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Everything posted by luigiisdead

  1. Stalfos. they have a sword and shield, and have a neat set of attacks. hmmmm... i wonder what it's final smash attack would be?
  2. I'm doing a small dungeon mod, but i'm a having a small issue. as soon as i move the block, save and reset, it dissapears completely. it's in the well, and i was wondering how to fix this.
  3. here is a possible redesigned redead. (i did this in ms paint as a concept) I will now confirm this as the new redead in our mod. making enemies look different is a goal i'd like to reach. There are new weapons too. we haven't exactly decided on names yet. There are also 5 new custom dungeons themed after the 5 adult dungeons. some bosses may get facelifted. We will be doing custom music imports, new maps entirely, some redesigned enemies, and an updated story to add to what i had planned before. Each Temple will be heavily based on it's element. The forest temple will be waayyy more woody than before, The fire temple will have more lava, and more, uh well fire. The water temple? you guessed it. It will contain a big waterfall (uh oh, spoiler) The shadow temple will be more dark and scary than ever, with enemies to add to the all out scare-fest, and the spirit temple will have 4 other areas, similar to ganon's town in WW. after those trials, you will scale the massive tower and.......(you'll have to wait for that) BTW, i planned the shadow temple to be scariest, spookiest, and most deadly dungeon in the game. not super mega hard, but it will have plenty of traps. now, other than that, no more info until further plans are made and set in place
  4. i could make a better one. this one is suppost to be an 8 bit sprite, but seeing what the NES could handle, it could be better. who knows, i might do a little nes zelda 1 mod that replaces the magic shield with the M S. thanks for the feedback
  5. hey guys, some of you know me, some of you may not, but i wanted to say hi even though i should have posted this like 2 weeks ago lol
  6. the blue mirror shield would be awesome! thanks for liking my sprite, too. i used the in game's icon to guide me
  7. for graphics, maybe just some vertex editing on certain maps. You can do all that stuff if you want to, i though you were also working on something else. if you can do it, hell yeah go for it. i'll take care of the fire temple and well though. i made an article with a link in my sig. the article will be changed a bit now, since it's just us do the project. I wonder who can do the cutscenes...
  8. Well, It's time I face it. My mod is impossible alone. well, it was until Sanguinetti joined Jason777 also contributed too. Sanguinetti has joined and so far he's doing dlist mods. I have jason777 working on the ending and text I need someone to each do a dungeon, mine are too easy (exept the fire temple) some asm mods maybe if anyone has any ideas on what to do, someone to do cutscenes Someone to import custom music Someone to mod the graphics A tester, and someone to make a neat title screen and maybe fix the n64 logo at the start. I liked what Zeth did to make external music play in the game, and maybe someone could do that too. I do wish to keep the same boss music for bongo bongo though. I had a feeling i couldn't do it all myself. I'm glad sanguinetti and jason are helping, but i need a few more people to help (It makes everything go bit faster when there are more people working on different parts of the game) Credit will be given to those who help, including those who give helpful info and feedback on the mod. The dungeons and overworld may be done from scratch, since my work wasn't he best and i may have messed up some map's collision data too, invisible wall, and sometimes the ground becomes non-solid. the fire temple though, i'll do that one a bit more. anyone who wants to help can PM me. i'll be setting up skype on my pc soon, so then i can talk to the team about the mod, and how much is getting done so i can update the thread i posted about the game.
  9. I made this with the normal red color, then i made one using windwaker's blue color. i like the blue one more... maybe do it in OoT too, if i knew how to mod the colors, but anyways, this is one of my first sprites i made.
  10. I've seen plenty of Gmod videos, and they are funny no doubt, but i decided to take on a whole new thing. Making OoT parodies using the original game. The time it takes to make an episode is about 20 minutes, coming up with ideas, text editing, recording, retaking some scenes i messed up on... anyways, it's an experiment, and i do plan on improving it. i hope it turns out to be a funny little show... I think the next one will be "Linky Balboa vs Clubber Ganon" heheheh, i plan on making a small rocky parody in the next one...
  11. i'm glad i have a team to help with this project. i never did come up with a title screen though.
  12. i like the idea. i kinda lost hope on mario when nintendo started recyclng the old games. look at the wii and what it's capable of. Why would nintendo go back to sidescrolling games? SM64 in my oppinion was far from linear, since you can beat the levels in almost any order, you can explore the world and look at the scenery,, and all that cool stuff. even the zelda games are starting to undergo the same downfall. btw, how many times has OoT be rereleased or remade? MQ, OoT3D, Being on gamecube, blah blah blah, where's the creativity and originality in that, Skyward sword seems to be what i call, "Just another zelda game with the same old crap. i don't look at nintendo the way i used too. i'm acctually siding with RARE, just because at least their games have originality. Perfect dark, Conker, Banjo, you know, when they make a new game, it IS new, new as in, not recycling the old shit. when nintendo started doing that, i kinda lost interest and almost quit playing nintendo games completely because of it, with the exeption of the WW, and any other games that predate it due to the fact that , you can't just beat the game in one sitting. I see why you want the game to go back to the old style of open world exploration. That is something that can be original no matter what, even in new games. SM64 revolutionized it's use and now nintendo looks at it like it's an obsolete thing in their games now. RAREWARE FTW
  13. the hover boots isn't an issue. thanks man. also, alphaheiti, they are on my site and still on glitchkill. i will post them here soon. and i'llmake some new ones too. the mirror shield and hammer come as a ppf right? i'm wondering because i also sometimes use ips patches too. but i'd rather have a ppf. easier to patch.
  14. just joined, and i like this forum more than Glitchkill. i hope i learn a lot of things from you guys.
  15. I started a full game hack of OoT back in june, and it's gone through several changes. now there a 4 dungeons total. the game will be short, but that's because it's a solo project. the dlist hacking will hopefully be done by sanguinettimods. i PM'ed him on youtube anyways.... It's about link waking up to find hyrule infested with monsters. he travels the land and ends up fighting the witches. the dungeons in order are Shadow temple, Forest temple, Fire Temple, Spirit temple. I'm trying to make the game as linear as i can. other than dlist hacks, i just need to finish the text editing and it will be finished.
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