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Posts posted by Secant

  1. Entry FC-0197


    I have been in grievous error all along. The Chosen stand as a gift to the world, symbiotic guardians of stability designed specifically to contain the forces exuded by Kusai. I was a fool to think I could handle this on my own; now more than ever, this is clear to me. At the closing of this log, I will command my underlings to cease any and all hostilities and plans for future assaults against the Chosen--and, by the same token, the GCN Defenders as well. This conflict has evolved beyond a war among us mere mortals; there are forces that no one can control at work, warring for dominance, and to not take shelter behind one side or another likely means death in the crossfire. I have never been a patron of a short life and painful death. This is the only option that makes sense.


    I am at a loss as to what I should do with the results of Project Maple. Ours is the pinnacle of weaponry, surpassing everything humanity has achieved thus far, but as it stands it pales in comparison to the behemoths who front the fields of battle. Still, it is not too late for me to undo my mistakes. If Shadow Fire can make use of our successes, then he will have my assistance. I have spent a long time demanding faith from those who follow me; perhaps it is time I returned the favor.



  2. A mild gripe that a select few individuals might raise a fuss about, but it's much more accurate to say objects instead of groups. Conceptually, yes, it's easier to think of these things as groups in terms of how they work in maps and scenes to load up individual actors, but considering what they actually are, referring to them as objects makes more sense. With that said, I'm not exactly sure what you mean, then, when you refer to objects in your original post--are you talking about files with the extension .zobj or something to that extent?

  3. Uh... what just even happened to this thread? o.o


    Reigning the discussion, as it were, back on topic, this is a pretty impressive import. To answer the question in your original post, as I recall, UoT should have some texture dumping tool, it's just a matter of finding and loading up Epona's model.

  4. The whole concept of the game isn't logical compared to something like real life. So, naturally, adding in excess f-bombs is honestly no big deal at all.


    I disagree. Though the story concept may be unrealistic, that's not at all to say dialogue (as a general concept, not the dialogue in this specific game) is as well. I'm not sure if developers are trying to appeal to a target audience or just have their game come off as more edgy, but I find this sort of dialogue writing ultimately ends up taking all the weight out of the word, and after a certain threshold, it becomes difficult for me to take it seriously--compare a case like this, for example, to children who play Call of Duty online. Conversely, when you come across a game that employs the use of profanity but only in one or two cases, chances are those are scenes that leave a major impact on its players, hence why I would say it's much more effective.

  5. I'll third the joys of spending time with family, but outside that obvious desire, I wouldn't mind getting ahold of Approaching Nirvana's

    , and I've heard enough good things about Kid Icarus: Uprising that getting that would be pretty awesome as well. Beyond that, money to whore out for indie games/bundles is pretty much all I could ask for.
  6. Spoken as someone who's only played the second game for a grand total of 8 minutes out of the entire series, I feel like the first picture more captures the feel of a badass from the darkest depths of hell born to kick the former and raise the latter, while the second just seems more thuglike. I can see why preference might shift toward the original design, but I also don't see any reason to raise such a huge fuss.

  7. inb4 wet pants from all the other staff members


    I'm pretty surprised this was found so soon after the Wii U's launch. Then again, basically everything about it has surprised me; I'm still chuckling to myself that those poor Japanese children won't have the console for nearly another three weeks. XD

    • Like 2
  8. Just so you know your efforts outside N64 modding aren't going to waste, I gave SharpBoy a try a while back when I was setting up my handheld emulators on my laptop, I figured, why not give it a try then? Played Pokemon Crystal for a while and I found the interface to be clean and intuitive, and everything appeared fully functional with no bugs. The debugger, in particular, looks to be a very nice feature, and though I can't say much about its functional value as that sort of thing isn't my forte, it does give me an incentive to look more into it at least for modding GB/GBC games.

    • Like 2
  9. Entry FC-0183


    All good things must come to an end, I suppose the moral is here. Recently I myself managed to withstand an attack from Shadow Fire and offer my counterpoint to his brutal articulations, implying that the Chosen are becoming weak and less capable of fulfilling their role--or perhaps we are growing to the point we no longer need fear them. Oh, if only it were so simple. Project Maple's completion remains a sizable distance on the horizon, yet already both Kusai and the Chosen seem to have gained an astronomical boost in their potentials, something we were truly unprepared for. At this rate, it remains uncertain as to whether we will be able to achieve our ultimate goal; if this is but a mere fraction of Kusai's true potential, then working conditions may well become too unfavorable for progress to continue being made. This also thwarts the planned initial assault against the first of the Chosen, ZethN64, leaving me uncertain as to where Finlandcycles should focus its efforts. We can continue to grow in power, but to what ends? As a whole, it is becoming less and less feasible to handle the forces we work with on our own.


    I fear I may have little other choice than to focus less on harvesting of strengths from my rivals and focus on forming alliances to assist me in achieving my goals, if it can be done. Mishandled, Kusai may very well end up backfiring on us completely and utterly--not just on Finlandcycles, but potentially the world. I will not allow such mistakes to be made.


    For the moment, I believe I will halt all plans to eliminate the first of the Chosen. Never mind the fact that it has turned into a suicide mission; the situation may be salvaged if I can get them to assist me.


    Everything hangs in balance. We will see what becomes of the next few days and move cautiously forward.



  10. But, remember...

    Though you opened the Restaurant of Time in the name of pastries...

    Ganondorf, the Gerudo King of Vegans, used it to enter this forbidden Sacred Kitchen! He obtained the Pieforce from the Oven of Light, and with its power, he became the King of Salad...

    His evil salad radiated from the restaurants of Hyrule, and in seven short years, it transformed Hyrule into a world of vegetables.

    My power now has only little influence, even in this Sacred Kitchen...

    Namely, this Chamber of Sausages.

    But there is still hope...

    The power of the Sausages remains. When the power of all the Sausages is awakened...

    The Sausages' Seals will contain all the evil salad in the void of the Kitchen...

    I, Cumberland, am one of the Sausages...


    Your power to cook together with the Sausages makes you the Hero of Dinner!

    The Hero of Dinner, chosen by the Master Fork!

    Keep my taste with you...

    And, find the recipes of the other Sausages and add their might to your own!





    • Like 1
  11. Entry FC-0178


    The tests with Project Maple proceed expediently. Sanguinetti currently seems to be a worthy candidate for its first practical field test, an event whose coming I eagerly anticipate. The Evil Magistrate continues to grow in power, but it is of little concern to me; if anything, their strength will only facilitate the growth of my faithful. Grow strong, Magistrate; you will lend us your power whether you are willing or not, and we will reap the rewards for the world to enjoy.


    The Chosen remain surprisingly inactive as of late. I suspect the mere writing of this in my journal will tempt the fates, but it is of little concern. We are a prosperous guild, and we will continue to move forward with our goals regardless of those that oppose us. With that said, I feel the feasibility of a major attack is looming on the horizon. It will take some planning and coordination, and perhaps some coaxing from our friends in the dark to orchestrate a brief cooperation, but very soon, we may have only one contender to deal with. Brace yourself, ZethN64: Finlandcycles comes for you.



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