SM64 music:
Zelda 64 music:
Thanks to xdaniel for the SF64 Toolkit, it helped mainly for easier editing of the files and CRC issues.
The sequence format is pretty similar to SM64's and sequences from SM64 should work with little or no modifications. I've yet to test anything from Zelda 64 but I know there are a few differences between its format and the one used by SF64, I'm unsure how much editing is needed to get the sequences playing though. It should be possible to import sequences made with messiaen's music tools for SM64 with no issues.
The sequence format SF64 uses seems to be between SM64's and Zelda's (makes sense seeing as it was released between these two games), sequences from Zelda 64 might import properly but there may be some unsupported commands used in some sequences which would explain why I got a crash after a few seconds when I imported the boss battle music from MM and not with other sequences I've tried. The main difference in the format is that SF64 uses 9x for track pointers in the channel header (like SM64) but Zelda 64 uses 8x.
Random notes:
0x000DA030 = music sequences file
sequence pointer table at 0x000BFDE0 (ROM)
00xx = number of sequences
--[14 bytes of 00]--
sequence pointers:
xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy wwzz0000 00000000
x = start offset relative to file offset (0x000DA030)
y = size
w = unknown
z = sequence type?
some have 000000xx 00000000 wwzz0000 00000000, sequences may be unused or needs figuring out
0x8032EDE0 = sequence in RAM (Venom 2)
0x8034D370 = sequence in RAM (Corneria)
sequence number 0x02 (Corneria):
offset: 0x000E31D0 (ROM), 0x000091A0 in sequence file, size = 0x00002D80