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Tell-Tale Heart

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Everything posted by Tell-Tale Heart

  1. Ah, thank you very much! I had two friends help out with critique and suggestions on it.
  2. Very nice, I really love that character design, and the fire is great, too ^^ New coverpage for Nightsteel, because I didn't really like the other one. It's also a redraw of an old, old picture.
  3. Sure, I have no problems with waiting. Thanks for keeping me updated
  4. I will be posting the introduction to my Webcomic, Nightsteel, here
  5. I would love that. I might make a character bio for this girl's father soon
  6. I was thinking about editing the first post and deleting all the old information, but I decided against it and thought that it would be nice to compare the old character to the revised one. - Name of Character: :: Rena (Just one name this time!) - Character Species: :: Nightmare Master/Original (Can vary to fit the RP storyline, however) - Age: :: 20 - Alignment: :: Shadow - Personality: :: Rena comes off as shy, or a bit quiet, and tends to become lost in her own thoughts. She's detached when around those she doesn't know well, but can be rather friendly once she's comfortable with someone. - Past: :: Her father, Ghadin, is a strange entity enslaved by masters known as the Judges. He had made an attempt to flee from them, and took on a human form to hide. He met a woman named Serene during this time. They had become close friends, although there was never love in-between them. The day came when Serene would soon be married off to another man who she feared would be abusive. Sympathetic, Ghadin proposed from her in hopes that he could give his friend a better life, even though he didn't love her. She accepted, but eventually began begging for a child; she had wanted someone to love, and to give her love in return, as she had thought that Ghadin never would. The child they had together was Rena. She and her parents were able to live a few years in peace before Ghadin was found by his old masters. Tragedy befell the three, and Rena had ended up alone, growing up to forget her parents. ---= Abilities =--- - Abilities: :: She has inherited the ability to bend reality from her father, who keeps all of Existence in balance. She is inexperienced with these powers, and often avoids using them. - Strengths: :: She has great power within her reach, and can assist in restoring balance, or wreaking havoc. - Weaknesses: :: She's very weak both emotionally and stamina-wise, and gives up too easily. She rarely talks about her issues, and simply allows them to pile up inside of her. - Notes: :: Her body gives off no heat, and she is very cold to the touch. Her internal organs are incomplete; the only thing keeping her alive is the "Mask" inside her body that serves as her heart and mind. ---= Roleplay Example =--- The young girl wandered through the streets, her eyes not focusing on anything even slightly. She was lost in her thoughts, apathetic to the world around her, which was an odd combination of the sick that remained on the streets and those who had been spared from the strange disease. An arm flew out from the side, grabbing the young girl's wrist. She jolted and looked to the man on the ground, his left eye covered by a cloth, a clear mark of the disease. He released her as suddenly as he had grabbed her, shouting, "Wh- what are you?!" and shifted away. The girl glanced around at the crowd, now staring at her. She stood out from anyone else in the street, as she had multicolored hair and long ears. She quickly ran off, frightened of the harsh gazes.
  7. You just need to practice more, it's good for a try. Look for the shapes the shadows make in the form and blend the different shades together. I like it, though
  8. Yeah, that seems about right. Maybe a piano added, if possible, please.
  9. I listened to some of your music, and it's the style that I'm looking for. I would really appreciate it, and I'll do a picture for you in return.
  10. I want a song remixed, or orchestrated. I love the tune, but the instruments they used weren't the best. I can only offer a drawing in return. Keep in mind that I can draw a small amount of gore or blood, but I tend to be rather reserved in other areas. Here's a few samples of the styles I can draw in: And here is the song I wish to be redone: (In case it doesn't show up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6--e8YpfvA4 )
  11. Phantasy Star Portable 1 and 2. Also, KH:BBS, Final Fantasy Crisis Core, and Dissidia.
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