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Everything posted by Conker

  1. Not sure why you would expect the large task of completely new items being made for a model swap.
  2. Welcome to the GCN! We're always in high spirits when a new member joins the community.
  3. Well, shame I hate Metro. But yeah, I'll get used to it eventually. And I guess the TV thing they added is nice, too. Now I just need to ask my parents for the Comcast account details, so I can actually use it. :x
  4. http://www.joystiq.com/2011/12/07/report-shigeru-miyamoto-retiring-from-current-position-at-nin/ Dude.
  5. My opinion? The Metro UI sucks, seriously. They are trying to slap it on every product of theirs, and it's getting damn annoying. The NXE dashboard was amazing, and perfect. While I have not updated yet, I am going to dread having to do it to be able to communicate with my friends. I already know I will not like it, because I hate the Metro UI. So yeah, my opinion.
  6. I agree. And while it's all a little closer to me, definitely not in walking distance. I can't just approach my mom or dad, and say something like "Hey, can you drive me to a store so I can demo a game on my 3DS?" Ugh, I am irritated with this approach. Seriously.
  7. It would be nice if more people would leave feedback on your project. :/
  8. ...I can't get demos from the eShop? I really, really, do not see why Nintendo did it that way.
  9. I read all of it. Pretty damn nice so far. Also, my logo looks really nice up there. <3
  10. HELL FUCKING YEAH. /me dances around with Zeth LET US DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY, FRIEND.
  11. Conker

    Hey Guys

    Hell yeah! My bro is here. <3 Welcome to The GCN! You're going to fit right in, trust me. And I am positive people will love the work you do.
  12. I agree with your whole post, but what really caught my eye was that last bit. I agree so much, and it's basically what I've been saying about Skyrim being a reskined Oblivion. Again, I agree.
  13. Honestly, Skyrim doesn't deserve to win a thing. The developers were too lazy to even make a proper PC version. Not to mention, the game is just a reskined Oblivion with a new story thrown on it, whereas Skyward Sword feels like something entirety new in the Zelda franchise. This was sent from Tapatalk. Jelly?
  14. Conker

    ZREO music

    My hands down favorite, of any of their work, EVER, would be the Wind Waker Staff Credits Redux v2. It is... the most beautiful thing, I've EVER heard done with a Zelda song. It literally moves me emotionally, and has me in tears of happiness towards the end of it. It's that amazing. This was sent from Tapatalk. Jelly?
  15. You're right, Zeth. Thanks. This was sent from Tapatalk. Jelly?
  16. That's odd, this just showed up. Must have been approved. Well, you're so wrong, but I am not going to get into something, so I'll leave it at that.
  17. Skyrim is still nothing special.
  18. Whoa! I did not know something like that even existed. D: Now I can stop hopelessly searching for an archive of OoT/MM soundeffect rips on the internet. Thanks for the link!
  19. Yeah, I am going to vote for SS, as well. Skyrim is just another Elder Scrolls(like Zeth said), though I would like to clarify it's nothing special at all. I also fail to see how people get so addicted to it. I have barely any time logged on it, whereas I had 90+ hours logged on SS the first time I beat it.
  20. I started a meme on another forum, where there was a member named Futendra. I started by calling him "Futanari", and then things like Futshoe(basically replacing anything after the Fut with another word), which then had a wave of members making variations of the Fut in his name for a good time. Though, it was a meme for that forum only.
  21. Well, you're kind of trying to force a meme. And I'd imagine people on such a forum would get pissed for that. This was sent from Tapatalk. Jelly?
  22. Well, I will be the first to wish you luck. I certainly hope all goes well for you. This was sent from Tapatalk. Jelly?
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