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Everything posted by Secant

  1. Deku Stick baseball bat? Why, sir, that's...
  2. You're welcome to share your opinion up to the point where it becomes flaming, Hellraiser, and you're now teetering on the line. Harsh backlashes will to little to encourage peace in the community, and I will not tolerate that sort of behavior. Let's keep this discussion on-topic. I like the look of the eyes Satoshi's developed. It strikes a delicate balance of cartoony themes and realism. My only suggestion is to smooth out the irises just a bit, possibly with a blur or soften effect.
  3. Another Australian web developer... hmm, sounds like Shadow Fire has some competition. XD Jokes aside, welcome to the GCN! If you've any questions about the forum or whatever else, feel free to ask myself or another administrator.
  4. Please provide the texture that you're attempting to load as well as the plugin you're using, otherwise there's not much we can do to offer help.
  5. Registration to the English servers is dead; they cut that on April Fool's day last year. There's a configuration file somewhere in your system32 folder which modifies what server the PSU client tries to connect to, but I can't remember where it is.
  6. Actually, no, that's not really off-topic; what they were describing still follows along with describing, as the thread states, one's "dream mod." Please leave it to the staff and administration to identify off-topic posts instead of taking it into your own hands; that's what the report button is for. I would love to see spinout rig that octopus he made with collision. Custom actors = <3
  7. Two empty cans of soda, a Logitech speaker, the mouse, dirty laundry, a dresser (with plenty of random objects on it, the most interesting of which include a fedora mounted on a plasma ball, a scarf, my shitty alarm clock, a buck knife, and a very large 'Happy 17th Birthday' poster my sister made), two wooden bokkens, a murasame, a cast iron cane, a bo stick, a wooden beating stick carved from a 2x4, a shortbow, some arrows (most of them headless), a few Nerf guns, a closet (not even going to bother), a rolley stool, school textbooks, a large plastic box, and a foam Nerf brain. I have a lot of weapons, I know.
  8. Er... I'm pretty sure either JSA or Cendamos already remade the Zelda 1 dungeon for Ocarina of Time. It was a bit hamhanded, but functional. There was a patch somewhere out on the internet, but I have no idea where it is or if it's still available.
  9. Ahh, this does bring back some good memories. This looks incredible compared to AotI; with epic combos, actual jumping and new weapons, I think this is something I'll be adding to my list of life necessities.
  10. Something tells me Zeth and Dario are going to be very interested in this. Excellent finds, DeathBasket, this looks to be incredibly useful.
  11. *fascism Also, according to the United States, what's the difference? XD
  12. A mod that actually goes somewhere and gets finished. Or a hack/burglary generating the entire source code of Ocarina of Time.
  13. Second generation, not third, Zeth. I can do some tricks with Silver, but I haven't tinkered around with R/S/E/FR/LG yet, though there are by and large far more tools for those games (finding all I did for Silver was a pain in the neck and a half >.>). Satoshi is, hands-down, your man for sprite designs. I'd throw him a PM if you need help in that aspect. I may look into designing custom Pokemon when I get some time, so I could potentially help with monster design in the form of movesets, importing sprites, evolutions, stat tables, etc. Oh yeah, also, I think this should be done.
  14. If there's one thing I learned from TV advertisements, it's how to deal with a smelly burly black guy.
  15. I've seen it successfully done. Two amazing dudes from OverClocked Remix did an 11-minute improvisation remix with piano and alto sax. It was incredible, especially considering they were just winging it the entire time. Coordination that precise is rarely seen. Musical musings aside, I really like the intro, but I hope they do some adjusting with both the water (see Zeth's comment) and Link's arm. He's sticking it out way too far, I have no idea how Nintendo seem to think it's realistic to leave your arm out like that when riding a horse. <.>
  16. If it's any consolation, this is a mashup, not a cover. XD
  17. I assume this is being done on an emulator, so there's a multitude of ways. In PJ64, F5 (I think, one of the function keys from 5 to 8, anyway) will generate a screenshot in the specified directory under the settings menu. You can also press alt + print screen to get an instant screen capture of just the active window, paste it into any image editor, and save it manually to make the file a specific type and put it into your desired directory. From there, upload it to any image sharing website such as tinypic, Photobucket, or ImageShack. If your screenshots are over 600x480 in resolution, it's preferred that you also create thumbnail images (the three sites listed above should do this automatically, so you can simply copy the image URLs of each thumbnail), and put those thumbnails in the image tags while surrounding the image with url tags leading to the full sized image. Let me know via PM if you need help setting that up.
  18. I wonder how many people actually saw the new front page and took a look around.
  19. Yayface!Have an awesome b-day, DeathBasket.
  20. Breathtaking work you have there, Kargaroc, especially with the Triforce room renders. I think I smell some competition, actually... >.> *runs off to get much better at SketchUp*
  21. Out of this list, some of my favorites include: 9. Fight For Your Life 12. Ghost Waltz 13. March of the Oppressed 16. God's Justice 20. City Beneath the Earth (full version with synth flutes can be found here) 21. Dead and Forgotten 22. Taste My Power Honestly, just about everything from this guy is amazing.
  22. It's not so much the previous area disappears with an adjacent room loaded as another room entirely is loaded, Salvage. Only one room can be loaded at a time, with all its actors in place; all the others stay out of the way until you pass a transition actor that loads that room. The black plane works similarly to the common door transition actors; once you open a door and walk through it, another room is loaded. The only difference is subtlety, in that you only have to walk past the black plane to trigger loading a new room.
  23. http://www.nintendo.co.uk/NOE/game_screenshots/nintendo_3ds/NEW_The_Legend_of_Zelda_Ocarina_of_Time_3D_enGB/034_HyruleTown_2_EN.jpg Somebody smack me in the face, I need the epic to sink in.
  24. Yes, actors like these are present in many locations, such as the Lost Woods and certain rooms in dungeons. It's just a matter of finding the right actor; I can point you to a list if necessary, Kargaroc.
  25. For a reference, Kargaroc, doors in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are 100 units tall and 60 units wide. What you'll want to do for doors is set up an alternate collision file which will have the doorway, and have an invisible wall in the center of that doorway where the actual door transition actor will be--this is because doors themselves do not have any collision data, and Link will pass right through them. Also, make sure when you're building this dungeon to group rooms together in some way so you can export them easily, otherwise you'll have a hell of a time selecting only one room at a time to export. I'm not aware of any complete texture dumps from Ocarina of Time at the moment, but most texture packs are free to use by the public for whatever purposes and have some really nice textures available. I've kicked around the idea of doing that complete dump, however, so if enough people want it, I'll consider making the attempt (though I've been having problems with texture dumping a lot lately, so I may be unable to).
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