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Everything posted by Secant

  1. 1-UPing is very extremely encouraged.
  2. Will be gone for at most a week or so in attempts of salvaging the situation with my computer.
  3. I want to punch each and everyone one of these lunatics in the face. I'm actually not kidding. To think that meager efforts of no more than five years or so can topple the quarter-century of dedication that Miyamoto has poured into Nintendo is as depressing as it is outrageous. Note to self: Never take London's gaming industry seriously ever again.
  4. There's a very good chance there's some extra information created from its existence in the ROM that the program may not recognize, or an old file version not supported by whatever your friend is using. If you can find or crack the file format for Maya files that your friend uses, you might be able to get this thing loaded up in its native program.
  5. Yes, that looks quite similar to Sheik's harp. You know, I am becoming quite fond of the artistic style presented here. It works for the gameplay and story, I think. My only gripe thus far is Link's face--it looks too childlike and innocent compared to what seems to be a rather dark (if fantastical) story. Perhaps that may change further along during development either of the game or as a character.
  6. Not to burst your bubble, but considering Majora's Mask 3D hasn't even undergone planning by Nintendo or Grezzo yet (at least, to the knowledge of the public), a brand-new Zelda game that continues this sequence seems even less likely. I've already signed a petition for Majora's Mask 3D, personally, but I don't see this thing going anywhere, especially considering how much more feasible MM3D is (since it's just a remake of an already existing game which isn't ridiculously hard).
  7. C:UsersNaxylldrittPython do_stuff.py <br><br> <p style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px; color: #ffffff; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #dd0000, 3px 3px 0 #dd0000, 5px 5px 0 #dd0000, 7px 7px 0 #fe6230, 9px 9px 0 #fe6230, 11px 11px 0 #fef600, 13px 13px 0 #fef600, 15px 15px 0 #fef600, 17px 17px 0 #00bc00, 19px 19px 0 #00bc00, 21px 21px 0 #009bfe, 23px 23px 0 #009bfe, 25px 25px 0 #009bfe, 27px 27px 0 #000083, 29px 29px 0 #000083, 31px 31px 0 #30009b, 33px 33px 0 #30009b, 35px 35px 0 #30009b, 2px 2px 0 #dd0000, 4px 4px 0 #dd0000, 6px 6px 0 #fe6230, 8px 8px 0 #fe6230, 10px 10px 0 #fe6230, 12px 12px 0 #fef600, 14px 14px 0 #fef600, 16px 16px 0 #00bc00, 18px 18px 0 #00bc00, 20px 20px 0 #00bc00, 22px 22px 0 #009bfe, 24px 24px 0 #009bfe, 26px 26px 0 #000083, 28px 28px 0 #000083, 30px 30px 0 #000083, 32px 32px 0 #30009b, 34px 34px 0 #30009b; top: 0px; left: 0px;"> HAPPY BIRTHDAY spinout</p> <br><br> Have fun being able to buy porn and cigarettes.
  8. They do, however, offer quite a few freebies on the eShop, whether they be full games or just nifty gadgets, such as Excitebike, Pokedex 3D and Zelda: Four Swords 25th Anniversary, to name a few. I do agree that demos would be a nice addition to the eShop rather than the abstract "What kind of game is it?" question with a ratio of casual play to intense play being the main form of genre identification.
  9. That's some funky camera behavior. Does that normally happen when the actor is loaded or is that map specific, or a combination of the two?
  10. I am almost positive the PS2 was not region free (I've heard about several people needing to mod their NCST PS2 consoles to get it to recognize Kingdom Hearts' Final Mixes which were Japan-only). Not sure about the DS, never got one myself. Popular consoles are the ones that are fun to hack. Would you bother trying to disassemble and/or write custom code or somesuch other for, say, the Intellivision? Maybe, but that's a big if considering many people haven't even heard of it. There's also the factor that people who take apart consoles don't very often succeed the first time. So if something goes wrong, either they give up or buy another console. That's another sale for the company right there.
  11. I guess we'll just not be buying Skyward Sword, though such a decision probably wouldn't do too well for Nintendo's stocks (which, might I add, dropped 10% directly after they announced the name of the Wii U). Considering there's a good chance several people have pre-ordered it, to, I imagine there'd be a rather severe backlash from those who would now have wasted their money.
  12. Due to the way custom maps are currently imported, SayakaGL does not support maps imported with spinout's obj2area or xdaniel's SharpOcarina.
  13. The vast majority of its users consist of roleplayers and people who enjoy socializing in virtual worlds. If you don't have friends who play this game already and/or can't be bothered to meet new ones in-world, it probably isn't worth your time.
  14. It's not worth investing in if you don't play it at least once every few days. I've spent about 45 USD on it, mainly for semi-glorified griefing tools used for barely less-than-nefarious purposes and a stockpile of L$ to be used for uploading some mesh models I've made, mainly skyboxes, that I might eventually turn a slight profit. Naxylldritt Reikaz, for whoever's interested. I don't add strangers.
  15. Almost as much of a mindfuck as HARBFEADTUEGWTDLML.
  16. Find his house on Second Life Accidentally the permissions on it Replace the wall, floor and ceiling textures with this
  17. Making a linear, contiguous game like Zelda span five years is not nearly as easy as it sounds, alphaheiti. It would probably consist of over 100 (eventually grueling) hours of gameplay. It's too much for just one single game.
  18. There's a workaround--simply use a sound recording program and use stereo mix as your default recording device (or whatever your speaker output hardware is called). This records your sound. In some cases (like mine) there may be a lot of static background noise, in which case I currently know of no remedy other than using different speakers. Once you've recorded the video and the sound, open the audio file in Audacity and set the length of it to be equal to the video's length, and voila, you have sound synced with video.
  19. CamStudio is what I use--it's the open source equivalent of HyperCam with better controls. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE document what you are doing somewhere and preferably share with the public. Notes to what you're changing in RAM/ROM, speculation on file formats, whatever, but please take copious notes so others can reproduce and expand on these works.
  20. Locking this thread due to an essential flame war and so no one can come back and say anything that might make things worse. For a reference, this thread probably wouldn't have devolved into what it did if it had been titled "What do you think of the Sony Vita versus the 3DS?" and was tiered toward others' opinions instead of just the thread author's. Unless you're doing a semi-professional review (which wouldn't have been appropriate either because this thing isn't out yet), something like this where the intention is just to express one's own opinion probably belongs in a blog.
  21. This cannot be confirmed because the Vita isn't even out yet. No one knows whether it will actually perform better or not. Let me convey an important fact to you: There are three kinds of lies. There are simple lies, damn lies, and the worst of all, statistics. Never trust a list of planned hardware specs; the de facto performance almost always deviates from the projection. Regarding your last comment... what? Why would anyone want a 3DS that "sucks in everything" except games? Unless you mean to say that's what it already does? In which case I heartily disagree; its inclusion of an internet browser is something I find very convenient when I need to look up a guide for my games and don't have another computer nearby, or just would like to check email or anything else online. The other minigame applications are also a great way to kill time, in my experience. The eShop has a lot of useful and entertaining tools. The camera features and audio players are also pretty cool. So, no, I have to disagree that the 3DS is only good for gaming. Also, I find your argument a little difficult to follow. You talk about software and hardware almost interchangeably, as if they automatically balance one another, and provide one point after another with little to no connection with previous statements. Perhaps it's fatigue speaking, but I really cannot find much substance in what you're saying other than general disdain for Nintendo and their products.
  22. Troll. Just like Tara Gilesbie and Stephanie Meyer herself.
  23. Similarly, I wonder if you can change the offsets defined for the .bmg. I suppose it's a matter of finding its entry on the file table or somesuch, but wouldn't that allow you to move it entirely somewhere else with more space?
  24. A tragic loss for the computing world. I tip my hat to this fine gentleman.
  25. Secant


    I meant that in regards to your comment that wotf.py wasn't working well for you.
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