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Everything posted by Mallos31

  1. Haha it's been far too long since I've played MM. I think... uhhh.... 2005. I'm just waiting for a remake before I play again.
  2. Whoa. Now that you have that idea, it could be traced back and proved I'm assuming rather easily. Seeing as you, and a few others here are awesome at assembly breakpoints.
  3. What method and tools are you all using for finding what addresses and code are being referenced?
  4. My friend just brought up the fact that there WAS the giant stalchild captain in Majora's Mask. And you had to like, ride away from it. Dunno. Maybe that was already in existence from OoT and unused.
  5. A couple of tips, don't push random characters when you have two or more CPU players. It crashes the game well over half the time. If you want to complete any events, do them in the normal game. Not Project M. They replaced some maps with others e.g. Skyloft, sandbag testing area, etc... and it glitches, or just straight up crashes. Otherwise, IT'S AWESOME!!
  6. I haven't been really keeping up to date with this lately, but does it support different object sets yet?
  7. Does it do it based on needed space, or does it just find the next empty space?
  8. Does OoT use UVs? I've messed with UVs in like Maya and imported the models and they looked right, but I'm sure it probably calculates them differently. I'm sure an editor could be made in the style of Maya's
  9. Mallos31

    cant get npc

    Yeah, you happened to pick one of the only actors that can't be put into other maps (easily)
  10. Have you found any other cool stuff yet?
  11. I'm about to lose it! It can't come fast enough, and I'm excited as hell!
  12. Bullll. Java can do anything! Have these people SEEN Minecraft and Runescape? That's some pretty crazy Java stuff!
  13. That is my plan for the most part. I want to recreate just the screens for now, and then start connecting things by making them up. And like you say, with Dodongo's cavern, I'm going to pick the versions that seem most playable, and maybe tweak them a little. Some were far too simple, and some were based on link's ability to jump with a button so would be difficult to put in.
  14. I did. I actually still work on it, but it's so large scale and requires so much MIPS programming that it's veeeery slow. But yeah! I've already started on the beta dodongo's cavern as it had the most screenshots. At least of the first room.
  15. Mallos31

    F3DEX2 Lighting

    Very nice! Geez, that's almost the kind of tree I need for my Oracle of Ages remake I started.
  16. Okay, so I've been bored with the general stream of life I've had lately. I decided to start back up on a project I started years ago back when TBT was still alive. I want to attempt to recreate as many of the beta screen shots from OoT as possible using my 3d modeling skills, my new-found love of texturing, and even trying a valid attempt at some MIPS. I found thousands of beta screens at http://www.jaytheham.com/zcw/Ocarina_of_Time_Beta_Content of course, JayTheHam having the greatest collection of beta and glitch information I've ever seen. There were a lot of completed things that are waaay different, and I just want to do it for fun. Possibly as just a ton of separate mods, or maybe one big one at the end. I just want some feedback to see if anyone would be interested in seeing the progress I make. If so, I will post it in this thread.
  17. The game also seems to save some other frames in the buffer. Some crashes cause the "song of soaring" screen to come up, then the bar of doom.
  18. Exact same thing happened to me, but the rest of the skin on my pinky came with it too. Along with that, I cut myself across the knee with a broken piece of coffee cup, so deep that I didn't even notice until my dad started freaking out, I got that same knee broken by a guy in basketball who kicked the side of it, I got in a fist fight with some guy, missed his face, busted through the wall, but busted all of my fingers while I was at it (there was a metal bar behind the drywall) and just today, I kicked aside a pile of clothes in my sister's room, only to find that there was a partially dismantled VCR under them, that happened to have a reeeeeally sharp corner. That corner ripped my foot from the tip of my middle toe, down to the arch. Again, didn't notice until I turned around and saw the carpet was covered in blood. I probably should have gone and got stitches, but I had work, so I just wrapped it up, and put on my shoes. We'll see how that goes.
  19. This is the game that was turned into Starfox adventures right?
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