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Everything posted by Secant

  1. Feeling pretty solid about my score; I love Tetris and all its derivatives. Let's see you put your money where your mouth is, Mellow. >:V
  2. Personally, I see nothing wrong with condemning a system based on confirmed and heavily publicized information from the source of the company developing the console even when it hasn't been released. As giadrosich said, clearly Microsoft is proud of what they've come up with; otherwise, they wouldn't have jumped the gun and shown off their console before E3. I was leery about the leaked information about the "Durango" project a month or two ago, but considering it's all more or less been confirmed to be true, as it is I loath what they intend to do with this console. It's an insult to gamers and a threat to personal privacy, two things that hit in particularly sensitive areas to me.
  3. I think the bigger issue is more the principle that Nintendo is imposing advertisements in people's videos in order to forcibly obtain some profit out of content that, at least as far as the commentary goes, they did not create. I'm reasonably confident that most people who make LP videos for a living aren't doing it for the money, but rather because they have a large fan base that they want to keep happy and it's an enjoyable job to have.
  4. Chances are good it was they only thing they recognized that could be sold to a pawn shop; a lot of stolen items tend to end up in those places. Most of your other merchandise in the car probably wouldn't have fetched a worthwhile price, if the owner would buy it at all.
  5. This is a particularly gray area to me, and I'm not sure I feel comfortable with Nintendo's decision here. On one hand, yes, LP videos showcase a video game that they own the exclusive rights to, but I hesitate to say that gives them grounds to do whatever they want with these videos. My reasoning is that, at least for most LPers, there is a huge amount of work and dedication that goes into creating these videos, and the commentary is in-depth enough that I feel as though it stands alone outside the game itself, and brings the viewer a different experience of the game through the eyes of the LPer. That content--that experience--does not belong to Nintendo, nor will it ever. Particularly considering that some people have taken up this hobby as a career by forming a YouTube partnership, this seems an even more greedy move by robbing these individuals of the only income they have. I also refuse to accept the excuse of Nintendo's financial decline of late; this is indicative of poor performance as a company, and calls for an internal change in the dynamics of game production, rather than extortion of the company's dedicated fans.
  6. I noticed several arguments of this theme, so here's this (or DVI/HDMI, whatever floats your boat). Just thought I'd throw that out there for consideration.
  7. For the record, are your maps triangulated? If not, then that could definitely be causing the problem you're having. While there are definitely several plugins which can do this for you, more often than not it's a better idea to manually triangulate as you build the map if it's a simple one, as most triangulation algorithms aren't particularly efficient. It's also worth checking to ensure your polygons are facing the right way; in SketchUp, the white side is the front of a polygon, while the indigo side is the back (which cannot be seen, and for collision, will result in Link being able to move/fall through that side only).
  8. Secant

    This or That?

    Atlantic. I prefer my oceans slightly less radioactive (though at this point it's probably approaching a well-spread equilibrium). QWERTY or DVORAK?
  9. Secant

    This or That?

    Cold...? I've never even considering having cereal warmed (to be fair, I haven't even eaten any in the last ten years or so). Insomnia or narcolepsy?
  10. Secant

    This or That?

    Normal dreams. aww yiss lucid dreaming Clorox wipes or Clorox spray?
  11. Just to point it out, I think the problem here is the model units you're using to export your map, which throws off the scale. If your model units are something like feet or meters, try changing them to something lower such as inches or decimeters/centimeters, which should make it turn out correctly. Then again, this is configurable in SketchUp Pro's native obj exporter, which may not be so for TIG's exporter (in which case just remember to size up your map by about 20 times by selecting the entire thing, using the scale tool, and entering a scale factor of 20 or so).
  12. ResolvedThe original need for this topic has been resolved. Topic closed. If you feel this is in error, please consult a member of staff.
  13. Looks can be deceiving.
  14. Your cold-blooded reptile does little to impress me, my sub-par adversary. BEHOLD, THE POWER OF THE SUN AND ITS TEN MILLION UNITS OF WARM
  15. I couldn't decide between the fish and the cucco, so I picked both. The fish reminds me of the Wind Fish from Link's Awakening, which does somewhat symbolize eternal youth by nature of the its never-ending dream of a fairly lighthearted world at face value. The cucco, on the other hand, also works for something meant to be just lighthearted in general, and it makes for a good logo overall, I think. Either way though, any of these would look great.
  16. Oddly relevant, considering I really need to finish my research paper today.
  17. Also, just as an aside to people bringing up stringent rules, that will do basically nothing. As an example, we have a very clearly laid out Terms of Service page, and people very rarely seem to actually read it and we get instances of it being broken every now and then. Rules do not mean peace.
  18. If it's not original content, you absolutely must obtain permission to use someone else's work, be it textures, models, music, or anything else. Plagiarism is something the administration takes a firm stance against, and we make no exceptions to this policy, regardless of intent on anyone's part. That said, the maps you've made look really good, and although I'm somewhat leery on the usage of texture packs, this may be one case I'd make an exception and use it to appreciate the maps you've made in their full glory. I'm curious to see what else you come up with.
  19. Secant

    In need of zis.exe

    ResolvedThe original need for this topic has been resolved. Topic closed. If you feel this is in error, please consult a member of staff.
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