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Everything posted by Wooffadog

  1. this thread is so dumb its beyond laughable, it scares me..
  2. sometimes i eat it raw/not boiled and put the flavour pack in bit of hot water and dip the hard noodle square in the flavoured water
  3. Sorry if this image is a bit too big. I always thought the gamecube controller was like a cousin of the X360 controller itself. I'll show you what i mean: I FEAR CHANGE
  4. WARNING! I'm gonna get real pessimistic I dont like the new controller. :/ why not stick with the game cube controller, it was almost perfect IMO. The new Wii U controller looks annoying to use. The buttons aren't even colour coded. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK ABOUT THE NEW CONTROLLER?
  5. I just heard that drinking/eating stuff from plastic containers and bottles lowers your testosterone alot and some other bad stuff and thus causing multiple health problems in men later on in life. (And women too probably)
  6. WHAT IS THIS BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE GREAT ZETHN64 **Shhuunnnnnnn** **Shhhhhhuuunnnnnnn***
  7. boiling shit in plastic is bad for you man
  8. I reckon they should remake the 3ds full-stop haha.
  9. ive also got a question. I understand that hex digits go from 0-F but all i can do is edit text, how did you guys learn how to progress from that, what more can i learn about hex editing and how? etc
  10. Whats the "XPLORER" thing on the ps1 do?
  11. make her skinnier between the boobs and waist, and give her bigger boobs, make her arms thinner and her thighs thicker maybe raise the belt, (If possble) AND A BIG JUICY ASS
  12. WAO youre pretty good at that thing they call a kemputerr
  13. :'( my family threw out/sold most of our games long long ago
  14. i bet that in the end this guys going to be shamefully playing/enjoying the result of the URA project anyway
  15. i know tornadoes are tragic and all, but still thats awesome/crazy as in like WOOOAAAH TORNADOES
  16. cool beans battman itd be even cooler if he did a frontflip
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