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Everything posted by Aedus

  1. >sees old friend >is at the beach >life is good. Good to see you around again, jaZz. Also, fun fact, sakura and Medli are the same person. Also, additional fun fact, Aedus = Naxy's non-admin account. XD
  2. Aedus

    This or That?

    Fuck both of them. BlackBerry. Leaping spider or howling spider?
  3. I have relocated to a significantly more aquaeous environment to emulate a reasonable facsimile of vacating my normal premises. Ergo, I (Naxylldritt) will not be serving in my administrative duties for the week. Deal w/ it :coolface:
  4. Teej ones again swoops in with brilliant advice. Treadmill or just a neighborhood road plus some tunes and just half an hour a day kills both time and pounds. Believe me, I speak from experience. Web design is a rapidly booming industry. Considering you have a talent for PhotoShop creations, I recommend looking into CSS. Even at your age you could make some serious money creating a small site for someone. When I was just 17 I took up a programming job that took about a month to finish and earned me 500 USD. Don't be daunted by your youth; get out there, talk to people, develop a portfolio to showcase your work, and you could end up living quite comfortably for someone your age.
  5. I am surprised Avaaz hasn't been doing more to fight these bills. I've seen only a single petition so far making a public outcry against SOPA which got 1.2 million signatures. Considering Avaaz is often involved in European affairs regarding suppression of freedom, shouldn't they be acting against ACTA as well?
  6. I like the part where xdan and Teej said things, they arer my new favorite people on the internet. Seriously, deku, just let it go. Threads like these don't help your situation at all.
  7. Four people very close to my family died last year along with our dog. On top of that, my grandmother is now essentially incapacitated in the hospital with cancer in her kidneys, lungs, vocal cords and bones. As if that weren't enough, one of my closest friend's grandmothers has just been diagnosed with leukemia. My computer died a week ago and it cost me 40 USD to replace--not a huge deal but stil annoying for a soon-to-be college student. I'm currently stacked with Psychology and Statistics homework, which is tedious for both and obscure for the former. That's about all for now, I guess.
  8. That involves several Americans not being greedy (read: impossible). It also involves fascism not being the new democracy in America (read: also impossible).
  9. Are you kidding? Seriously? MegaUpload gets shut down instead of RapidShare? They have WAY more illegal downloads than any other site. That's the only reason anyone pays for it. As long as ifile is still up, I don't see any reason to get more outraged than normal. ifile and MediaFire are the only worthwhile file sharing sites, in my not-so-humble opinion.
  10. Once again having issues with my computer, this time a power supply that seems to have failed after just two years of operation. I don't know how long it will take to either correct the problem temporarily or replace the unit altogether, but we're probably looking at something between a few days to two weeks. Knock on wood that I don't have this problem again.
  11. LET HIM DO IT, FOR GOD'S SAKE, LET HIM DO IT Seriously, we need a lawlsuit case that doesn't piss me off to all merry hell. Also, those images better be permanent. This should become copypasta and spam'd all over the internets, such is its glory. Also, HOLY SHIT, I found out who this guy is! This is Simon of 27bslash6. Tell him to invent a time machine and he'll have a 7% chance of success.
  12. You'll need to use Zelda Resource Extractor (ZRE). It's a fairly simple tool which mainly runs with arguments but can be run without them (i.e. just double-clicking the application) if you don't know how create batch files or run programs from command line. The program will ask you where your ROM is and then dump out the contents of it in a subfolder of wherever ZRE is--don't worry if it says the file size is abnormal, it will still work. If by some egregious turn of events no one beats me to the punch, I'll upload the program for you to use when I get home in about 7 hours. For a reference, if you're just trying to load up models or change actors, you would probably be much better off using either the newest Utility of Time or xdaniel's SayakaGL. These read directly from the ROM and do not require files to be extracted (though UoT still supports loading individual files).
  13. Someone really ought to upload an iFile or MediaFire mirror for this. MegaUpload does a really shitty job of keeping a connection and forces me to wait for about 10 minutes after the download freezes, which is really annoying. No, I can't use torrents.
  14. Everything in this thread, from the content to your signature to your avatar, is made of win and/or hilarity.
  15. Got half of it so far. Will get the other half tomorrow while I can still borrow an alternate connection.
  16. Aedus

    Really BIG News

    QFT This will become the norm eventually (or an even better spin-off if this doesn't end up out of beta), given enough time and barring Rebecca-Black-related disasters.
  17. This makes sense both in the context of the game and from a developing standpoint. In the latter case, that's probably going to be implemented later because it isn't as important to show off in tech demos for the most part. In the former case, Skyworld is supposed to be pretty far up in the clouds above ground, so it's anyone's guess as to how much it's affected by gravity in an orbital sense. For all we know it could always be in sunlight, thereby resulting in no day-to-night transition. That was essentially the excuse used with City in the Sky in Twilight Princess, anyway, so for consistency's sake they might recycle this reasoning for the purposes of Skyward Sword's setting. Either way, when they do implement environment shading with day-night transitions, I'm sure the surreal art style will blend well with the ambience.
  18. The complaint probably stems from the unwelcome juxtaposition of Twilight Princess models given cel-shaded Wind Waker-style textures. These are probably the same people that despise the mere existence of Toon Link. Personally, I'm getting used to (and actually somewhat fond of) the surreal artistic presentation.
  19. Is there any transparency in the ground polygon you've got behind the gate? That rendering error happens all the time in SketchUp; multiple alpha channels seem to be generally hated by every computer on the planet.
  20. ASM hacking at its finest. You put it the best: very extremely. For funsies, you should add in (or do a sister hack) for minibosses. No, I'm not still butthurt that Dark Link didn't make it into the boss rush.
  21. Zeth has been a bit busy, far as I know, so just be patient, Hellraiser. He'll get to this topic eventually.
  22. Here's hoping for a press release by Nintendo to set the record straight in the near future. You'd think multitouch technology would be commonplace by now.
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