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Everything posted by Vois

  1. Round 1 (week 1 of January, 1041) The year is 1041 and Kingdom of Vien is expanding. About 2 weeks ago you set sail with other capable leaders from Solomon's Pass, destination - A new land. You only took few resources to get started, and 5 settlers. After few weeks you have gained a capable foothold of this new area. Now you can start the important business - expanding even more! 5 idle citizens ready to work. You don't have any advisors. You don't have any researchs going on. Possible researchs at the moment include: Fertilizing (20pts) (Increases food output of farms) You don't have any farms! Stonemining techniques (20pts) (Increases stone output of quarries) Woodcutting techniques (20pts) (Increases wood output of lumbercamps) Ironmining techniques (20pts) (Increases iron output of iron mines) Toolmaking techniques (20pts) (Increases tool output of tool workshops) You don't have any tool workshops! Basic construction (10pts) (Adds new blueprints for basic constructions) Intermediate construction (60pts) (Adds new blueprints for intermediate constructions) Needs Basic Construction! Advanced construction (200pts) (Adds new blueprints for advanced constructions) Needs Intermediate Construction! You don't have any constructions going on. Possible constructions at the moment include: House (2 wood, 3pts) (houses citizens) You have 5. Farm (4 wood, 3pts) (Enables you to assign farmers) Town hall (5 wood, 5pts) (Enables new diplomatic options) Laboratory (5 wood, 2 stone, 5pts (Boosts research) Palisade wall (3 wood, 2pts) (Increases colony's protection) Port (2 wood, 5 stone, 5pts) (Increases trade etc.) Outpost (2 wood, 3pts) (Increases colony's protection) Lumbercamp (4 wood, 5pts) (Enables you to assign woodcutters) You have 1. Quarry (4 wood, 5pts) (Enables you to assign miners) You have 1. Ironmine (5 wood, 6pts) (Enables you to assign miners) You have 1. Brewery (4 wood, 1 stone, 4pts) (Enables you to assign brewers) Tavern (4 wood, 4stone, 5pts) (Increases happiness, attracts heroes) Market (2 wood, 2pts) (Enables you to trade) You have 1. Blacksmith (3 wood, 4 stone, 4pts) (Enables you to assign blacksmith) Apothecary (2 wood, 2 stone, herbs, 5pts (Enables you to assign doctor) Hunter's hut (2 wood, 2pts) (Enables you to assign hunters) Extra food storage (3 wood, 2pts) (Increases food storage by 5) Extra water storage (3wood, 2pts) (Increases water storage by 5) Extra wood storage (3 wood, 2pts) (Increases wood storage by 5) Extra stone storage (3 wood, 2pts) (Increases stone storage by 5) Extra alcohol storage (3 wood, 2pts) (Increases alcohol storage by 2) To unlock more buildings, you need to research the blueprints. Blueprints can also be traded. You don't have any trade deals at the moment. Deals offered to you:2 food for 2 wood 2 food for 2 stone 1 alcohol for 2 stone 1 alcohol for 3 wood Deals change weekly. ____________________________________________________ You are sitting in you brand new, makeshift town hall. Sure, it's not very pretty, but it's a start. Suddenly, Markus Flamewell bursts into your office. "Hey, there's a ship at port! It's from King Harlos. The captain said that they need to speak with you", he says.
  2. Region Map H2 = Fort Salvador H5 = Quarry, Iron Mine G2 = Lumbercamp
  3. Citizens Markus Flamewell (male human) Age: 25 Birthday: 27.4 HP: 10/10 Happiness: 5/10 Traits: Hardworking (+1 resource), Childish Alignment: Neutral Good Food: 10/10 Drink: 10/10 STR: 2 INT: 1 PER: 1 END: 2 CRE: 1 Dargor Rellington (male human) Age: 30 Birthday: 7.10 HP: 10/10 Happiness: 4/10 Traits: Adventurous (better at scouting) Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Food: 10/10 Drink: 10/10 STR: 1 INT: 1 PER: 2 END: 2 CRE: 1 Urist McStonesoup (male dwarf) Age: 69 Birtday: 2.1 HP: 10/10 Happiness: 6/10 Traits: Hard drinker (increased alcohol consumption), generous Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Food: 10/10 Drink: 10/10 STR: 3 INT: 1 PER: 1 END: 1 CRE: 1 Eva Redfield (female human) Age: 30 Birthday: 17.8 HP: 10/10 Happiness: 6/10 Traits: Hardworking (+1 resource), Fast learner Alignment: Neutral Good Food: 10/10 Drink: 10/10 STR: 1 INT: 1 PER: 2 END: 1 CRE: 1 Jane Welledge (female human) Age: 20 Birthday: 3.11 HP: 10/10 Happiness: 6/10 Traits: Artistic, Shy Alignment: Neutral Good Food: 10/10 Drink: 10/10 STR: 1 INT: 2 PER: 1 END: 1 CRE: 2
  4. Fort Salvador Gamemasters: Vois Active Players: Week: 2 Month: 1 Year: 1041 Round: 2 Food: 5/10 Water: 5/10 Alcohol: 3/8 Wood: 5/10 Stone: 0/5 Iron: 3/5 Gold: 0/5 Number of citizens: 5 Number of houses: 5 Total Happiness: 27 Danger: ??? (Scout more areas to reveal true danger value) Number of Dungeons: 0 Number of Heroes: 0 Research Progress: 0% (nothing) Current objective: none yet.
  5. The Colony A Roleplaying Strategy Game Version 0.7.2 beta The Idea: You are one of the leaders in new colony in a medieval fantasy realm. You can control the way the colony grows by your choices. For example, you can research new technologies, build new buildings, explore the new land, attract heroes to delve into dangerous dungeons for resources, and many more! Also, roleplaying takes a huge role in this game. For example, You can walk around town, talk to your colony's citizens, who each have their own backstory and personality. They may reward you with information, magic items and other things! Rules: The most important rule - Have fun and don't ruin others. Obey the Gamemaster (GM). If you however have something to say against GM, by all means do so. GM's word is final, though. Anyone can join to be the leader of the colony. You can co-operate with other players, or the GM may choose who gets to decide, what happens in the turn. We can also take turns if there are many players. If there is something you don't understand, by all means ask the GM. When there is a roleplaying event happening with one player, please don't disturb. The basics: The first thing is to name the colony. Make it a great one! The game is turn-based, but there are roleplaying segments, too. The most important aspect is assigning, what citizens will do. For example, in the start of the game, you can assign citizen to build a building, gather wood, gather stone, mine gold, explore the wilderness, research a technology etc. Each citizen have different stats and attributes. These are pretty straightforward. For example, citizen with strength 3 will be more efficient miner, than a citizen with strength 2 or 1. When you have assigned a job for every citizen, you can end a turn and see what happens. One round usually takes one week, and every month has exactly 4 weeks. Sometimes you can make a decision in random events. Random event occurs, well, randomly. Stats, attributes, resources, etc.: HP: Hitpoints. If the citizen takes damage, he loses hitpoints. 0 hitpoints means that he cannot work, -10 hitpoints means that he is dead. Happiness: Overall happiness of citizen. If the citizen is unhappy, he might skip work or even leave! You can increase happiness with specific buildings and random events. You can even go and try to cheer him up personally. Traits: Citizen's traits. Every citizen has max 4 traits, depending on his personality. There are both positive and negative. In rare occasions citizen can gain a new trait. Alignment: Citizen's Alignment. Good people like to do good deeds, evil people evil things, and so on. There are total of 8 alignments. Food: Citizen's food rating. If this drops to negative, citizen will start to starve. Starving equals unhappiness and even death. Drink: Citizen's drink rating. Same as food, but this governs water and other drinkable liquids. STR/Strength: Affects mining, combat, woodcutting, building and other hard works. INT/Intelligence: Affects researching, building planning and other brainy works PER/Perception: Affects hunting, guarding, tracking and other stuff END/Endurance: Affects about anything which requires hard, constant work. CRE/Creativity: Affects crafting skills and other creative stuff. Food: Every food you collect goes here. Citizens consume 1 unit of food in a week each Water: Same as food, except water. Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages go here. Having alcohol greatly increases happiness. Consume rate varies. Wood: Used mostly on buildings. Maybe the most important resource, especially at start. Stone: Used mostly on buildings. Iron: Used mostly on making weapons and armor. Gold: Used to make very expensive stuff, such as crafts and furniture. There are also many skills, which can be learned by experience. Things to do:Final list of researchs Final list of buildings Final list of traits Final list of skills Better trading system Hero attraction system Larger map Better combat system Work out with balance More compact system to sort citizens Better weekly reports Weather system Version history: 18.5.2012 v.0.7 beta released 18.5. ​v0.7.1 beta released New regional map Things to do added 21.5 v0.7.2 beta released Added ages and birthdays to citizens Added a weather system
  6. Vois is walking in the woods. Nothing of interest happens. "Is the fog coming back, or is it just me?", I think to myself. I'm starting to get hungry, so I eat a chocolate snack from my backpack. "Better than nothing, I guess."
  7. I run through the forest. "I'm glad I haven't encountered any monsters", I think to myself. There is still a long way to the mountain, about 4 miles. Suddenly, I hear a rustle in one of the trees near me. I keep running, hoping that it was just a bird or something.
  8. Suddenly, a strange and huge bird-like creature flies over me, and the fog clears. "What is that thing? Well, at least the fog's gone.", I think to myself. I notice the bird flying to the mountain. I remember there being a shelter for hikers and skiers. "Maybe I should go check the shelter out. I hope I find C-Force on my way there." I continue to the mountain
  9. I keep walking around the forest, making sure that I can find my way back from where I came from. Even though I have visited these woods several times in my childhood, this time it just feels very strange and different, maybe just because of darkness and fog. Then the earth starts to rumble suddenly, again. And It also stops as suddenly as it started. "I wonder where these rumbles come from? I wonder what the skies say, I cannot really see the numbers from here."
  10. ((OOC: Ahh, man, nevermind about that time thing I said in OOC earlier, I actually made a mistake about time, not a big deal)) I walk in the forest, but the fog is unfortunately really thick. I try to walk a way, that I can easily travel back if I get lost. "Too bad I could not find a compass in the garage sale", I think to myself. I start to call out C-force, and hope that he really is in the forest and possibly somewhere nearby. I haven't sighted the creature that appeared near the house. I just hope that there are aren't any monsters or other nasty stuff nearby.
  11. Yeah, I have noticed that there are many, many people who dislike the combat system in Morrowind, The game just is not an action game, it's a traditional RPG. For example, in some eastern RPGs you hit opponents, but still it says that you missed (Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger etc.). This game is no different, and I have very fond memories of it. However, I do like Oblivion's and Skyrim's combat systems, too. They are very different from Morrowind's, but that's not necessary a bad thing.
  12. Vois

    Vois' Music

    I have made music a few years back. I haven't really made anything in a year or two. I have also made music to various small game companies and other video game projects. I mainly use MIDI. You can find some of my songs in my Last.fm-page over here. If you have a project or just want me to make some music, just ask and I'd be happy to help out Comments are, of course, welcome! I'd love to receive both positive and negative comments.
  13. I really hope it fails horribly. The francise started going really downward after Morrowind, mainly because Bethesda is trying to target wider audience by removing anything related to roleplaying and numbers, and just making it a plain action game. And I don't like it.
  14. I find nothing interesting, except a flashlight with batteries, in the garage or near the house. Suddenly, I hear a roaring sound near the garage, and I turn and see a huge, black creature with a dark aura, resembling somewhat like a a hybrid of a bear and a lion, but I really cannot tell, because I can only see the silhouette and glowing, red eyes. We look at each other, and I feel it tries to speak to me, but I cannot undestand Its demonic voice. Then I realise that I have the rifle in my hands, and start to aim at it, but the creature doesn't look very hostile, as it does not try to charge and attack. Instead, it runs to the forest. "Hey, wait!", I shout, but the creature runs into the forest. I think a while, and then decide to enter the forest, hoping that no one tries to attack me. Before I leave, I grab a roll of duct tabe and tie the flashlight to the rifle.
  15. ((OOC: How far in the forest are you?)) I check the backyard, finding nothing. "What the hell happened here? Did the shadow-thing he saw do something to him?" I look to the sky *70 hours 51 minutes remaining* ((OOC: This happened few minutes before the last post)) Suddenly, I hear a roaring sound from the forest near the house. I watch there a while, but nothing happens. "I guess I might just be imagining things, but I think I really need to be careful, there may be anything lurking around here. I might just check near the house again to be sure" I start to search all around the house and the garage.
  16. I keep ramming the door, when it suddenly just clicks and opens. I also hear the back door crashing. "C-force? Are you here?" I keep looking for him in the house, until I find the smashed cabinet and back door, with a huge hole in the center. "He must be here somewhere, I need to find him", I think to myself. I go to upstairs and check every room and closet. Unfortunately, I could not find him, but I found a hunting rifle and 20 rounds from a cabinet. I take them with me. "I guess he's not here, maybe something happened to him. I'm gonna check the backyard." I leave the house and go to the backyard.
  17. I stop digging through stuff, and ask: "What did you see? What is it?"
  18. "Yeah, let's do that. Maybe we'll find someone there who can explain all this." We walk to the garage sale and find that the place is empty. "Let's see if there's anything out of ordinary here... I'm still wondering what that shaking was."
  19. "What in the... What is this place? Why is everything so dark and foggy? It was 15:00 when I last checked." Vois checks his cellphone's watch, and it just says --:--. He starts to smash the buttons but nothing happens. "My cell's going ape**** too! What should we do?" Then they felt the earth shaking a while, and then stopping suddenly.
  20. "It's like someone is trying to pull a prank or something. What do you think?"
  21. I stand still, all quiet, staring the screen. "W-What was that?", I ask after standing a while in now quiet room. ((OOC: One question: Are you a GM or is everyone allowed to make NPCs and other stuff happen and is everyone allowed to narrate the story forward?))
  22. "What's going on?" The video camera makes a loud, buzzing noise and it turns off. "Seriously, what is this?"
  23. Vois

    This or That?

    Wheatley. I'd prefer not to die horribly. Playing cards of dice?
  24. I walk inside. "Huh, that's strange... Just open it, I'm dying to know what's inside. I brought a video camera with me, I can videotape it when you open it!" I grab a videocam from my backback and get ready to film.
  25. Vois rings C-force's doorbell.
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