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Tell-Tale Heart

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Everything posted by Tell-Tale Heart

  1. Ah, heck. I'm getting sick and by the time I'm done with that vacation will be over. Sorry about making this topic. Someone send it to the Garbage bin, please? It'll be awhile before I'll be back to the GCN, and by then, this topic will be old. Sorry about this.
  2. I'll just pretend the main character of this story, the girl not yet named since she has amnesia, looks like the picture above. If you must critique, I put this picture in my blog. I do appreciate critique. (Yes, I drew this)
  3. As I woke, I felt someone near. I sat up in horror as I stared at my unfamiliar surroundings, with a strange black-haired, pale man telling me to calm down. "Here, you've been unconscious for quite awhile. You must be thirsty." I shook my head away from the drink. "Where have you brought me?!" I demanded. "Are you so sure I brought you anywhere?" he muttered. As I thought of where I was supposed to be, I realized I couldn't even be sure of who I was supposed to be. --- --- I only have a year of memories. Only a year of emotions. I work with Resen, the first person I ever remember seeing. With all the crime people get away with now, there are those of us hired to punish them. We aren't your guards or legal force, we are called assassins by those not well informed. Those well informed simply stay well away from us. --- --- "By order of the King, all women of age 18 will be brought to Eidlen. If any resistance is...." "Resen, what's going on?" I said, balancing on top of a roof. He simply shook his head. Quiet, and focused, he rarely bothered with my questions. Even though we seem to be the same age, we're almost opposites. "I'll tell you what's going on," whispered Renai, a not so quiet boy of 15. He was more a thief than an assassin, which was useful if the target wasn't ordered to be killed by the client. At least he enjoyed my inquisitiveness. "This one Noble's wife went missing recently, and I guess she's 18, so he's gonna find her, at the expense of everyone else. That's a Noble for you, not so-" "Enough! The target! Had I not been watching, our mission would be left until tomorrow. Come fast and quietly, this way." We glanced embarrassingly to the other, and followed, like cats, on the rooftops.
  4. Granted, but now you will always be hungry. I wish that this wish will be corrupted by not being corrupted.
  5. ^ Another awesome Brawl hack My hill, and Klonoa's hill as well.
  6. Granted, we're all ReDeads. I wish I was here.
  7. Drink of Anguish! My hill and the hill of anyone who knows where that comes from.
  8. Warning: Mature/Violent stuff I guess... http://thecolligere.com/internet/squidwards-suicide
  9. ^Awesome Brawl Hack, not made by me, but now... My hill
  10. I'm not making sense at times. Hill is Mine
  11. I give it to Malqua to keep this topic alive. Malqua's hill.
  12. Because it wasn't granted, it was granted. Yay Paradox. I wish for Fish.
  13. Tell-Tale Heart


    I agree with you 100%. Trolls are very annoying. Welcome to the GCN!
  14. Granted, you wish for a wish that you can wish for. I wish to have eight more lives.
  15. "Well, then, move to the other side around the village, around not through, and speak of this village to none." I replied. "Now, no need to be blaming for crimes that might never be done" The village elder chastised, as he walked beside me. I barely noticed his coming. "Come, we will let you rest before you travel the mountains." He continued. I shrugged, and moved aside.
  16. Granted, but you can't play Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Only you can't. I wish for more people to join my RP.
  17. Granted, but your PSP self destructs from a 404 ERROR. I wish myself away.
  18. I finally made a Version 2 of my Aerith hack. My hill.
  19. "What need have you of this village?" I questioned, mistrusting. We never have those from the outside visit us.
  20. Okay, I thought of a story for Role Playing, containing a character I made up. Nioshi is a warrior who guards a village hidden in the woods. In my original story, people burn down her village while she's away hunting and she secretly follows them back to a major city in a kingdom, kills them all one by one for revenge, and somehow becomes an assassin. While this is now anyone's and everyone's story to continue now, I want the basic element, that Nioshi is a warrior in a hidden village that goes to a city and becomes an assassin, to stay the same. Might have mature stuff, but nothing over PG-13 please. So, I'll start. I'll be Nioshi. This is when she is a warrior. \\\\\\\\ As I studied my new spear, I heard a small rustle from behind. I cautiously turned, and spotted a deer. I leaped on a tree above it, and thrust my spear through it's skull. --- I stood my post in where the village was most open, as I do before my hunting, when the sun is most high. I heard speech of man, and was shocked to see men that wore metal that gleamed in the sunlight.
  21. I eat some Creepy Pasta, and gain unimaginable powers. I destroy imagination, except for Soundghost's. Our Hill. ON MARS!!!!
  22. Granted, but they want to outlaw video games. I wish it would Snow for once where I live...
  23. Granted, but It never works I wish Adrian Wallace wasn't there.
  24. ₪ Tell-Tale Heart puts earplugs in ears Can't hear anything Plays the original Lavender Town Song gives everyone else the status effect Lavender Town Syndrome ....My hill
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