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Everything posted by Vois

  1. Vois

    This or That?

    3D. Sea or desert?
  2. Also, making boxes and manuals and stuff surely costs a lot of money. Selling the game is not an option, because of copyrights. I guess that the only options are emulator and / or flash cart. And I'm not one of the "big guys" either, just pointing this out.
  3. Even though Goldeneye 007 has in my opinion the best multiplayer in fps history, the singleplayer is awesome too, and has lot of replay value if you want to unlock everything.
  4. Hi! I'm Vois and I just registered here. I've been a huge fan of Zeth's work for years and i just thought that I might join this forum to talk about hacking and stuff. I've been a fan of hacking (especially Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Banjo Kazooie and other N64 titles) for years, too, but I haven't really never used any hacking tools or stuff to hack games. What else can I tell about me... Well, I'm 18 years old at the moment, I live in Finland and I'm a member of finnish video game media group TRMP. I like adventure and simulation games the most, but I like every genre a bit. I'm also very dedicated Pen and Paper roleplayer. So, I look forward to talk about stuff with everyone here. I try to be active. ; )
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