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Tell-Tale Heart

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Everything posted by Tell-Tale Heart

  1. This will not work, I've seen it before. I'd rather not go into detail, but people will want specific roles and might even fight over them, and so many people involved mean a lot will change, confusing the work, and people will cause drama behind the scenes. It sounds like a good idea at first, but a lot of people end up getting hurt.
  2. Well, he is a demon, so you're close, but he's not exactly an Incubus. He's an Archeduke of Hell, iirc.
  3. Sorry for double posting, but here's another: It's a humanoid O2.... sort of.
  4. I drew this for a friend, it's her PSU character
  5. Thank you so much! Made my day Also, here's an OLD picture, but I liked the background somewhat:
  6. I was christened the Queen of Doom a few years back, so I'm afraid that I can't be the king of anything. :C.
  7. Something I drew for Secant. His characters and concept
  8. I did a painting for once. Well, a digital painting.
  9. Raise and Kusai's characters. They're half brothers. Fan art of Raven from Gravity Rush.
  10. The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures is a must, as well as Tales of Symphonia. I also suggest Super Smash Bros. Melee and Phantasy Star Online Ep. 1 and 2.
  11. I like them, I'm curious where you got the pictures though. They look cool.
  12. They're adorable together <3 I slightly messed up on his expression but I feel that it came out alright.
  13. As giadrosich stated, Ruto has little to lose by her actions. In Jabu-Jabu, she's been in him before, so she probably didn't see it as very risky. And uhm, as for not wanting people to chew her food for her, Samurai, how about walk for her? And when she went to the temple.... well, EVERYONE except her was frozen anyway, so she had nothing to lose and everything to fight for. She didn't have much of a choice, and she probably didn't know that Link would come to save the day, or anyone other than maybe Sheik. Malon said that she did try to disobey Ingo, so she wasn't completely submissive for a time. But she allowed herself to be put in a bad situation because of her concern for the horses. She had everything to lose (horses can be very close emotionally to humans, so they were probably like her friends or even family), and only her own freedom to fight for, which probably wouldn't be much freedom since Ganondorf put Ingo in charge, anyway. Ganondorf, the new leader, had kicked her father out and away, so..... She was not only against the person who now owned the farm, but the person who placed him in that position. Sure, Ruto also went against the one who froze her people, but hey, can't get too much worse than being frozen.
  14. I'm with Ashe on this one. In the dictionary, Amphibians are: 1. A cold-blooded, smooth-skinned vertebrate of the class Amphibia, such as a frog or salamander, that characteristically hatches as an aquatic larva with gills. The larva then transforms into an adult having air-breathing lungs. 2. An animal capable of living both on land and in water. Zoras are capable of living on both land and in water, as we witness in Majora's Mask, they lay eggs that hatch rather fish-like offspring. The offspring did not yet have limbs, only a body and tail. Much like a tadpole. I believe that as they mature, they gain these limbs, like a frog. It would seem very odd to me for a mammal, a human, to be with an Amphibian, similar to a frog. So.... I think that it's good for people to add facts, science, and logic to their opinions, even if it's on fictional characters. In fact, it may give them ideas on their own stories and how to explain the world that they create. Back to the topic.... I'm still with Malon on this one, even looking on it from a more emotional standpoint (Putting race aside for a moment). Ruto sort of forced Link into marriage before knowing him more than a day, Malon treats him more as a friend so far. Malon is portrayed as hard-working, while Ruto forced you to carry her. I'd hate to think that it would go so far as Link being treated as Ruto's slave, but it seems like he would be.
  15. I've mostly spoken to you in the art thread, so I see you as a talented artist who I'm interested in watching as your art develops. Keep at it!
  16. Beautiful, Kusai, I love it 8D I really like how you color your eyes C: ***Edit*** I've been doing commissions lately, so I've been pushed out of my comfort zone. I'm not proud of this one except for the background: This character is not mine, I belongs to someone I met on SL.
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