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Posts posted by Secant

  1. Not really. Why bother wasting magic when you have the ability to teleport to that spot free of any magic cost? Maybe it doesn't matter as much to other players, but I'd only use it for getting to really obscure places when I needed to get there. In the dungeons, it really doesn't have much use, except maybe in the Fire Temple if you try and fail to get the Megaton Hammer.

  2. Custom masks seem pretty cool to me. 3D geometry is already hamhandedly implemented in Augmented Reality, so extended it to modifying a base mask plane sounds doable. Saving temporary custom textures is also possible, even in the original (see: Pictograph Box).


    I don't want game mechanics to be messed with. The only extra feature I would like to see is a miniboss re-battle option, mainly to fight Gomess again without having to trudge through the entire temple.


    As much as I'd love to be able to wear the Sun's Mask, if only for a little bit, I still don't want it to be obtainable in that sense. Forbidden fruit and all that, I guess. Boss remains would be cool to wear, though.

  3. Everyone basically summed up my criticism I had offer but I also am asking why not release the source code? If your learning to program, then these guys can help you improve your code to be better and be able to discuss it with you so you can make the program efficiently, its not like anyone is steal your work and call their own. But the choice is yours, this is just my two cents.

    This. Open source programs get stuff done.


    Also agree with comments on the 3368 lines of code--a long source does not make a good one. Efficiency should be taken into consideration once you get the program fully working. Ideally, a program should do as much as possible with as few lines of code as is also possible.

  4. That's too dangerous! What if your dancing spree causes you to end up near Chernobyl fifty years in the past and the nuclear fallout gives you cancer?


    I'm going to sit very still and let my stomach stop rawring at everything in general.

  5. It's funny, I didn't have to grind at all before facing her. And if I remember right, her Miltank didn't even use the dreaded Rollout against me! Very unlike the original Silver, or Crystal for that matter :D

    Damnedest thing, Rollout wasn't the problem for me--Stomp and Milk Drink were what killed me the first time, since Miltank was faster than most of my team, resulting in constant flinching. Rollout wasn't a problem because my strategy was to just bruteforce/spam Magnitude with a Graveler and have special sweepers as a backup plan.

  6. Rather than waste my time trying my hand at a review, I'll just let someone else sum it up for me.



    Highlights: 0:03, 0:54, 2:00, 2:40, 2:57, 4:25, 5:45



  7. Now even after the late distribution, they're making me jump through even more hoops, manually setting up an IP for my 3DS. Granted, it's not something I'm entirely unfamiliar with and their walkthrough is pretty straightforward, but seriously, Nintendo, you could've done better with the release of this thing. >.>


    That said, for those of you who are getting an error while downloading the update, this little guide solved the problem for me.

  8. Nintendo is late for this update. It is well into June 7th where I live and this is not okay by Naxy's rules. Fine, they said evening on the Pacific, but it's still pretty late there, too...


    Yes, I'm rather excited about the browser update. </nitpick>


    Here's hoping the browser supports Flash/HTML 5.0. Looking forward to the eShop as well, I'd love to get some retro titles on my system. :D

  9. I find it really incredible how the 3DS so easily addresses the two biggest parental concerns about video games: exercise and social interaction. With these sorts of events going on as well as the built-in pedometer and game coin incentives, I can't fathom why anyone would find the 3DS an "unhealthy" console--the 3D effect is adjustable, too, so that can't possibly play into the argument against it.

  10. It works that way with the teleportation songs, anyway. I know that happened back when I played the original cartridge and I was going to deliver the Eyeball Frog to the professor at Lake Hylia, so I played the Serenade of Water--next thing I know, the timer shoots from 2:57 to 0:01. Hilarity ensued.


    I think the main reason they made Farore's Wind only usable in dungeons is because they might've run into troubles with saving that restore point location across different maps and they didn't want to add a routine to load new scenes when you used it, if necessary.

  11. OFF TOPIC:

    Now, immortalizing the love for boobies is a good thing, but I don't get the fixation on ponies that half of the internet seems to have nowadays o.O?

    Said half of the internet has, in fact, decided that

    (at least by expressing it with unicorns).

    My avatar changes all the time, but in general, it follows things that 'interest' me.


    My signature is partially influenced by intrawl's Missing Frequencies creepypasta, wherein I coined the concept of a soundghost. The other little bit is me whoring my (long since updated) site.

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