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Everything posted by Conker

  1. Baby, something happened... for five minutes... no cereal... so sorry bbyz.
  2. Conker

    This or That?

    Reviving epic thread! Gonna go with Robot, because I feel like it. Shasta soda, or Faygo soda?
  3. Cunning observation, good sir. Though, I must raise you twelve hits of beach sand.
  4. Reviving this topic! Why? Well: My game collection is finally in a state at which I feel I can showcase it(still nowhere near as vast as I'd prefer it be, though), but I do not have a means of taking a picture at this moment. Once I get my new phone through insurance, I will snap and upload pictures.
  5. How do you know this, fine sir? :3
  6. I like the idea. I think, if you would have much more fun doing it, go for it.
  7. Do you have any damn idea what retarded even means, or not? I am going to let you know right now how much your ignorance on the subject offends enrages the evil inner fanboyish inside me?
  8. Words cannot even describe how hard I laughed.
  9. Large ImagesAnd shit like that. Word? Okay, I was bored earlier today, and had fun with my profile. UGH GET OFF MY CASE.
  10. This is sleazy. Plain and simple. Disappointed in this guy.
  11. That looks awesome, and I am glad to finally see this here on the GCN.
  12. I would love to help, but I sadly have nothin'. D:
  13. Pretty cool, pretty cool. I'll gladly post some more of my drawings when I get a new phone; current one's broken, and is my only means of capturing images of my drawings to share online.
  14. Now, if you don't mind, this is in randomness now, and I must take off my clothes and party. WOO-HOO!
  15. "But it seems that everything I say you question negatively and consider it a nuisance, horse, learn to listen and respond kindly to fans with an attitude so arrogant and pedantic, believe me that does not help the project" Whoa, excuse me? Where in the heck did that come from? I'm not responding negatively to you, I am just telling you simple facts. Buddy, you need to get your attitude in check, because mine sure is.
  16. Conker


    Welcome to the GCN, and we're glad to have you! May I please have a link to your tumblr? :3
  17. Lol, I remember this video. The guy seemed like such a drama queen in it.
  18. I ran out of cereal. brb in five minutes.
  19. Welcome to the GCN! I hope you enjoy your stay.
  20. I prefer my method more, actually. It allows me to place this on my computer desk, so it can slowly boil in the tupperware as I work. Once it's done, I can just pop off the lid and get straight to eating without ever having to get up from my chair.
  21. Yeah, it does. It's also called "NFR! The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time NOT FOR RESALE Demo Game Nintendo 64" on the listing. I believe this thing houses some great secrets.
  22. True. I'm sure the seller could provide it to someone who requests it to him.
  23. Warning!This guide is very image heavy. You have been warned. So, since my cat died, I'm feeling pretty sad, and trying to find ways to cheer myself up. I decided I could start by finishing up this ramen tutorial I never had time to complete: Happy eating.
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