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Everything posted by Secant

  2. approves of this thread. Branden, I will wire you 25 USD if you lace 20 mg of capsaicin with your spoonful of win.
  3. Secant

    OoT experience

    Phantom Ganon Spirit Temple Floormaster/Like Like See above post, simply can't be done without copying DeathBasket's boss rush hack
  4. Branden, your last "50 posts and I'll" thread got to the threshold in like 2 weeks. You're going to be doing this, suck it up.
  5. I know a few people--mainly piddling indie musicians who want to become the next huge rap artist, and they think that they have to get all of their income from album sales. It seems they fail to realize that if you make something that isn't a complete hunk of crap, people will buy it more often than not, and you don't need to worry about pirates.
  6. First computer I ever handled was one my dad built himself, called Percy, way back in 1998 when I was four. The specs were pretty good for a computer at that time--I think about 64 MB of RAM, Pentium II processor, and I'd guess 256 MB of disk space, running Windows 98. The first one I ever essentially owned was one I built at around ten years old from spare parts my dad brought home from work, and upgraded over time with newer hardware he could salvage or with parts from Amazon. At its finest, Apollo had about 1 GB of RAM, 290 GB of disk space (dual-drive configuration), a Pentium IV processor around 2.0 GHz, with a dual-boot for XP and Ubuntu 9.10.
  7. Back in 1998 or so was when I first owned a Game Boy, but I never played it until the following Christmas when my family bought an N64. Even then, I was deathly afraid of the controller for a year or two, and I mainly watched my dad play Ocarina of Time. Even then, I still enjoyed it immensely.
  8. *sets banhammer down*This topic is made of win.
  9. Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix. Mandatory Roxas boss fight will make you pull your hair out in frustration (especially when your arrogance forces you to play Critical Mode); that kid's harder than Sephiroth, easily. There's an English patch available for it, so you could count that as a mod for the game.
  10. Wow, I should really learn to read page titles. XDNotebook computers definitely wouldn't be my first choice in using an emulator, especially one as resource-hungry as Dolphin. I would strongly consider using a desktop if you want a more practical emulation experience. Just my two cents.
  11. Great to see another new face in the community. If you have any questions about modding, the URA Project or the forums, feel free to ask any of our capable staff members. Hope you enjoy your stay!
  12. Your graphics card looks to be a fairly weak model--ATI cards, in my experience, are almost always inferior to nVidia cards, so I might recommend doing some shopping on Tiger Direct or Newegg to find a better model. I'd estimate a graphics card to get the job done best for Dolphin would run you around $80 to $100. Your processor also looks a little dated, but that's much more impractical to replace, so I'd leave it alone. It doesn't seem to have much trouble running the emulator, anyway, so even less reason to consider that.Hardware aside, you can enable frame skipping on Dolphin (should be under Emulation at the top of the window). Bear in mind, though, that this will often make both video and audio choppy; I personally prefer letting the game run a bit slower than having it at 100% speed but stuttering. Failing that, there may be some game-specific or general speedhacks available. See what each of them do and try them out, some of them may help improve performance.
  13. Secant

    A New Look!

    Many thanks and congratulations to you, Shadow Fire and Zeth, for your work on this excellent upgrade. YouTube could learn a thing or two from this. XD
  14. Tales of Symphonia and Resident Evil 4 come to mind for both of those genres. Eternal Darkness might also be fun in both aspects.
  15. One of these days I need to get around to finishing the real people version of that with enemies. Makes it like 50 times harder. Or something.
  16. Unless it's necessary for coursework, just unplug the computer. Most of the time, they take long enough to reboot that it's enough to convince me to just finish my homework instead of going through the login process again. You might also consider trying to make coursework something you associate with a pleasant stimulus. For example, I listen to some of my favorite music to get into a groove of working through tough problems, and for extended sessions I like to burn incense. I also recommend taking a break every thirty minutes to an hour so you don't overwork yourself and suffer in productivity, but be strict about ending your break and don't be too generous--ten minutes is usually enough to feel mentally refreshed and get back in the game.
  17. Tile Molester is a solid choice for just about any sprite editing. Failing that, I think the program Hylia Magic is designed to work as a multipurpose editor for ALttP, though I may be wrong on that.
  18. I fail to see the immense necessity of design changes, Vinyl. It looked fine the way it was before and, by using custom backgrounds, you were allowed near-total flexibility with how your channel was set up. Now it's forced into something that, to me, looks clunkier. It would be fine, like xdan said, if they left the option for the old channel designs available. Now that they've removed it altogether, we're forced to deal with something liked by about 2% of the community, going by the feedback on that video. As I commented on that video (shortly before stamping 'dislike' on it), if it ain't broke, don't fix it. There's your obvious lesson for the day. Also, it appears they've silently thrown in a new option in your profile setup that, by default, allows ads to show up before you videos. Screw that, man.
  19. Automatic generated message This topic has been closed by a moderator. Reason: The GCN staff and administration (collectively and individually) lacks a functional brain. Derp. If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind regards, The GCN Staff
  20. To supplement medli's post, you can find an index of forum permissions on a per-rank basis here. If you're curious about who the administrators and moderators are, you can check this listing. Hope that fully answers any questions you may have.
  21. I rented that game with my girlfriend from Redbox a few months ago. The only time I really played Sonic before then was on some really old console (either a PlayStation or SEGA DreamCast, whatever) way back when I was 7 or 8. It's come a long way, but I found the gameplay still very enjoyable, and the music (as is often the case in these games, as I understand) was just awesome.
  22. The skybox consists of an array of 32x32 textures aligned such that they create the seamless appearance of the sky. These can be edited with ZLE2 (or possibly a new tool everyone is begging xdaniel to write), or you can dump these textures with a plugin and create new ones to be loaded, the advantage there being that you can load high-resolution textures. A tutorial regarding that should be available on The Stone Tower. I assume you just want to change the time of day for the intro cutscene; if so, it's very likely this is either controlled in the scene header or by data in the cutscene. If it's the former, again, The Stone Tower should have some documentation on scene headers and how they work. Failing that, this page should be of assistance. If it's the latter, then you may want to refer to this thread. Deleting (as you say) Link and Epona as well as their sounds is essentially one and the same--just remove the actors from the map with whatever tool you feel most comfortable with. You can either change them into something entirely different or move them off the map, but I recommend changing them since you'll probably have quite a few waypoint errors by moving them from the normal starting position (and their sounds will still be present).
  23. Kinda makes, sense, though; otherwise that minigame becomes the embodiment of something that utterly dwarfs the phrase "Monty Haul." I'm pretty sure the approximate lump sum of all the prizes/values available in that game weighs in at around 21,000 Rupees.
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