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Everything posted by Secant

  1. Arcaith and I are the only normal users on this site and are therefore the voice of the GCN. THIS KINGSHIP IS MINE
  2. I got demoted for getting drunk and making rude comments at sakura's mom. o well lololol
  3. Are you trying to log in with your email that you signed up for? If so, I don't think that will work, I want to say you need to enter your username which you created for your Minecraft account. Barring that, yeah, contact Mojang and ask them for help.
  4. That seems pretty unlikely actually, footage of an unreleased game is just that, and especially considering how bad the video quality is, if anyone actually had the game then it would probably look much better.
  5. At the risk of fatally blaspheming against Mellow, I decided to change my avatar to a depiction of the human form of my original character, Yiriychul (yeer-ee-cull), who is a youthful hybrid Nightmare Master/Dream Weaver, both races invented by TellTaleHeart. Considering the two are often at odds, he's generally seen as a monstrous cross-breed, if he's seen at all.
  6. Sums it up perfectly, I'd say; no need to invite trouble by grieving over stuff that's long since blown over. That said, welcome back to the community, Flotonic, I hope you enjoy your stay.
  7. Chances are SketchUp is automatically scaling your model when you change templates; instead of doing that, you'll want to scale the entire model. Alternatively, for your obj exporter plugin, change the model units to something smaller (for example, if you're using, feet, try changing it to inches), or if you aren't already, change it to the model's default units, which usually works for me.
  8. I've actually already seen something like that be done for Majora's Mask; all that was done is the jump attack (or Super-Wop, as you refer to it) animation was replaced with the one for the spin attack, and it ended up looking pretty awesome. I'm also pretty sure spinout's wiki has a list of at least the RAM addresses for some of Link's more common animations, including those two, so you could make a GameShark code out of them and then patch them to the ROM from there, if you like. So, yes, it's very possible.
  9. I'd say it's because it's the only Pokemon game (besides its sequel, of course) that dared to be different and break the norm of "get badges, beat Elite Four, foil giant evil organization's plans, etc." I personally found its story to be much more appealing, as it felt like an actual story rather than the same disgustingly stale rehashed story that's been told over eight times now for a decade and a half. So, that said, I definitely second Colosseum.
  10. Am I the only one that's more annoyed by this than impressed? Sure, FFX was a great game and an HD remix is cool and all, but Square Enix just did the exact same thing with Kingdom Hearts (see here if you're not aware of this). I'm getting kind of fed up with all their most anticipated games never ending up released; hell, people have been waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3 for about 6 years now and, from what I understand, they still haven't even started development because the dev team for that series is still busy with Final Fantasy Versus XIII. It's especially frustrating when they won't even give any status reports; from what I understand the last they said about the game was releasing a teaser trailer 2 years ago and since then every question has been met with "shut up and be patient," essentially. They really need to get their shit together and release the game instead of trying to appease the masses with half-assed HD remakes of games.
  11. Welcome to the GCN! There are several knowledgeable users here as well as some tutorials to get you started if you're interested in picking up modding, and if you have any questions about that or the forum itself, feel free to PM myself or any other member of administration.
  12. I know Sakura mentioned Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, but honestly I would have to recommend avoiding the GameCube version of that game because its sequel isn't available for that console, for some reason they only did PS2 and Xbox releases. If you prefer to have a continuous series on a single console, then you might want to look for a different version of the game. I bring this up because BG:DA2 is an even more fantastic game than its predecessor, and although not a GameCube title, I'd definitely recommend it to anyone. Just saying.
  13. user was permabanned for this post
  14. Just as an aside, you really ought to. If these rumors are to be believed (and from the looks of the article, this seems to stem from a fairly reliable source), then Microsoft is about to be guilty of one of the hugest invasions of privacy the world has ever seen before, with the potential to instantly see whatever happens to be in front of every Kinect device that's hooked up to a console with an internet connection. I don't know about you, but I absolutely don't want a camera in my house--never mind my own room--that has the potential to spy on me at any time without me being aware of it.
  15. Pretty sure he's just saying that Sanguinetti said it in place of Flotonic. Either way, this thread is about the tool itself, not the ethics revolving around its development and release, so let's try to keep the discussion focused on that. If you guys want to make a separate topic for the former though, by all means feel free to.
  16. I'm with xdaniel here. As far as I'm concerned, console gaming has gone to the dogs and I'm not far from losing all faith in it; every launch gets weaker and every console gets more annoying features or issues, and this only highlights the decline I'm talking about.
  17. Alert!The GCN police have arrived! You are surrounded! Come out with your hands up!
  18. I can definitely attest to Beat Hazard Ultra being an excellent game on the PC, having spent quite a bit of time playing it when I bought this bundle last week and running through a sizable portion of my music library to unlock every perk I could.
  19. I will try to avoid getting on my soapbox this time around, but this is an extremely old plugin that hasn't been updated for years, I strongly recommend either 1964's plugin or Glide64 (the 10th anniversary release).
  20. Make sure you're not currently running SketchUp and go into the default installation directory for the program, there should be a folder named Plugins. Just drop the .rb files in that folder or any subfolder if you like, start up the program, and that script should be available under the plugins menu on the top bar in SketchUp. Some plugins may create new options elsewhere, so be sure to check the readme for plugins to know where to look for them when you want to use them.
  21. 3. When any mention of Rice's plugin makes you vomit a velociraptor.
  22. Zelda's Birthday was more of a communal effort with JSA fronting the concept and assembling most of the content, as I understand it. If you can find the fishing minigame, that will give you the full list of the people involved and what they did. Since this thread is little more than a link to a site that hosts a mod the site owner didn't make or give credit to the original author for, I'm going to close this thread. punk has his own forum (found here) with links to his mod in the hacking section, if anyone's interested.
  23. Merged your old topic with the previous one. If you're ever in doubt, you can always check your profile and click 'Find Content' to see a list of all the threads you've created to avoid redundancy.
  24. Secant

    Ocarina Song Editor

    http://wiki.spinout182.com/w/z64_wiki:Community_Portal Hard to get easier to find what you're looking for than that.
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