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  1. Graphics doesn't really matter, its the gameplay that matters, theres always people saying 'why cartoon this is going to suck' i mean the game isn't even out it's stupid. for me i don't really care what the style is only the gameplay that matters to me.
  2. okay i started up my emulator with the texture pack ike when the game starts his tunic starts out all green except for his hair color. after i put on the white tunic cheat code everything was okay except the torso... im using mudlords rice video plugin 6.1.4 Green tunic (Original color) White tunic (Cheat code)
  3. Hey sanguin i tried using your melee link and ike retexture packs something went wrong... i loaded up my game and there is a white tunic covering up the middle of links body... can you help? sorry for the double post
  4. Nicely done sanguin! man i need to work on my retexturing skills, but i don't know where to start http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.gif
  5. So i been going through youtube looking up information about skyward sword..... I found a video saying it will be released on November 20th this year before thanksgiving! skip to 1:11 for the news.
  6. Great job Deathbasket keep up the good work! http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.gif
  7. Oh, Good job on this its amzing http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.gif
  8. Great work Zeth, keep up the good work http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.gif
  9. Looks great http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.gif
  10. This is very impressive! did you use photoshop for this?
  11. Nice! im glad this came to GCN this was on maco but all the documentation were throwned away thanks for this
  12. I'm working on more, i will be posting more very soon.
  13. I will be posting some of my textures here Dark Epona: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DCK31E0A
  14. Nice work sanguin Also JD a good Program would be Photoshop or gimp i could get you photoshop for free if you like.
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