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Everything posted by Secant

  1. Secant

    Bad weather

    Storms of any sort are awesome. I particularly enjoy power outages (go figure), mainly because of the ambiance of oil lanterns/log fires, and it gives my family an excuse to play our demented version of DnD. Always a blast.
  2. The ACP was borrible. You guys barely knew the half of it. *shudder* You should consider rejoining the community. We're still awesome and the oldtards still miss you.
  3. Ubuntu running with Gnome is a pretty solid choice for starters. I personally find KDE to be a bit more sophisticated and practical (I just love the multifunctional nature of Konqerer, mainly), so it's worth considering both environments. If you want a flavor of Ubuntu centered around KDE's features, look up Kubuntu.
  4. Absolutely worth trying it out, at the very least. I had a really old (~11 years outdated or so) box which I got a dual-boot for Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.10 on, and the speed boost from doing that switch was phenomenal, to say the least. It has much greater customization options, a cleaner interface (in my opinion), and hosts a great deal of awesome open-source applications from their repository. Plus, for those transitioning from the world of Windows and executables, you can still utilize those files using Wine, a program which emulates Windows binaries in the Linux environment. And if it turns out you don't like it, you can always switch back to Windows and clear the partition of your hard drive Ubuntu was devoted to.
  5. When the kid is old enough to comprehend the gravity of what they are actually doing within a video game and understand and appreciate the real-life consequences of the choices they make in that game, they should be allowed to play it--no sooner, no later. 'Nuff said.
  6. SharpOcarina isn't compatible with Majora's Mask or any of its resources. This program deals solely with the Debug ROM for OoT.
  7. Secant


    I'm in the same boat as you guys, but I stuck around until FireRed; after the nostalgia factor from that game I just stopped seeing the hype. Then I saw I could experience it again with SoulSilver, so of course I jumped right back on the wagon and played my heart out to that game (haven't even had it a year and already packed 150+ hours into it). I didn't get Black and White, though, because 1) no nostalgia which is mainly what I play for now and 2) the Pokemon lineup I saw was, IMNSHO, stupid. When I saw they had an ice cream cone for a Pokemon, I decided they'd finally run out of ideas and just kept enjoying SoulSilver.
  9. DO IT XDANIEL. DON'T BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. BELIEVE IN THE hnbfg;basg I'm really tired and telling you to do it because Riggy said so. </puppet> Seriously, I like the idea of a tool like this. I never really figured out how to use ZLE2 to dump and overwrite textures, so a tool tiered for the job would be really nice.
  10. Negatory on the shoutbox working for me either. My best guess is a faulty plugin or AJAX is having trouble. xdaniel, feel free to make an issue in the tracker, this looks to be a just about universal bug.
  11. Zero sanity run is demanded. Even better if it's blind. Also, lol @ polar opposite adjacent posts.
  12. I agree with a proper UV editor. Trouble is, SketchUp is wonderfully easy for building low-detail dungeons and landscapes, and is also free (for those slightly less pirate-inclined); you can build a decently-sized low-detail dungeon in about 3 hours with plans already laid out. I am still convinced there is a plugin for SketchUp somewhere out there that allows texture mapping as precise as 3DS Max, though.
  13. I'm not so sure--it sounds a lot more likely that they just have varying arrangements of the grass kinds, from a generic circle to some of the more specific clump types, like the one that forms an arrow shape pointing to a crawlspace on one of the islands. Having an entry for the grass actor which has a single clump would be pointless--for the most part, I imagine they'd want at least 8 clumps in a single actor or so, to save space on actor data and entries on maps.
  14. And some DSiWare: Anonymous Notes II: From the Abyss Bloons Tower Defense GO! Series: 10 Second Run
  15. Hate to say it, JSA, but xdan's basically hit the brunt of the problem--you just can't have a texture repeat too many times across a single polygon or it will warp the mapping. If you absolutely can't adjust the mapping, then it may be simpler to subdivide a polygon so the mapping occurs less times per polygon where the group constructs an entire surface.
  16. QFT I was going to be a lot more cynical and just say that the difference between Stephanie Meyer and Anne Rice (or in the troll's comparison, Meyer and J. K. Rowling) is that Rice can write. But this works fine, too.
  17. >sees first pic from JD's post >wife's it because BEST LANDSCAPE EVER.
  18. This song always makes everything better.
  19. In the context of audio, inversion and reversal actually are two different things, Ganondork. Reversing audio is playing it backwards--what this is--while inverting it is effectively negating the direction of the sound waves (see Audacity for a visual example), which doesn't change the overall sound nearly as much. Also, unlike those d00ds at Glitchkill, we don't care much about necroposting. Everything reversed and overanalyzed is extremely disturbing. Call me jaded.
  20. By using this plugin (compatible with the latest version of SketchUp from what I just tested), yes, SketchUp supports exporting models as .x files. Not sure whether the plugin automagically triangulates or how accurate the scaling is, but I suppose that can be worked with on SO's side to correct issues with the raw export.
  21. Was decently creepy until it turned into a YouTube poop at around 2:45.
  22. I'll see your mythical song and raise you +2.5 epics. x 62,853,991.2 My hill.
  23. You're using the wrong word there. Lie and lay are very often confused for each other. Lie in the present tense means the subject is acting upon itself (I lie down for a nap), while lay in the present tense means the subject is acting on a direct object (I lay the book on the table). In this case, the past tense for lie is preferred, which is lay. So, the grammatically correct translation would be He pulled out the Master Sword that lay in the back. "Lied" is not a form of either word, and laid is either the past or past participle of the word lay, which is also not correct as in the object complement for the Master Sword, it is not being described as acting upon something, but rather upon itself.
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