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Everything posted by xdaniel

  1. Well, I was referring to the program, but yeah, that's the Deku Tree in the first screenshot. The second one is a part of Hyrule Field, btw, just like this:
  2. SayakaGL v0.2, last version ever, binary and source: https://www.the-gcn.com/topic/186-sayakagl-new-zelda-ootmm-level-editor/?p=38810 April 19th, 2011, SayakaGL v0.1.1 Public: http://magicstone.de/dzd/random/sayaka/SayakaGL_v011.rar(Original post below)http://i.imgur.com/eluCZ.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/x8gEx.png
  3. So, yeah, general anime thread. I'm currently following 4 series: IS Infinite Stratos, Mitsudomoe Zouryouchuu, Onii-chan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara Ne!! and Mahou Shoujo (Puella Magi) Madoka Magica. And Madoka Magica...
  4. Salvage66: I'm saying that you should get the contents of that folder, build the library, and add that library to your project. Then you look at the files I mentioned in DLViewer's source code and get an idea how to use it, as I haven't written any proper documentation for it yet. Don't just add the folder to your program; it's a library for a reason (= code reusability). Also, while I'll answer any questions and the like about ex. my code, I don't think I'll have the time/motivation to help you with your project directly, in between real life (much going on there), another project or two, anime and games, etc.
  5. http://code.google.com/p/ozmav/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk You'll want libbadRDP (folder badrdp), check out DLViewer's source - badrdp.h, then main.c, dlist.c - on how to interface with it.
  6. Granted, but you never learn about your ability, and if by chance you ever do, the universe will end. I wish for the motivation to clean up my apartment.
  7. OZMAV2 Win32, Nov 10 2010 21:12:13 - http://code.google.com/p/ozmav/downloads/detail?name=OZMAV2-Nov102010-211213.rar ZSaten Win32, Dec 01 2010 21:04:12 - http://code.google.com/p/ozmav/downloads/detail?name=ZSaten-Dec012010-210412.rar OZMAV2 work-in-progress: Better actor editing interface, if only slightly. Main positive thing about it is that changes are visible in real time, as long as it's in OZMAV2's capabilities to show/use them in the first place (thus no variables, for example). Also: ZSaten, an already rather full-fledged OpenGL-based actor viewer, including animations. And I can't help myself but post what is the first post of ZSaten's thread at Z64: ALL HAIL QUEEN GOHMA! (...that Gohma screenshot is technically outdated already, but I'm too lazy to take a new one just for the build date in the window title bar, and different placement of the HUD elements )
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