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Everything posted by Secant

  1. Suddenly I am saddened by the fact they have an establishment set up like 15 minutes from the college I'm going to. :I
  2. Maps of towns are always my favorite and I love seeing new work. If I may, I'd like to point out a couple things that might end up being problematic down the line for your project. First, take note of how some of your faces are white while others are a pale blue. The pale blue faces are actually the reverse side of the polygons, which means that when you import them, they won't show up for mesh, or in the case of collision, it will only take effect on the opposite of your intended side (most likely). So, what you want to do is make sure that the white side of polygons (the front) are facing the direction of the area the player will be in. To reverse faces, just right-click and select Reverse Faces. Also, I just noticed Jason beat me to it--too lazy to delete this part of the post. :V The other thing I notice is that you've elected to fully build your guardrail for the upper balcony on the Bombchu bowling alley. While this may end up being fine, you may eventually run into the problem of excess geometry for your mesh, which can cause quite a bit of lag. Don't forget that you can often use textures with transparency to simulate more complex geometry much like the game does with fences, and I heartily recommend you take advantage of this. In a similar vein, you can also probably axe quite a bit of the polygons which make up the slant side of roofs that are outside the map. Try to build in the mindset of "if you can't see it, it shouldn't be there." That will help you cut down your map's polygon count considerably, which opens up a project to more people by avoiding lag. With that said, best of luck to you and your project, looking forward to seeing how it comes along.
  3. If these are the only two similarities, I have a feeling someone is just trying really really hard to make accusations. These are coincidental similarities at best; if anything, some very vague elements may have been inspired by the games, since the premise of an Adventure Time game seems like it would be of a similar vein to Zelda, albeit with a far less coherent plot, as I understand the nature of the show. Not to mention, they're comparing it to two different Zelda games.
  4. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=blender+tutorials
  5. Almost all mods are done on the Debug ROM of OoT, so you need to be using that, for starters. Modding Zelda really isn't a walk in the park compared to other games, because unlike some titles there's no official tools to take advantage of, and the game engine is much more complex than that of any 2D game that you see dozens of mods for. Everything we know and do is based on experimentation and notes documenting file formats and such. I definitely recommend starting small with experiments to get your feet wet before jumping in with a full-blown mod. Also, editing your post is preferable to multi-posting. Just a friendly reminder.
  6. I honestly find the GameCube controller to be one of my favorites, it fits pretty comfortably and has a unique, memorable layout. The Wii U pro controller seems to take more after a standardized, symmetrical design, which, while potentially easier on the hands, I do find to be a less than welcome shift toward the mainstream. Then again, dat sleek black shininess :V
  7. Wait, what? Nintendo releases a console in North America before Japan? 2012 IS REAL
  8. Automatic generated message This topic has been closed by a moderator. Reason: This project as been shut down due to ToS violations. If you disagree with this action, please report this post and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind regards, The Gamer's Collective Network Staff
  9. I heard from somewhere that microwaving plastic turns it into a carcinogen. Ramen is still goddamn delicious.
  10. Points of interest: Roommate's desk to the far left (totally camera swiveled to not include the back of his head like a boss) Pipes filled with filthy water in case of fire up top My new dorm errywhere My face that says HNNNG CALCULUS.
  11. I'm surprised anyone fell for that after actually seeing the boxart; it's pretty obvious those screenshots are from the original N64 game, especially judging from the very angular sword swing.
  12. Looks beautiful in-game, DeathBasket. I think the only thing that stands out to me is the repetition of the wall texture; maybe you can mirror the mapping horizontally? That may help some and would save you have to manually adjust the mapping of every face by hand.
  13. Definitely have to agree with you there, UV mapping can be a bitch to get seamless textures on the faces. It's looking great though, can't wait to see more from you.
  14. This is looking really spectacular, DeathBasket. Are you still using SketchUp to model these or have you switched to a different program?
  15. I'm feeling the same way as Zeth; I'd love to help if programming were my thing, but in the few experiences I've had with it, I find it to be a fairly difficult aspect of modding to work with. Needless to say, though, I'm always glad to help beta test programs when I can find the time; I just usually don't do so unless asked to.
  16. This is the kind of innovative thinking I love to see. I'm really looking forward to seeing your work develop further on this, I'd love to be able to bring my 3D modeling skills into Wind Waker.
  17. It's possible one reason the map is so huge upon importing is that the model units used to export the original map are a really small unit (say, millimeters when the map is scaled for meters, as an example). If you have an option to specify units when importing it, try selecting a larger unit size, and that should render a more workable size.
  18. Props for the originality, but I'm just not seeing it working as a coherent story. This might work better, in my opinion, if the characters and content were completely original works themed to fit with the idea of Wonderland, but as it stands I feel more like it's just a repository for a ton of different textures from random sources, and that, ultimately, the Easter eggs come off as more a cheesy gimmick because of their ubiquity--especially when some of these become integral to the plot. Think for a moment about what you have planned--the Goddess of Wisdom is disguising herself as Spider man. I'm just not seeing this working very well, to be fully honest. The other thing is I really can't follow the story and your reasoning for their being multiple portals in Wonderland. That is to say, I don't find the point you're trying to prove unreasonable by any means, but the evidence you use to support it just doesn't satisfy me. Why, exactly, is it impossible for Wonderland to be populated with its own objects, fauna, locations, people, and other entities, native to this world? Moreover, it seems like the story is an attempt to justify this mod being a repository of random textures and concepts as I said above. As always, just my two cents'.
  19. Insurance? What is this insurance you speak of?
  20. I kind of like the option of being able to upgrade the characters in some way; I felt that the options in the Subspace Emissary were somewhat limited and it really didn't do much beyond just bumping up their base stats. Perhaps an expansion of that feature will make it into the next one.
  21. Automatic generated message This topic has been closed by a moderator. Reason: Related thread already exists: http://www.the-gcn.com/topic/1435-why-arent-you-real-damn-it/ If you disagree with this action, please report this post and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind regards, The Gamer's Collective Network Staff
  22. Secant

    Really Sick

    This trend does not make sense, I'm supposed to be the one getting hit by a car next! D: Seriously, though, you've got my best wishes for you, and if there's anything I or anyone else in this community can do to help, don't hesitate to ask.
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