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Everything posted by Secant

  2. @DeathBasket: Is that an awesomeface arcade machine in the lower-right hand corner? Or am I nearly as sleep-deprived as you are?
  4. DeathBasket + catface = oh god what hideous mutation have you put the universe generation algorithm through ;_;
  5. >english professor's name relevant >guy's a jaded smartass >flame wheel >oh god my english professor spewing fire >there is nothing left of the campus >or the city >or the world what just even happened
  6. The key word being Link's friend, not the player's. To me, Fi, while nearly as robotic as Navi, at least had her personality lampshaded by Nintendo with her throwing out all her percent probabilities and sometimes stating the obvious. Was this overbearing at times? Certainly, but nowhere near as much as Navi's intrusiveness. At the very least, Fi had some identity as the servant of Hylia, whereas Navi was just some glowing ball that came out of nowhere and functioned as little more than an encyclopedia than a companion. Also, I found Fi's advice on enemies actually useful (particularly for Lizalfos), whereas Navi's was utterly useless ("Dark Link -- Conquer yourself!" Yeah, thanks a lot, Navi), so bonus points to Fi for that. also jeez chill guys
  7. Yeah, there's no reason loading the same model for collision and mesh shouldn't work. The second thing I could recommend is giving it some proper textures (even just a blank 32x32 solid color) so you can at least see the mesh which, since it's the same model, should help you see the collision as well. Also, I think as far as SketchUp goes, grouping is determined by how adjacent polygons are textured, with the same texture applied over touching faces being put in the same group. This may explain why the collision isn't working, though I very well could be wrong and it might not matter at all (which, honestly, I don't think it should), but it's worth a try anyway.
  8. I'm pretty much in agreement with Kusai here. It's unfair to compare two characters who are presented in two completely different art styles (realism versus cartoon/cel-shaded) and one of the characters gets the entire game to develop character-wise while the other is only present for about 15% of the game at best. I also agree that everyone should keep their tits calm. Nobody likes it when they get all flustered.
  9. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Opening 4):
  10. So there's some disparity between members of a species. Well, considering how humanoid the Twili are, I think the point Ashe is trying to make is that it's fair to compare them to humans, and abnormally long necks are generally considering unappealing to look at. Contrary to what most might believe, though, this is not opinion, but rather something concretely measurable, a phenomenon known as the golden ratio, which is approximately 1:1.618. For some reason, the vast majority of humans prefer looking at objects that incorporate this ratio in as many features as possible (for those interested, some graphical artists have actually constructed what they call a "golden mask," a face constructed where nearly every feature adheres to this ratio), and features of the body that do not fit this ratio are thus considered less pleasant to look at. It's pretty clear that Midna's neck doesn't fit that ratio, hence the argument that it's unattractive. As for "giraffe necks," it's an exaggeration, and people use them all the time. I'm sure Mellow doesn't literally mean Midna has the neck of a giraffe, but that it is abnormally long (which, according to human standards, it is). Also, just thought I'd point out that just because you prefix your posts with "not trying to be a dick" does not justify you, well, being a dick. Let's keep it civil, dude.
  11. Bit of a stupid question perhaps, but just to be sure, you are loading the same model as the collision file, right? If you're not loading anything, then there won't be anything for Link to stand on, which would explain why he just falls through the floor. Barring that, I have to go with giadrosich's suggestion that the model isn't exporting correctly, in which case it might be a good idea to post what plugin you're using to export the model.
  12. My yard after doing physics homework. nope no bitterness there at all, no sir
  13. When you read it as satire (which I'm pretty sure it is), it's actually really funny. I enjoyed it quite a bit.
  14. Ferus Olin != Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
  15. Considering the standard price for Skyrim on Steam is $60, I didn't save too much, I just caved and bought it because I had a sudden excess of money and it was $20 off.
  16. This actually brings up something I'd forgotten about for a while; is it worth considering a different file format for imports that may be more compatible or have more features or just be easier to work with? I seem to recall Arcaith suggesting that the .x export format was pretty solid and simple to use, and I think .3ds is so widely used and supported that it may be worth going with that as well. I do realize that because this is such a fundamental change it will probably be a pretty significant setback, hence why I feel uncertain bringing it up, but just tossing it out there for consideration.
  17. While I'd love a program that's able to handle just about everything under the sun, going by your concerns from your other thread today, I'll try to keep this list brief and realistic. If possible, it may help a lot to have some features kept in, say, a separate tab/menu/whatever for more advanced, specialized maps, to keep the interface minimal enough so that it doesn't confuse new users. Thus, I'll first elaborate on what I loved about SO and what made it easier to work with than spinout's converter: GUI and ability to preview maps before importing Ability to manually choose and position actors within the GUI preview Greater control over parameters of map/scene header Naturally, I'm assuming you're planning on keeping these core aspects; if so, you're already off to an excellent start. As for the basic features I think just about everyone could take advantage of: Skybox settings and time flow speed Background music WaterboxesIf at all possible (and I can't remember if this was implemented in SO or not, or if this is how waterboxes actually work), it would be really awesome to be able to modify the xy coordinates of a waterbox's corners with just the mouse, or, say, clicking on it and having a special menu for manually editing the location of the vertices Some form of actor database a la Utility of Time which gives descriptive names to actors as well as the variable for each actor Collision type editor, preferably with a possible point-and-click to select a set of polygons and then have labeled collision typesBonus points for having separate labels for both walls and floors so newer users don't get confused For most basic maps, this should suit the casual modder, I think. As for more advanced features, which I expect would come chronologically after the basic core features have been done: Object set modifier, and it would be really helpful if we could have a way to name these object sets to keep track of them, which might be saved in a project's XML file Map exit handler for transitioning to new scenes A special case handler for transition actors to give them the appropriate variable to work properly would help a lot as well (say, click on the room or enter the room number you're entering from, then the one you're going into)--this is something I've been hung up on for a long time and never quite got the hang of Vertex shading/combiner settingsSort of nitpicking here, but this would help save us 3D modelers a lot of extra textures having to recreate certain effects like a shadow gradient on a map's exit and the like, and I'm basing the possibility of this feature on seeing it in Sayaka, though do correct me if I'm in error about it being doable And that's about all I can think of. For a more complete set of features, I definitely stand behind DeathBasket's list, but these are the things I consider to be most important for what I might use.
  18. To address your initial disclaimer, considering you've actually walked the talk and you're doing little more than pointing out facts about how many people take up programming tools for hacking Zelda, I don't think you come off as arrogant by voicing your concerns. With that said, I think one of the biggest reasons so few people are willing to delve into the work you do is because it involves more or less teaching oneself not only programming, but how to work with an unfamiliar system like a closed-source video game engine. True, we have an enormous amount of documentation available, but it's not as useful to people totally new to this sort of thing, which most people here are. For one, programming is a very difficult field to delve into; a good number of people struggle even in university environments with learning basic concepts of programming, never mind left to their own devices in trying to figure it out from tutorials on the internet. Combined with the required understand of the file formats for the game and how to work with it, I can't say I'm surprised so few people take up this kind of thing; it quickly becomes a nearly insurmountable task to the casual user here to even attempt to create even the most basic of tools. So if anything--and I'm sure it doesn't sound very helpful, but I'm tossing it out there because it really should be said--people like you, DeathBasket, spinout, sakura, Jason777 and haddockd really deserve a lot of praise for all you've given the community; it's because of the tools you've made that any of the mods people have so much as started have come as far as they have. And if it's any consolation, even if, by your insistence, SharpOcarina is a mess, it still sees a massive amount of use for anyone who wants to import custom maps. Regarding your overarching concern, then, about grand visions impeding your progress, I think the best thing I can recommend is take as much time as possible to plan out a tool and figure out exactly what you want it to do, and stick to it. When you're figuring out that purpose, too, make sure it's something you can feasibly do--or if you don't have the ability to yet, that it isn't pushing your limits too far. This boils down more to an understand of yourself and what you're capable of, and seeing what you've done so far, that's clearly quite a lot, but anyone can get bogged down in the intricacies of an overly complex project, and let's face it--you're just one person, and one person can only do so much. Keep that in mind whenever you're working on a project, and, again, structure the design of the program as carefully as you can so that it does what you want it to do, and it actually gets done. Don't be afraid to start small; once you finish the main overall purpose of the program, there's nothing stopping you from adding on small features to it as you go, and most of all, don't be afraid to take a break once you finish; a job well done is exactly that, and deserving of a chance to rest from accomplishing your goal. tl;dr you're awesome and don't be discouraged
  19. oh man why do I buy all these awesome games so late after they come out
  20. assimilate (v.) to bring into conformity with the customs, attitudes, etc., of a group, nation, or the like; adapt or adjust: to assimilate the new immigrants. to cause to resemble (usually followed by to or with). to compare; liken (usually followed by to or with). Somehow I don't think you're using this word correctly.
  21. So far it's looking pretty good. A very small gripe, but would it be feasible to replace the list of selectable options and the continue button with just buttons that function the same as continuing with a selecting option? I think it would at least make it a bit easier if Master GUI is used frequently and cut down the number of clicks by half. You could also leave a back/previous/home/whatever button at the bottom of the interface with a slight spacing so it isn't visually grouped with the program options. I definitely approve of the categorization here, it makes it very user friendly so people will know exactly what program they want to use for whatever it is they want to do.
  22. I'll go ahead and voice my approval sheerly because this might be something to motivate me to get back into modding more regularly when I have some spare time, and I fully stand behind giadrosich's post. Even if just a handful of people are vocalizing their support, that doesn't mean they're the only ones who want it, and I would consider a program to be a useful and desirable contribution if just one person benefits from it, even if that person is just the program's author. If nothing else, it would be useful experience for you in designing an intuitive and easy-to-comprehend interface, which, as sakura has been stressing for some time now, is currently the biggest problem our tools suffer from.
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