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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. En Español espero que les haya gustado! in English I hope you enjoyed! his Facebook page support him! https://www.facebook.com/Yuri.Fandubs?fref=nf
  2. this is one of the best for me. I Love it
  3. Well everyone has things that they like or maybe not but I did not know there were "food"
  4. well maybe one of you already saw this for me this is great. Sonic and Zelda are some of my favorite games
  5. thanksI've also watched Death Note as 13 times is one of my favorite anime too!
  6. you said very welland thanks for welcoming me
  7. I have not been active for many days because I had problems at the Schoolbut now I have no more problems I will try to be a little active in here.
  8. ok not know where to start ...but I have a long time to be a member on this site(nothing in mind I have nothing to say xD)sorry for my bad English if I said something wrong but I'm learning it
  9. I can not download I get this PPF30? Patch created with PPF-Studio v1.01???? ¸ x ®????? <? € "5? Fu 'AX ®??????'? CX ®?????? <? €? 4"] <? €? ¥ 4] Œ <? €? 79 ^ Œ <AX ®????? €? 4c ^ |????
  10. thanks friend as my father went into the military service of Mexico was shot in the knees 2 times and once in the chest but still alive and I'm serious.
  11. No rounds penetrated his body armor, and he made it home with no permanent injuries. This happened in Kunar Province, Afghanistan. *READ* From the cameraman: " I got a hit a total of 4 times. My helmet cam died and i made it down the mountain on my own. I was also hit in the side of my helmet and my eye pro was shot off of my face. We were doing overwatch on the village to recon and gather intel. I was point heading down the face of the hill with the LT. when we got hit. the rest of the squad was pinned down by machine gun fire. I didn't start the video until a few mins into the firefight for obvious reasons. I came out into the open to draw fire so my squad could get to safety." "A round struck the tube by my hand of the 203 grenade launcher which knocked it out of my hands. When I picked the rifle back up it was still functional but the grenade launcher tube had a nice sized 7.62 cal bullet hole in it and was rendered useless. "
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