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Everything posted by Secant

  1. Welcome to the forum, Crimson. Don't worry, the name is hardly a problem--far as I know, Crimson Wings also goes by Kaze, so it should be fine. Thanks for all your kind words for the URA Project, and we will definitely keep going full steam ahead without any sacrifices to quality. You're spot-on with our intent--we don't want just a game mod of the original, we want a brand new experience for the player. And, naturally, we won't let a few trolls get in the way of all our hard work; after all, they just jelly. If you've any questions, please don't hesitate to ask any of our staff members, and enjoy your stay here.
  2. I wouldn't recommend an overkill graphics card like that only because it's not particularly cost effective. You probably don't want to spend more than $150 on this component because beyond those prices, the processing power goes down per dollar spent, so it's not really worth it--you're mainly paying to have better hardware sooner rather than better hardware proportional to the amount of money spent. If you absolutely know for a fact you want the finest graphics card you can buy, though, go for it--I recently got a card that's barely half as powerful as that and it works wonders for me on all the games I've run it on (including Portal), just for a reference, and it was only about $70. This is the one I bought, in case you're interested in specifics.
  3. Current status on Naxylldritt's faith in the video game industry: not yet entirely lost.
  4. Is it really so hard? http://forgottenreal.../Bag_of_holding This thing has been around since before the NES. C'mon, children, you should know.
  5. My first instinct was a Kindgom Hearts spinoff project because Square Enix does the same sort of cryptic 'OH LOOK HERE'S POTENTIAL SEQUEL INFO THAT WE'LL JUST IGNORE FOR A FEW YEARS NOW, OR PROBABLY FOREVER'. That crap annoys me. If you put in sequel content, back it up. -.-" Also, lawl, Ganonderp got V&
  6. Someone should steal the source code for this game and finish it. By the time it's released, Capcom won't have any money left to sue with (if everyone boycotts them--I know damn well I will).
  7. Cool concept. I'd join, but your captcha is a complete mindfuck. I have no idea what you're supposed to do.
  8. Where have we heard of this before...
  9. That wasn't a direct port of the original map from Wind Waker, that was just a custom map I made in SketchUp on my own as a recreation of the map. I don't think the N64 engine could handle the sheer size of polygons that the original Outset Island has. Either way, glad you like it, though it's nowhere near my best work.
  10. Story of my fifth Christmas (uncannily enough, including the games themselves, except Smash Bros. was my favorite because we had just gotten a surround sound system installed in our den which was epic).
  11. Programmers are always an excellent addition to the forum. Welcome to the GCN! If you've any questions, feel free to PM myself or any other staff member.
  12. I hate fast food burger joints. Watch Supersize Me to see half the reason.
  13. Secant


    Always good to have you around, haddockd. Welcome back to the scene, hope you enjoyed your lurking.
  14. Even better, Sage--they intentionally left the glitches in and, not only that, tweaked the game to work with these existing glitches. They only got rid of the glitches that were hazardous to your save file. These remaining beneficial glitches were left in as so-called "features."
  15. Welcome back to the community. Good to see people from the older forums flocking back again. We hope you enjoy your stay, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask myself or any other members of the administration.
  16. Now we're talking. That processor/motherboard combo is pretty epic, you've got (it looks like) support for up to 4 SATA hard drives, which offers plenty of space for games or backups or both, as well as three PCIe x16 expansion slots, which will provide tons of room for extra components you may want to add. This will also give you access to some of the best graphics cards on the market, as PCIe is much faster than AGP/PCI-based cards. One thing to consider when buying a graphics card is your monitor. Make sure you get a card that natively supports VGA or DVI, whichever you have (VGA plugs are generally blue 9-pin D-shaped male connectors, DVI plugs are usually white, 15-pin (?) rectangular male connectors). You can buy an adapter to fit a VGA connector into a DVI port on a graphics card, but this bottlenecks its capabilities, and it's really better in terms of performance if you just buy a card that natively supports VGA. Of course, if you have a really good DVI monitor, nothing to worry about there, the one I sent you should perform fantastically for you. TL;DR? If that's in your budget, buy it naoz. That's a fantastic setup you've planned out.
  17. The really awesome part is that this is relatively old. I love technology.
  18. You have to understand that for playing GC/Wii games, you'll be using Dolphin, which can't necessarily run games at full speed no matter how good your setup is. As it is, you'll still want a cutting-edge graphics card; the one I suggested is one Zeth recommended to me, and he said it was even better than his in terms of performance. 512 MB of dedicated RAM is still good for the purposes of most games. AMD as a processor should do okay with you, but I would definitely get at least a dual-core. You can also download a Linux-based OS if you can't afford Windows 7--Ubuntu is very user-friendly and operates similarly to Windows in many respects, and if you have trouble, there's a very large community that can answer questions.
  19. Sounds like you want a gaming computer, which isn't too difficult to set up. The three biggest components you need to worry about are the processor, the graphics card, and RAM. For the processor, I recommend at least a Core 2 Duo at 3 GHz, but if you can find one, a quad-core is even better in some cases (just make sure to get an operating system that supports it, you'll most likely also want it to be 64-bit). I think some quad-core processors have managed to hit the 3 GHz mark now, so splurge for that if possible. As for the graphics card, I would have to recommend nVidia. I've been using ATI Radeon cards for a while, but they just don't seem to perform all that well. Spend at least a good 60 dollars on one (for example, this is the one I'm thinking of upgrading to), and make sure it's got at least 1 GB of dedicated video RAM. As for your computer RAM, you'll want enough to be able to handle intensive programs. DDR3 is a must, but how much of it to get depends on how much you like to multitask. 2 GB is probably the minimum you'll want, but to be safe, 3 GB will ensure you can run (for example) Windows 7 64-bit as well as several other programs without having to resort to virtual RAM, which slows things down considerably. I splurged for 3 GB, personally, which only costs 20 dollars more, so I'd say it's worth it. If you want to be extra safe, though (say, play multiple games at once while having music playing, IM protocols, a bunch of tabs in a web browser, etc.) then just go for 4 GB. Hard drive space will also be something to consider in the long run; 500 GB should last long enough for you and isn't too expensive. SATA is, of course, a must (hell, comparable IDE/EIDE hard drives cost at least 3 times as much and run half as fast), and you'll want at the absolute minimum 7200 RPM on it. I'm pretty sure mostly everything else isn't incredibly important, so just get the standards on the rest of the hardware, and if it turns out you're having problems, run a diagnosis on your hardware and see what might be causing the problem. Long post is long as hell, but hope it helps.
  20. This has got to be the absolute funniest book I've ever found, even more than Colbert's I Am America: And So Can You! Skip ahead to 1:00 to get to the actual reading if you're pressed for time.
  21. Secant


    It's better if you use a later build of obj2area, which will pause when it encounters an error and let you know if the map was not imported. This way, you can see what the problem is and post it to get better help. Which version are you using now, and which one did you use before that worked for you?
  22. Theoretically, if you include the same number of actors and objects in the new map, couldn't you just delete the existing data there by selecting at the beginning and end offsets before re-inserting it to the beginning offset? If so, that would save you the trouble of having to re-point anything because the data for actors and objects should be the same size, just different values.
  23. Secant

    OoT 3D on a PC?

    You've a hefty order there. The vast majority of people who own a 3DS are a bit concerned about breaking the 3D screen effect during taking it apart (at least, I am, anyway), effectively ruining the main hook of the device. Hence, it'll be a while, I think, until it gets to the point where people would be more willing to try taking it apart.
  24. Secant

    OoT 3D on a PC?

    I really don't trust that "3DS ROM hosting site" that you posted, BlackRose. It seems like everything on there is just put to get it toplisted on Google searches for free 3DS ROMs, but there's no actual substantive description of what the site is for. I'm with xdan on this one; I wouldn't expect 3DS emulation--even in its most basic state--to come around for quite some time.
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