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Everything posted by Secant

  1. This is an automatically generated message. This topic has been closed by a moderator. Reason: Granted. I wish for a moderator to unlock this topic. If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind regards, The GCN Staff.
  2. Granted, but granted. I wish for people to stop attempting to fool the system of corruption by using theoretical logical blocks or contradictory nuances.
  3. I was wondering why some geometry was randomly tinted. That's really cool, xdan, looks like this will be far more functional than UoT. I'm really looking forward to this tool seeing a release.
  4. [warning=Attention] RUN FOR YOUR LIVES DAMNATIONS![/warning]
  5. Review this topic, it should help considerably. You can use JSA's port as a template for whatever you need to do to determine what needs to be done.
  6. Unprecedented snowstorms completely fuxxored my final exam week, to the point that school was scheduled for half a day on Saturday (!). Seriously, where I live, we've never seen this much snow before. >.>; I wasn't aware the rest of the world was experiencing abnormalities; let's hope it doesn't last.
  7. I like the direction this is heading; it's about time we got a stable GUI tool similar to UoT. Keep us updated, xdan, this looks very promising.
  8. Better enemy AI. It's sad that for a game this long, it is not unreasonable to attempt a no-damage run. I especially want much harder bosses, as alphaheiti said--it's hardly a surprise to me anymore if I beat them without taking a scratch in just a couple of minutes. For a remake of this game, in addition to better models and scenery, the bosses should, in general, take at least five minutes to beat, assuming they will run off the same strategies as the original. Better yet, change each boss's attacks and the method the player has to use to beat them--that will be MUCH more fun.
  9. Reminds me of OZMAV2. I'm curious about this program's purpose and capabilities.
  10. Agreed. I had pretty much no trouble with Sephiroth once I learned how fun spamming Reflega is and his attack patterns. I only died a lot at first because I didn't have any Drive abilities, anyway (derp). </offtopic> KH2 sure was a fun game. SE needs to make more original stuff like this and less Final Fantasy ripoffs. Seriously, it's starting to feel like it's another company making fangames of a once great franchise; the title has now become a general wildcard schematic for anything SE was too lazy to come up with a title for.
  11. Secant

    Okay, what the hell?

    I think he means more that it's impossible to determine if the error is caused by faulty emulation in PJ64, or if Nemu is simply ignoring errors that PJ64 stops for. Which is a good point--unless something like this is actually tested on an N64, it's impossible to tell what the problem might really be.
  12. Granted. Now your teacher's wondering why you haven't been doing your homework for three days. Ius is a Latin word that can be translated as 'law' or 'justice.' It can also be translated as 'soup.' For example, 'Romani iuribus Graecis portant' would mean 'the Romans are bringing their soups to the Greeks.' That was a fun translation, oh yes... I wish for someone to argue with.
  13. Your B button says that's the Kingdom Key, which is clearly not a sharp instrument of creation and/or destruction--it's just a large key-like structure that shoots special effects. My hill.
  14. Actually, the MM interface textures were originally done by Zeth, along with the FD Link textures (though I assume you ripped those yourself; Zeth's version looks a bit different, anyway). Also, did you build the Keyblade model yourself, or did someone else do it? If the latter, give them credit, too. That aside, this is really neat. It's not very often we see custom weapon imports, and I'm surprised something this detailed actually loaded in the ROM. I noticed in the video there seemed to be a slight lack in the framerate; is this to be expected in the emulator, or was this merely due to running a screen recorder at the same time?
  15. You didn't end your post in 'My hill.' My hill.
  16. This isn't a Feudalistic age. Also, hill sex isn't pretty. My hill.
  17. You can find UoT's source code here, but it's written in VB .NET, which a lot of us consider to be a poor programming language. If you're looking for an effective source for rendering the game's visual aspects, xdaniel's OZMAV2 may be a better option for you. I think the project's name may have changed to something different in the course of adding new features, but I think you'll still get results if you search for that.
  18. Secant

    Okay, what the hell?

    That's only on non-Windows operating systems, though. I think you may not have to use the root directory on Windows 7, but I know it's necessary on XP and possibly Vista as well.
  19. Secant

    Okay, what the hell?

    Are you running Nemu from your root directory (i.e. C:\Nemu64)? If not, then it won't work, period.
  20. I steal the Death Note and write 'Death Note' in it. Soblem prolved. Now that you're roiled in confusion and despair, <reason_missing>. My hill. Aside: Seriously, what happens if you write Death Note in the Death Note?
  21. 20-odd minutes. I got lost twice, and didn't cheat at all. This maze was really fun.
  22. Technically not a restoration since the original wasn't high resolution, but awesome all the same. I particularly like the last one--the shiny effects in conjunction with the overall design gives it a distinctly heroic visage.
  23. Salutations, old chap, and welcome back once again.
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