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Everything posted by Secant

  1. Yes, this will stay in the ROM, as you put it, since when you prepare your mod for release and create your own patch, this change will be included. PPF patches work by comparing two different files--an unmodified one and the one you've modified. They must be the same filesize but can have any number of differences, and the patch itself is essentially a map of the differences between the two files, which PPF-o-Matic can use to patch a ROM (or any other file, for that matter).
  2. If you do end up making a Java GUI build of this tool, I'd be interested in taking a look at the source, seeing as how I'm currently in a class for that language. I might be able to offer some feedback or input on it, depending on how well the section on GUIs goes.
  3. Stickying this thread harder than a bird. We've needed this for a LONG time.
  4. http://wiki.finlandcycles.net/20_minutes
  5. Just so you know, that's a fair request and something I have to agree with you on, there definitely aren't enough tutorials for some of the more involved processes in OoT modding, and it also relates to sakura's posts and blog entry regarding the rather poor software design that many of our current tools suffer from, they just aren't very intuitive to the average person and are often overspecialized or developed just for the person who wrote them.
  6. Merged your items thread with the main one, no need to create multiple threads for different aspects of a single mod.
  7. Split the posts debating this game to this thread, feel free to continue discussion there.
  8. Previous name: Naxylldritt New name: Secant Finally got tired of my mouthful of a name so I'm changing it to something a bit less convoluted.
  9. Last I checked it doesn't, I remember doing a shieldless run a while back and I want to say the game was consistent in not giving me a Hylian Shield when I got the Master Sword. The page I linked to earlier in this thread has a great listing of all the debugging controls in the game, you should give it a look.
  10. Wavefront objects are a specification of 3D models supported by most mainstream modeling programs (such as SketchUp (Pro), Blender, 3DS Max, Maya, and the like). This is what we generally use as a standard for conversion to what are called display lists, which is essentially a 3D model recognizable by the game and can be anything from a map to an NPC. There aren't any tutorials because the readme file included with SharpOcarina gives pretty much a total explanation of all the controls and parameters, and isn't particularly difficult to understand. There's also a demo map included which is fully functional and free of bugs for you to test to get a feel for the program, so if you're just starting out, take a look at the readme file and try to get that map working, it shouldn't be too hard.
  11. In the (extremely old, dilapidated and only mostly intact) strategy guide for OoT I have, the strategy for Dark Link is accompanied with a picture of Link unsuccessfully attacking Dark Link with a spin attack and a timer displayed onscreen... no idea what that was about. Then again, the guide also says spin attacks are how you beat Dark Link (lol). I would provide pics but I don't have the guide on me at the moment.
  12. This is probably a result of the game trying to read data that isn't present. Normally you have two different sprites for item icons; one usable, the other being the grayed out unusable one. My guess is that it's trying to call for the grayed-out sprite of the current bullet bag since the player doesn't have the quiver yet, but since there's also no bullet bag, it loads the next smallest index number which would be the Hover Boots. I seriously doubt it's beta. Just thought I'd point that out. As for your problems with some items appearing in random places, giadrosich, my best guess is that this is a result of the game reassigning your default Adult Link equipment set (iirc Ocarina of Time on C-right, bombs on C-down and deku nuts on C-left) which in turn forces a check for sprites that aren't there, as described above. You could probably fix this with a basic assembly hack, but I'm not sure how you'd go about that.
  13. Secant

    This or That?

    3DS (I'm assuming this plush isn't literally animate and is just a fluffy robot). or ? (warning: an incorrect answer will result in a swift and irrevocable ban)
  14. Secant

    This or That?

    Queen. Tritium or uranium-235?
  15. Secant

    This or That?

    Internet, all day every day. Protons or electrons?
  16. Damn it, Blinx, you are making me jelly, and I'm sitting here with a free buffet open to me every night and a closet absolutely saturated with food. ;_;
  17. Secant

    This or That?

    Defense. Outlast, outmaneuver, outclass. Time or money?
  18. Secant

    This or That?

    Logarithms. Solving stuff involving them makes me feel smarter than doing simplistic quadratic equations (unless we're talking about normal or partial derivatives but still). imgur or Reddit?
  19. Secant

    This or That?

    Sriracha. Surely you knew this, mister hotsauce. Hot chocolate or coffee?
  20. This is an awesome tutorial and I will probably be using this at some point or another. Much obliged, Blinx.
  21. Secant

    This or That?

    Snow (as long as it doesn't come with substantial ice sheets). Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal or xkcd?
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