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About Siren

  • Birthday 07/20/1989

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    United Kingdom
  1. Hey folks, I didn't know if I ever posted an introduction thread, but the name is Siren now, I use to be Epic Penguin. I am more a lurker but when I do post its more blunt truth then anything. I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself since a lot of the members have already.
  2. Curious why you won't put this in patch format as most of the folks who come on here are not ASM orientated and don't use Nemu since its mostly used by hackers not players?
  3. Plan to get a Wii U, looks pretty top notch, funny part it has more connectivity then SEN and unlike failed 360 and its the only console in the market you have to pay to use its online services. Free online is the way to go while providing other services, M$ better learn to follow in the real trend.
  4. Just trying to show that you can make a big difference in the quality of work you put forth and a lot of projects can learn from this. Let's compare these two based of just texture atm. Looking at the eyes, The Ura teams feels more alive, welcoming where the one to the left in C-force's seem more blank staring, almost that dead stare. Now between the vines and the chains, while the chains is an interesting concept it seems to just cut off randomly and not really make sense on its holding together where in URA's is textured to make look like its grasping on better. Colorwise, Ura's feels more vibrant where the one on the left feels lacking of color, personally not fitting for any fairy like being. Looking at the clothing, you can see it lacks flowing together and if you are to work within Ninty's texturing mapping, it really needs to work correctly which would boost the quality of the work. Now to go with the modification side of things, as you can see, in C-force's he's just using rice video and there has been no actual modification where as in Ura's, they not only added wings, improved textures, a new head, but overall a better looking fairy then the original. Doing a texture edit via an external emulator plugin can only get you so far, so please...ANYONE who wants to do a project, please, the more effort you put into a project, the more work and things you do to make a modification, the better the outcome! I think personally we can all learn from this. Looking at Ura should be for great inspiration on what can be done and what amazing projects could spawn from it!
  5. Reminds me of my parent's home videos LOL
  6. Please tell me its not another project you're going to abandon later on cause you get bored with it or don't want to do it anymore. I know this may come off as flaming and I apologize right now to the mods, but I've seen this guy make several projects, get bored and just start a new one up a month later. I would like to see mods people actually complete not abandon two weeks later.
  7. I will never understand why people want to restore a beta that was terrible in design, lacking in features, and was more primitive then Mario 64.
  8. That's just a domain expiring issue, everything did switch over to the new year where a lot of domains are up. I saw a lot go like that after it hit midnight on New Years.
  9. Siren

    Replacing Navi

    What magical tool is this that can replace sounds in N64 games?
  10. Siren

    Replacing Navi

    Didn't that fkualol person do something similar with Majora's Mask music in OOT?
  11. Sup dawg, hope you enjoy the community man, its a pretty good bunch here.
  12. Don't own a portable 3D box but I plan to get one once they add the second thumbstick as part of the system and not a side gimmick. THEN I CAN LIVE MY LIFE IN 3D!
  13. Can we say dumbass? Yes, yes we can!
  14. Siren

    Replacing Navi

    How possible is it to replace Navi with Tatl? Navi's voice is soooooo fucking annoying, its probably one of the annoyances of having to play through when you got HEY LISTEN every 5 mins. Tatl was so much less annoying and the chime was nice ._. If one of those amazing hackers could like do this and release it for the community, you will be loved forever and solved the age old annoyance.
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