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Tell-Tale Heart

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Everything posted by Tell-Tale Heart

  1. The man who was hidden underneath his many layers of clothes simply noted the masked man and continued walking. He moved smoothly and quickly, weaving in between people unnoticed. Even when it would seem that he would surely bump into one person or another, he wouldn't disturb them at all. He soon vanished among the crowd.
  2. A man with short, faded red hair passed through the crowd. His empty, somewhat melancholy eyes did not bother to glance at anyone. His figure was well covered in long robes and cloaks. His large collar covered most of his jaw. Underneath his cloak, one could hear sounds of objects hitting each other. They were many weapons of various types. He observed the man purchase the shield and chuckled slightly at the strange interaction, though he kept his distance.
  3. The Wii version is a remake of the Original. It keeps the music (Though in better quality, I think) and the graphics are MUCH better.
  4. I'm a little.... cat.... rabbit.... thing, only able to walk backwards, forward, and jump. But hey, the scenery and music is great 8D
  5. Ives stared at where Alexei had been with a puzzled expression on his face. He shook his head, trying to figure out the impossible event that had just occured. He then returned his attention to the sky. The object was still above the wall of clouds. It was extremely large, but that was the only thing that Ives could be sure of.
  6. Ives turned back to Alexei. "We did have some twists planned, but I haven't heard about whatever's above us," he stated. He began to shift around nervously. "Why wasn't I informed? I hope this doesn't cause any problems," he added.
  7. I suppose I should start posting my stuff here.
  8. Very nice, I kind of Zelda had epic music like this hidden. Also, love the song's guitar.
  9. Ives nodded at Alexei's statement. He then traced the man's gaze to the sky. "Is something wrong?" He asked, curious and worried. Nothing was going to go wrong during the celebration if he could help it. He glanced to Alexei and then back to the sky and also noticed that something was amiss. Something was in the sky that should not be there, and Ives certainly didn't like that.
  10. Ives nodded at the man's introduction. "Sure. Nice to see new faces," he stated as he put his hand to his chin and tapped it with one finger. "Actually, I think that was one of the suggestions," Ives replied to Alexei's question. "Yeah, I think a man who sold bombs mentioned the Goron's talent for explosives," he added, deep in thought.
  11. The Zora thought for a bit. "Well, actually, I live in town. I help organize events, like this carnival. My Name's Ives, just so you know." He pointed to himself at his introduction. He glanced around as he stated, "I'm always open for suggestions. I like for the festival to be a little different each year. Whether it's actually better or not," here he waved his hand slowly in the air, "is up to the tourists."
  12. A Zora noticed Alexei. He was dressed as closely to a Terminan as a Zora could be. He had on a simple light-colored vest, but no shirt, as well as long, straight pants. He approached the red-haired man. "Enjoying the carnival?" He asked with a small, polite smile. His expression showed a slight hint of concern as he looked to the fireworks and back to Alexei.
  13. Adelina shivered from the artic breeze slightly. She listened to Alexei speak, and paused at his statement. "I'm not sure how father would respond to that offer, but thank you anyway," she replied shyly. She gave him a nod as he left, and decided to head back to her father's new establishment.
  14. Adelina looks up at the man, now surprised. "Really? A castle?" She paused for a time, considering his words. "I suppose most of what I know about Termina also comes from books. I've never seen the beach, or the swamp. I haven't been able to visit Snowhead either," she became deep in thought for a time. "I probably would find a way to visit places in Termina, but it's so dangerous outside of town these days...."
  15. As the man finished, Adelina glanced away, looking towards the East. She could see a little of the mountains that assisted in the protection of the Ikana Kingdom. "Ikana... did you really walk all the way to Clock Town?" She shook her head, deciding that may not have been the most polite question to ask. "What's it really like? I've heard a few stories from travelers, but..." Her voice trailed off. She hoped she did not say something to offend the man.
  16. Adelina shook her head. "My family has lived in this town for a long time. To be honest, I've been curious about other places, myself." She looked away for a bit. She then turned to Alexei again. "What about you? Do you mind telling me where you came from?" She seemed to have become more comfortable around the stranger.
  17. The woman took a step back as Alexei bowed. "Oh, uhm.... nice to meet you. I'm Adelina Aldo." she replied nervously. She really had no idea how to respond to this man. "We opened just today, so we probably will have our hands full with customers. I'm going to be cleaning after the crowd has left," she stated, as if to explain why she wasn't at the bar at that moment.
  18. The woman obtained a puzzled look as the man went about his explaination. She was then taken aback by his odd question. "Oh, I..." she stammered for a second, then paused. "I'm really no one special. I'm the daughter of the Milk Bar owner. Other than that, I'm really not much different from anyone else. I mean, we all are a little different from each other, but I'm not that odd...." she rambled on, unsure of how to respond to such a direct, unusual question.
  19. The woman tilted her head and then looked away. "I guess it's really not my kind of thing. I don't mind watching it from a distance, but it's just a little much when it's up close." she replied quietly, slightly suspicious of the man. "What about you, if I may ask?" she inquired cautiously.
  20. The woman continued to stare up at the sky for a time, then turned as someone else entered the entrance to the North area. She studied the red haired man for a moment, considering him. She then began to walk even further away from the exits; trying to put as much distance between herself and the noise from the festivities.
  21. A young woman with long blonde hair walked slowly away from the festivities. She walked wandered past the clock, going behind the massive ticking structure. She stepped into the North area of Clock Town, avoiding the running children as they played. She paused and looked up for a time, watching the night sky.
  22. This was a request by a friend. Some new character he came up with, I think.
  23. A friend sent me a tablet which is how I did the shading and background.
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