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Everything posted by Secant

  1. For your former point, here are a list of games which (I think, anyway) make incredible use of audio to enhance the feel of the game: BIT.TRIP: Runner (for extremely obvious reasons, if you've played it) Bastion (mainly for the narrator, though Darren Korb is one hell of a composer) Beat Hazard Ultra (essentially a mashup of Audiosurf and Asteroids) Amnesia: The Dark Descent (point source audio helps immensely for immersion purposes) Of those, BIT.TRIP is probably the best for its use of audio, which I'd say is relied on even more heavily than the graphics.
  2. Adding to your addendum, SketchUp Pro's wavefront object exporter should also have an option to exporter all geometry as two-sided faces, although it's a lot less efficient than setting backface culling only for polygons than need it. That, and I think that feature duplicates the entire model and reverses the orientation of every face, effectively doubling the total amount of polygons, but it's still an option for creating a model with two-sided faces.
  3. is this thread still a thing? no? well too bad i'm an admin and i'm reviving it My new avatar is a depiction of one of my original characters, a sharp-witted bard named Soren, as drawn by TellTaleHeart/Elsewhat for a Christmas present. Needless to say, hype ensued--enough to post again after one hell of a semester.
  4. IRL is currently strongly disagreeing with me of late. I'm not sure when (possibly if) I will be back.
  5. Zelda has never really been known for a consistent and logical use of blood effects, and I think that's what people opposed to the idea of Strati's mod are getting at. I personally am inclined toward that mindset as well; I just don't think it would really be a Zelda game, and I don't see realism as a necessity for a game that is intended to take place in a fantasy world. That said, if someone is intent on making a mod to incorporate said realism, then by all means. No one is being forced to use it, although I would recommend creating a separate thread for it so people seeking a debate aren't subjected to possibly gory images they don't particularly want to see.
  6. There I go again cracking open a debate that's unrelated to the original topic >.>; While perhaps a bit over the top for my tastes, I'm pretty much in agreement with what you said with regards to Anita's arguments. Your comment near the end insinuating that she's issuing a catch-22 in that there is no "right" way to treat female characters (or perhaps one extremely vague and obscure way) is one I definitely agree with entirely. If the damsel in distress trope can't be used (even with inversion to undermine female stereotypes), then I can't see her calling for anything but complete and total dismissal of one of the most classic establishments of conflict to drive plot in the history of storytelling. Which, to say the least, is asinine.
  7. While your first point is technically true, this is by a very small margin. According to this report, the actual number of female gamers is about 47% and of the games that are just purchased, 48% are by women. If anything, it's much closer to being split even between males and females when it comes to the gaming market. As for your second point, while it's probably true that most players can more easily identify with characters of their own gender, I would hesitate to proclaim that that automagically means they prefer playing as characters of that same gender. I think it more boils down to how well the story of a game is told and how strong and developed (at least toward the end of the game) a character is to determine how likeable they are in general, regardless of the gender of the player. Thus, if a female protagonist is developed in a way that both genders can identify with using androgynous character tropes, I think there would be hardly any problem with males playing this character. A prime example of this would be Samus Aran, who, if I'm not mistaken, kept her androgyny for the first few games until she was finally shown without her helmet. For what it's worth, here is an article (written by a dude) that argues from the standpoint Anita seems to be taking which, I think, is done in a much better manner by avoiding cherrypicking examples. (It also probably doesn't hurt that he's making a game himself featuring female protagonists.)
  8. Ashe, one day I am going to put a saddle on your back, pull your manly locks of hair back, and ride you into the sunset. Obligatory new dorm (or rather same room with new furniture (fuck yeah)) pic. Squinty eyes because going from falling asleep after sunset to waking up before it in like 2 days,
  9. ohhh me and my projects I never work on (thanks to SanguinettiMods for the Dark Link replacement)
  10. Secant

    This or That?

    Revive this thread. Deep space or deep sea?
  11. Dungeon design isn't exactly my forte, I can work off of a pretty good description but when it comes to formulating puzzles I hesitate to say I do justice to those canon to the series. If you can post that document, Kargaroc, I'll take a look at it and see what I can implement into the architecture.
  12. This could work. Another possibility might be having it activate another random item like the beta items in Majora's Mask did (they all function the same as the pictograph box).
  13. Either way, it's unlikely tunics could be used in conjunction with any puzzles given what there is to work with in the game or based on what could easily be made for this hoax. As for a miniboss in the hierarchy pose, I definitely think this would be a good idea to go with, and traveling to different parts of the dungeon via blue warps could make sense if they were in the room beyond the miniboss chamber. Or, if we went the route of just putting the warp in place of whatever the miniboss might have been, whoever uploads the video could toss in some speculation that based on where the warps lead, the blue warp actor could have originally been a prototype Stalfos and the different locations they lead to could have corresponded to variables determining what kind of Stalfos it was with respect to this particular dungeon. Each floor would have to be a different scene if there's no other connecting rooms between the floors, though.
  14. Kargaroc brings up a good point regarding including time-travel elements, so I don't think we should include anything that would require young Link (unless, of course, this happens to be a result of broken actor numbers). I also don't think it would be a good idea to include extra bosses on each floor; for one, there's just too many--this would quickly become a task possibly over my head by the sheer size of the dungeon, just for the sake of a hoax. Secondly, I don't think it would make much sense for all of the bosses set in the final game to make an appearance in a dungeon that was supposed to be scrapped early on in development. Regarding the architecture of the dungeon, I agree that more hallways will likely be a good idea, so I'll try to take that into consideration when making the layout. I also think it would be interesting to see a "restored" version of the map with correct actor placements, but depending on how the final map ends up being (especially since it will be intended to be unfinished, with some rooms just having random actors that may not even do anything, just being placeholders) this may be somewhat difficult. Although, by the same token, we could also say that some of the rooms had broken map headers which cause crashes, and then release the entire dungeon which is more or less fully functional, claiming to have fixed those headers and whatever else may be applicable.
  15. There's also always the option of removing music altogether and purporting the claim that it referenced an invalid song index number resulting in no background music. Not sure how well that would play into believability, so I'll agree that Chamber of Sages is likely the most fitting.
  16. Perhaps we could use some recreation of the original Legend of Zelda dungeon theme? That's a popularly recurring song throughout the series and would have been suitable as a placeholder for a dungeon being worked on. I'm also definitely in support of having free-floating eye switches; it's unlikely a work-in-progress dungeon would use the same actor values as the final build of the game, meaning there could easily be out-of-place actors present. Spire also mentioned in our conversation some rooms being unfinished and/or having deliberately broken puzzles, like having a mass of enemies to test population capacity of a specific room, or something that can only be traversed by using debug controls. Which also brings up another good question, we're claiming this is on the Debug ROM meaning usage of those controls are fair game, right? Otherwise I suppose bomb hovering or the like is also an option for navigating otherwise broken rooms, though that too might chip away at some of the credibility of the hoax.
  17. Nice mockup for the description Jason, it looks pretty believable to me. I'm going with Spire's reasoning for the Light Temple, that would be the map most people would expect to be left over in the ROM. Just one particular thought for justifying this scene never being found before, would it make sense for it to be compressed in a format other than yaz0? I know spinout and ZZT have both written tools for decompressing the ROM and most people work with pre-decompressed versions of the game anyway, so some people might wonder why this was never found before.
  18. Skype call works great for me personally, and 6-7 PM UTC+2 either Friday or Saturday should work just as well, Friday would probably be the better day of the two. As for a goal for the stream, I feel like building a Nether portal could probably be doable in one session, so we could shoot for that and keep going if we felt like it. Also xdan, I don't see what you were talking about with butchering English pronunciation; you're a damn sight (sound?) more proficient that quite a few native speakers of the language I've heard.
  19. >sees topic thread >oh god what is this >reads first post >YES. Jason, you have my modeling skills (for what they're worth) at your disposal; I'd be happy to try to throw together something for you to work with, just tell me what you need and I'll try to make it happen.
  20. Yeah, I can probably handle the stream, I have an up speed of somewhere around 10 Mbps so that should work fine; I've streamed games like Slender: The Arrival before with a little bit of lag but it was still watchable, so Minecraft should be no problem. Although, going by the best case test you posted, the quality looks great and the FPS seems to be pretty solid as well, so I personally think you could definitely get away with that just fine if you still wanted to stream (it'd also save me having to familiarize myself with justin.tv since I'm used to livestream). I also have two computers available so I can also dedicate one to the server if need be. This weekend will work as long as it's Friday or Saturday, I'll be busy helping my sister move in to her apartment Sunday.
  21. I'd be interested in both watching or, if you wanted to do a multiplayer stream, joining in on the fun.
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