular Teacher.(Jozz) Midna- Punk chick. Bo- Principle Ilia- Principle's Daughter, gets mad when kids aren't following the rules. (TellTaleHeart) Zant- Crazy gang dude under Ganon. Byrne- Calm, quiet gang dude in opposing gang to Ganon's. Violet Link (Vio)- Link's older brother. (Satoshi) Kafei- Mysterious kid who is a senior but many mistake for a freshman (Hellraiser) Anju- Shy Girl who has a strange obsession with birds. Kafei's girlfriend. (Hellraiser) Oni- Strange cousin of Link's. Quiet, but has a quick temper.(Destroyer4292) Fierce Deity- A spirit that lives in a mask the reacts with Oni. (Destroyer4292) Impa- School nurse Tingle- Guy who wants to be a fairy and sells maps Rules: 1. Wait a few minutes (5, please) Between your posts. Try not to make the RP go so fast people have to press the refresh every 5 seconds. (If trouble happens, I will remove this rule) 2. We won't do -any- characters from non-Zelda until we're out of Zelda characters. (Ex: If you want to do Marth for a teacher, do Ezlo instead) Cocept art will be posted Here
  16. “Come little children, come with me Safe and happy, you will be Away from you’re homes, now let us run With Hypno, you’ll have so much fun Oh, little children, please don’t cry Hypno wouldn’t hurt a fly Be free, be free, be free, to play Come down in my cave with me to stay Oh little children, please don’t squirm Those ropes, I know, will hold you firm Hypno tells you this is true But sadly, Hypno lied to you Oh little children, you musn’t leave Your families for you will grieve Their minds will unravel at the seams Allowing me to haunt their dreams But surely, all of you must know That it is time for you to go Oh little children, you weren’t clever Now you shall stay with me forever.†My Hill
  17. I actually smiled at this. After a very bad day full of math homework.... I smiled. Thanks for putting me in a better mood. (Although the closest thing I've ever played to a Sonic game Is M vs. S at the Olympic winter games, I -always- play as Shadow.)
  18. *lawlsuit. JK, I just had to do that, sorry. Anyway, I'd really approve of a Lightning hack (Or an Claves Hack, while I'm dreaming....)
  19. My goodness, the stained glass in the last part was gorgeous....
  20. If anyone knows a game on the 3DS (That's actually out, I've already checked coming titles) that's like Final Fantasy, Tales of, or Phantasy Star, please tell me. I am already aware of OoT, TotA (Remake of it) And Kingdom Hearts.
  21. I would like to play as Zelda/Sheik. Until it's in OoT (Or TP, that'd be too epic, though), I'll stick with Brawl.
  22. I like the Sephiroth one I recognized the guy in the first picture.... What anime was that again?
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