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Gump last won the day on June 29 2014

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About Gump

  • Birthday 11/16/1995

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    Video games, America Football, NE Patriots, among other things.


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  1. No worries guys, community is good for now! We're all set!
  2. Honestly, I like this a lot. It would simplify the modding process so much. Why mod the game when you have complete control in Unity? Keep up the good work SoD!
  3. College orientation. From left to right, that's Mike, Kya, and me! Had so much fun!
  4. system.out.println("Hello there!");
  5. To be honest, I've felt like the actor list should be condensed into different sections, like Actors/Enemies, Actors/Puzzle, Actors/Villagers, for awhile now. Always found the big list to be unnecessarily long, especially for when I'm working on dungeon puzzles. Why do I need to see the entire list when I'm using a select few actors to make puzzles?
  6. I'll relabel the thread to include a NSFW tag, but I must ask you to put in a spoiler tag and label it as such. For example... --------------------------------------------------- Following is NSFW! Viewer discretion is advised! --------------------------------------------------- ^- Note that this is merely an example, and the spoiler does not actually contain any inappropriate content. This is my only request.
  7. Link is going Postal! Haha oh god, gotta love those sandbox games that let you do basically anything. With this hack OoT essentially becomes a sandbox game.
  8. Is it wrong of me to think of GTA when I see this? Because seriously, I feel like I'm watching Grand Theft Triforce right now.
  9. Gump

    This or That?

    Parcour. The reality is is that parcour is just plain badass. Singleplayer or Multiplayer games?
  10. Gump

    This or That?

    Traditional. There's just something about it that I prefer. American Football or Soccer?
  11. Gump

    This or That?

    Coffee. Tea just leaves a bad flavor in my mouth for whatever reason. Oreos or Chips Ahoy!?
  12. WARN! Haha, kidding. For clarification then, anything to do with the past actions of Cen are not to be brought up. Leave all prejudice at the door, this topic is to speak about his, simply put, brilliant hack. We all know the difference between right and wrong here.
  13. Before I go on, let me make this clear: any member inciting any drama whatsoever will be warned and will have their post removed. If any member sees another member inciting any drama, please use the REPORT button. Do not respond, ignore the message. If you are caught responding to the message in such a way that could be seen as inducing more drama, you will get warned as well. Please make all of our jobs easier in cleaning up a thread if there is drama in it. Have respect for your fellow members. That being said, I'm really interested in seeing more of this. I'm pretty amazed at how far this has come, always wanted to play multiplayer OoT with a friend but it never really worked out for obvious reasons.
  14. Alright, I'm locking this thread. Feel free to make another one, but any accusations against anyone are not allowed. I apologize to anyone who may feel this is unjust, but if we're going to discuss this any father, it will be a drama free topic. Seriously guys, we're fighting over a god damn video game, and we claim we're mature? Once again, if Jazz/Cen would like to create another topic, they have my consent, and it is to be, once again, DRAMA-FREE.
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