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About Clio

  • Birthday 12/10/1990

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  • Interests
    3D Design, Concept Art, Drawing, Gaming, Cosplaying


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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Oh dear god this game rules my life.
  2. Got any images? It'd be nice to see some while reading a lot of text. If you have no images, it didn't happen!! -Clio
  3. "Mario is sending the message that it's OK to wear fur." "Videogames are sending the message that it is ok to for kids to shoot guns" Same crap different day my friend. It's all down to the media portraying a subject in a bad light. -Clio
  4. It depends if you feel more artistic or more mathematical People usually swing one way or the other. 3D software is very creative-based and coding from what I can tell is a lot of maths and problem solving. I can't give any advice on the coding side of things, but if you are thinking of having another crack at 3D modelling, though it looks complicated try to think of it as just another interface, like another game HUD. As soon as you learn what all the basics do, that is all you'll need to progress =] There are also hundreds and thousands of tutorials covering all aspects of 3D modelling for every program. When in doubt, google is your friend =] -Clio
  5. Thankyou very much Zeth! It's much appreciated =] -Clio
  6. Thankyou very much C-force! I'm sorry to hear that was the case! It can be a tricky thing to get into, much like anything else in the creative industries it takes time, tech and persistance. Awesome! Please let me know if I can ever be of any help! =] -Clio
  7. How do you do =] My name is Clio I've never been much of a modder, but I love the creativity people put into them, and its amazing to watch modding bring together a team of people to create something by fans, for fans. I'm really facinated by the inner workings of older games too, and how they were made back then ^^ Rather than modding, my central focus is on videogames design from a 3D and design perspective. I'm a computer artist student at university in scotland and will be going into my honours year after summer. I love cosplaying and gaming, though I don't get much time to do either because of university work- even though i'm on a games design course! XD I can't wait to see all the progress on the modding here and get the chance to talk to all of you lovely people =] Also! If I can help/offer advice to anyone for anything related to 3D development, design or art, please don't hesitate to drop me a pm or send me an email! Thanks for reading =]
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