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Everything posted by Vois

  1. I welcome you, my friend! Have a good time.
  2. i loved Star Road, and I have kinda high expectation on this one. Is anyone able to confirm that this is indeed well done and it works fine, I'd love to play this with my friends.
  3. That is pretty impressive! I want to try that once I get my wii back from my friend.
  4. *I run next to lilyhawk, and point my rifle to warden and robed man* "Yeah, you better just give up, or me and my friends will..." Before I manage to finish my sentence, the black robed man swings his arm and casts some kind of magic spell, and my rifle flies through air next to his feet. He looks at the warden. "As you wish, my lord.", says the warden, and he steps forward. He is wearing a plate armor and he is wielding an enormous hammer. "After I'm done with you, I'll feed your corpse to prisoners!", he says, and he dashes forward.
  5. I don't have any world records, but I like to do speedruns in Doom for fun. My best time for episode 1 is 6:20.
  6. Yeah, that happened to me too. I'd rather not play the whole boss rush again for the shield.
  7. I yell "Hold on! We're not going to hurt you!" I jump from the bird into the ground. I don't see any monsters nearby "I think we're safe, for now. Who are you, and what are you doing here?"
  8. ((OOC: I wanna know what happens, but I'm kind of waiting for other players to join in, too ))
  9. We ride to top of the mountain. However, we cannot spot anything that looks like it would be a base. "Can you guys see anything? C-force, can you command this creature to find the base?"
  10. Weekly report Day 1 Markus and Dargor left to the mine Urist, Eva and Jane began to prepare for party Urist brings you a sealed letter from the captain. Day 2 Markus and Dargor started to mine ore Urist, Eva and Jane had a party. It went great. Day 3 Urist, Eva and Jane cleaned the makeshift town hall after the party.Day 4 Nothing to report.Day 5 Markus and Dargor returned to Fort Salvador.Day 6 Nothing to report.Day 7 Markus and Dargor returned to Fort Salvador.Skill gains Markus +10 exp towards Mining Dargo +10 exp towards Mining Resource change +3 iron -2 alcohol -5 food -5 water Other Dargor -1 Happiness Urist +1 Happiness Eva +1 Happiness Jane +1 Happiness End of round 1 Round 2 (week 2 of January, 1041) "Last week was rather refreshing. I'm looking forward for next one!" -Urist 5 idle citizens ready to work. 1 citizen wants an audience. You don't have any advisors. You don't have any researchs going on. Possible researchs at the moment include: Fertilizing (20pts) (Increases food output of farms) You don't have any farms! Stonemining techniques (20pts) (Increases stone output of quarries) Woodcutting techniques (20pts) (Increases wood output of lumbercamps) Ironmining techniques (20pts) (Increases iron output of iron mines) Toolmaking techniques (20pts) (Increases tool output of tool workshops) You don't have any tool workshops! Basic construction (10pts) (Adds new blueprints for basic constructions) Intermediate construction (60pts) (Adds new blueprints for intermediate constructions) Needs Basic Construction! Advanced construction (200pts) (Adds new blueprints for advanced constructions) Needs Intermediate Construction! You don't have any constructions going on. Possible constructions at the moment include: House (2 wood, 3pts) (houses citizens) You have 5. Farm (4 wood, 3pts) (Enables you to assign farmers) Town hall (5 wood, 5pts) (Enables new diplomatic options) Laboratory (5 wood, 2 stone, 5pts (Boosts research) Palisade wall (3 wood, 2pts) (Increases colony's protection) Port (2 wood, 5 stone, 5pts) (Increases trade etc.) Outpost (2 wood, 3pts) (Increases colony's protection) Lumbercamp (4 wood, 5pts) (Enables you to assign woodcutters) You have 1. Quarry (4 wood, 5pts) (Enables you to assign miners) You have 1. Ironmine (5 wood, 6pts) (Enables you to assign miners) You have 1. Brewery (4 wood, 1 stone, 4pts) (Enables you to assign brewers) Tavern (4 wood, 4stone, 5pts) (Increases happiness, attracts heroes) Market (2 wood, 2pts) (Enables you to trade) You have 1. Blacksmith (3 wood, 4 stone, 4pts) (Enables you to assign blacksmith) Apothecary (2 wood, 2 stone, herbs, 5pts (Enables you to assign doctor) Hunter's hut (2 wood, 2pts) (Enables you to assign hunters) Extra food storage (3 wood, 2pts) (Increases food storage by 5) Extra water storage (3wood, 2pts) (Increases water storage by 5) Extra wood storage (3 wood, 2pts) (Increases wood storage by 5) Extra stone storage (3 wood, 2pts) (Increases stone storage by 5) Extra alcohol storage (3 wood, 2pts) (Increases alcohol storage by 2) To unlock more buildings, you need to research the blueprints. Blueprints can also be traded. You don't have any trade deals at the moment. Deals offered to you:2 food for 3 wood 1 food for 2 stone 1 alcohol for 2 stone 1 alcohol for 2 wood Deals change weekly. ____________________________________________________ You still have that letter in your desk, but you have been too busy to open it, or you have just forgotten about it.
  11. But they don't get any iron, if they don't mine the iron veins in the mines. The mountains have been prospected by prospector, and there is a very little chance of there being gold. Are you still absolutely sure, that you go there and try to find gold?
  12. The thing is, you cannot assign men to mine gold, because you haven't found any at the mountain in H5. Instead you have found large source of iron, so you have already built an iron mine over there. So, do you want to assign the men to mine iron instead?
  13. I just noticed, by the way. You Don't have a Gold Mine. (You currently have a quarry and an iron mine)
  14. "I don't know, man. Maybe it was just this one creature. Maybe all of them are not evil." I look at the rifle C-force has. "That's awesome! I have never seen a rifle like that before, where did you get that?"
  15. "So, we're attacking their base? How are you sure that those creatures have a base around here?" I wait a while, sigh, and continue. "Oh, by the way, I encountered a creature in the garage sale after you disappeared. It didn't attack me, and I think it tried to talk to me, but I did not understand what it tried to say. And I found this rifle in the house you disappeared" I turn to talk to new people. "Hi, I'm Vois. How did you end to this strange world? I haven't seen anyone else."
  16. Great, I'll post the results tomorrow.
  17. I see C-force, Sakura and Nyan Pony riding the bird, landing in front of me. "C-force! I'm glad you're alive! I've been looking for you. Who are these people with you? And what's this bird?"
  18. Yes, for example. you can assign 3 citizens to mine stone, so they'll gather more than 1 or 2.
  19. I notice how the bird rises to the skies again. However, I don't notice anyone riding the bird. I continue my journey to the mountain.
  20. You can go to the port to see what the captain has to say, or you can just assign the citizens and end the turn.
  21. I notice the bird flying from the mountain, landing somewhere about 3 miles away. I decide to continue to mountains
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