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Everything posted by alphaheiti

  1. zelda ocarina of time 3d gameplay videos part 1 part 2 part 3 write below what you think about the game!
  2. ok here my oni link texturesthat I made long long time ago : download downloadused a few of zeth´s textures downloadused a few of toonlinks texture´s hope you like it
  3. what are the best games of all time for you ?? for me : 1. zelda ocarina of time 2. assassins creed 2 3. mortal kombet 2
  4. here can you post the collest, funnyest or just the best screenshots of the day example:
  5. Granted, but all of them kills himself. i wish for 400 subscriber on my youtube chanel
  6. OZMAV2 is cool but i had a problem with it.. how do I load the rom ( sorry if the question is stupit )
  7. so here is the place where i´ll post my mods retextures and all that shit
  8. granted, but now youre Math teacher is one ! I wish that i can beat chuck norris
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