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Everything posted by Secant

  1. This is a very clever design, despite some monotony with the block pushing. Utilization of multiple actors is the key difference between a mediocre and a great dungeon. ReDeads are far overused as generic enemies (often out of place) just for their fake difficulty purposes of being able to freely freeze the player and deal considerable damage to those improficient with button mashing.
  2. What tool are you using and what are you doing to modify the actor? My guess is you may be using ZAP2 and you're forgetting to save to the ROM, instead only saving to RAM.
  3. Honestly, I would recommend a migration from PPF patches for Skyward Sword. Instead, try the binary patching system, it seems to be vastly superior in simplicity, user-friendliness, efficiency and implementation.
  4. It isn't. What you suggest has been done before in OoT and it resulted in a phenomenon known to us as "Giant Young Link." I would just retexture FD Link, as some have elected to do before.
  5. Looking forward to seeing a devblog, DK64 and B-K were both great N64 platformers, and I'd love to see another one of similar themes, especially if it's by an indie developer.
  6. ...lolwut What does file size have anything to do with a game's quality? Revisiting areas and enemies is actually a very clever plot device. It gives a sense of progress in the character, showing you either how far you've come, and also giving a surprise sense of exploration or satisfaction ("Oh, so that's what that mysterious ledge is for!"). If anything, it enhances the sense of exploration by covering ground you might've missed before. Upgrading enemy forms is also reasonable, as it gives a clearer sense of progression--where's the fun in fighting the same boring enemies the entire game? I don't see the need of a huge, bulky central hub. Just doesn't seem a huge deal to me. Simplicity is the key to an idyllic homeworld. What is wrong with experimenting? Nothing good ever came without it. Incidentally, please leave the management of off-topic posts to the staff. Blatantly pointing that out rarely works unless it's an administrator doing it. </twocents> Super Mario Sunshine was hands-down my favorite Mario game (well, I haven't played but like three of them, but that's neither here nor there, still thought it was a great game). Non-linearity works great for platformers in general, it gives the players options and workarounds for levels or challenges that are just out of the player's league, potentially allowing a later revisit while still being able to continue the overall game plot. Super Mario 64 also follows this non-linearity pretty well, which is certainly a boon to its success. Of course, there does need to be some hook other than just new levels and slightly better graphics--something, perhaps, with Wii MotionPlus, or if they hold off on Mario until the Wii U, something that really takes advantage of the unique controller.
  7. inb4 Rareware douchebags pull a Sqeenix and shut this epicness down
  8. Americans are no longer represented in their government. The senators and congressmen are political proxies for corporations, who use lobbyists as middle-men for ensuring laws favoring unrestricted business at the expense of basic human rights are passed. To say that Americans are guilty of this situation is a blatant expression of ignorance. The fact is, the vast majority of government officeholders are susceptible to bribes, and in most cases there is no good candidate to chose--merely a less corrupt one. How can it be a fault of the people when there is no good choice to make for your representatives?
  9. To the best of my knowledge, that was just a tech demo made specifically to show off the Wii U's capabilities. Nintendo does not have any plans to make that part of any upcoming Zelda game.
  10. It can. But I hope to whatever god(s) may be that it doesn't.
  11. Boycotting is your friend. If money talks, then a lack of it smashes in the face with a crowbar. That is our power. If this passes, I will never pay for anything mainstream again. I am absolutely certain that this is not at all the minority mindset. The people will not let this bill pass. That is a fact. Lobbyists for the corporations are the only hope this bit of fascist legislation has. I guess we're about to find out if Soviet Amerika really is an aristocracy instead of a democracy.
  12. The term "hack" is used far too ambiguously in this thread. I'm going to assume you mean network hacking which involves compromising a server's security and gaining unauthorized access to files. In this case, I think good generally comes out of it in the end--if no one hacked, security would be crap, but the documentation on potential exploit methods would probably still exist and be free for the taking. Ergo, hackers give network administrators a job, and damn good ones at that. It's not the best situation, I'll concede, but I think in the long run more good comes out of it.
  13. My offer to build maps for you still stands (though I will be operating on a considerably more convoluted time schedule and will take longer than before to complete stuff). Let me know if any plans have changed since then, if you decide to go with this and you'd like me to help out.
  14. Someone should definitely point out the sheer, blatant, dripping sarcasm that has been supersaturated into that post, and how he just warranted that sarcasm. Just for the lulz.
  15. That's it, I'm going in. Whoever wants to help me bitch-slap this kid with reality, feel free to join in. This is going to be hilarious. Edit: http://3dsforums.com...html#post508114 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HE DOESN'T EVEN REALIZE HOW MUCH I'M INSULTING HIM HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH GOD IT'S JUST SO FUNNY
  16. ...What? Are you kidding me? Did this kid really just blatantly ignore everything that's happened to his project, start a new one, once again plagiarize a title and logo, and try to essentially combine Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart? I don't know whether to laugh my balls off or cringe in despair at how stupid the average youth has become. I really don't.
  17. I'm hoping for a more revolutionary approach to a remake. OoT3D was good, don't get me wrong, but converting a 2D Zelda game to full 3D would really be a nice enhancement, I think. ALttP is higher up on the list with my favorite Zelda titles, but for me to consider buying a remake of it, they'd need to really give it some huge improvement.
  18. The ISO is a virtual image of the entire disk, which can potentially include blank space (usually notated in hex by a bunch of zeros, potentially for several hundred megabytes of space). Ergo, few video games actually use up all the space on the disc, virtually or physically.
  19. I love watching people get put in their place as much as the next guy, but I kinda have to go with CDi-Fails and Zeth on this one. I think these kids are just a bit too young and innocent to really deserve a full payload from the Internet Hate Machine. Just my two cents'.
  20. Funnily enough, the actual game page sounds more like they're trolling themselves. All it took was four days of development for the project to be canceled, apparently. Seriously, it's that stupid.
  22. I'm interested in seeing their take on how to migrate Zelda to the 3DS. Obviously the 3D effects and gyroscopic controls will likely play a part in some of the gameplay mechanics and puzzles (unlike in OoT3D where they served as graphical appeal and optional mechanics at best). That said, it's slightly disappointing that MM3D will be delayed by that much, but I am delighted to hear it's at least being considered.
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