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Posts posted by Namine207

  1. the 3ds NEEDS more games, pokemon black and white 2 need to stress that they have bonus stuff for the 3ds because a lot of people think that pokemon is abandoning the 3ds


    This. My 3DS is seriously gathering dust. If they don't start creating killer titles for the 3DS, it's going to fail, plain and simple. I kind of feel like they should bring back series like Ice Climbers, but with the same treatment that they gave Zelda, Mario, etc. during the 64 era.

  2. Yesssssss~! It doesn't sound like something that Nintendo would usually do, but they have surprised us before, so I'm really hopeful! ;D

    Especially if it's done by retro games. They are definitely near the top on my list of favorite video game developers!

    Oh, and I just thought of one other thing I would love to see at e3! Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright! It's a shame that Capcom/Level 5 have been in denial about it coming to the U.S., although I guess that they're probably dealing with copyright laws and such... :(

    So ya, Hopefully we can get a guarantee that it will come to the US and the UK!

  3. Ooooookay, I thought I already said my thread would not be used for bashing? I do not care one way or the other if it's done in a tame or extreme way, not in here; if you must, make another thread for it. This topic is about speculating what we want/may see at E3, not saying "I hate this, I hate that."


    I am deleting any future posts which do this.


    Okay, sorry. I didn't really write it to bash anything, since I never said that I hated black and white, but I'll change it.

  4. I really want Nintendo to change the name of the Wii U. I've been a long-time fan of Nintendo's products, but I hated the Wii, and I can't stand to see their next system named after what is (In my opinion) the worst system that they've made yet. Oh, and I'm super excited to (hopefully) see the Starfox/Metroid Crossover. And an Earthbound compliation for the 3DS, cause we all know that that's happening, right? :rolleyes:


    As for Sony, I feel like they will announce the PS4, but I don't think it'll do too well. The PS3 is just starting to get a real devoted group of fans, and to see support for everything dropped for the PS4 just as it's starting to pick up popularity is never a good move. I really want to see more of All Stars Battle Royale, which, while I feel is a ripoff of Smash Bros., may end up being really good. I also want to see Sony do something more original because, let's be honest here, a lot of the stuff that they've done since having Blu Ray support in the PS3 has been copied from other companies. They need to get back on the originality train!


    Microsoft needs to focus less on the Kinect and more on creating things other than Shooter games for the XBox. Not to say anything bad about MS or the XBox, but they are only appealing to fans of Racing and Shooting games, and they need to build out into other genres, sort of like Bethesda did by putting Oblivion and Skyrim on the Xbox (RPG's!!!!). In short, there needs to be more of that!

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