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Everything posted by Mallos31

  1. I don't particularly want to start a new thread for this, but if someone feels the need, I don't care if it's split off into another one. Does anyone have any documentation on the F3DEX format? I have a couple of games that I'm working on trying to modify (Quest 64 and Dragon Sword 64) I'm fairly okay with F3DEX2 but I can't find a proper conversion.
  2. What's that purpley triforcey arrow down there? Also, this is the most amazing thing I've seen in a while! Thank you so much for giving me something to look forward to
  3. Any thoughts on trying it in the old scene where Jabu Jabu was farther back? Also, any clues as to what causes the dead frame It looks silly.
  4. std::cout << "Welcome to the GCN!\n This place is crazy interesting!";
  5. If it follows the trend many other OoT models do, then it's white because it could have different colour values attached to it like link's tunic. Perhaps a different colour for each fairy coinciding with a medallion or something. Like how MM had one fairy per temple.
  6. I just found my copy of this game yesterday!!! I'm going to play it now
  7. I like it! Though I think of Moosh the polar bear
  8. Alright. I was hoping there was just a simple tool for it. Thanks. I'm really looking forward to playing some of my mods on the real deal. That and learning how to make things hardware compatible. EDIT: I have used the tool, it said it was okay, and it still gave me the same error on hardware. Anything else I need to do?
  9. What do I need to do to the Debug Rom to make it work on hardware? It just said Bad CRC
  10. This isn't about the everdrive, but I think it's cool. I was browsing the internet, and I found this article today listed under april fools jokes. Time to prove people wrong. http://www.technobuffalo.com/2014/03/03/modder-working-on-hdmi-output-for-nintendo-64/
  11. Very clever! I keep forgetting about April Fool's day, so it makes the jokes a lot more fun
  12. Awesome! Well, I bought one. Now I wait. I want to be able to play hard to find games and mods. I'm working on getting my stuff to work on hardware, and still trying to figure out Quest 64 to try and mod that.
  13. I just wanted to know, is the Everdrive the best to get? If so, which version has everyone had the best luck with? I'll buy one as soon as I get a response and I'll help test stuff on hardware for those of you who need it.
  14. Why did I see that coming? Probably because people have called me Jesus for years XD But I have been growing it for like 5 years. I started growing it when I found out my dad was sick, and I'm keeping it now in his memory for as long as I can keep a job with long hair. But thanks guys!
  15. I know this was posted forever ago, but do you have this stuff logged anywhere? I'd love to see!
  16. Wow. I'm so stupid today... As I said in the ugly mug topic, just worked a 13 hour shift, and I don't think my brain wants to brain.
  17. For some reason, I always look pissed in pictures that aren't candid. But this one may very well be because I took it after working a 13 hour shift LOL
  18. Where would it be used for adult Link? I was pretty sure the broken bridge was part of the map geometry, but I may be totally off.
  19. Well, that explains why the stalchildren were freaking out when you made the epona mod! XD
  20. How do you get sketchup or any other 3D modeling program to calculate in "units" anyway?
  21. Does anyone have any idea what causes the crazy polygon explosion and occasional interface removal when there's bad models on the map? I've always been curious as to why something completely unrelated to link could grab one of his vertices and attach it to some crazy place. Also, I always liked Mr. Buttchin. He's awesome.
  22. I always felt that castle town in TP was somewhat based off of Clock Town anyway. So that works.
  23. Yup. I'm waiting for the one Nintendo keeps trolling us with. I think they're trying to decide between WiiU and 3DS. Otherwise they would have it out already.
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