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  1. I'm sorry that happened I'm sure you'll find men out there who are candid.
  2. Please ignore these arrogant arsholes. If those arsholes don't like this project, that's their problem. (To the fans) If you're enjoying the project's development progress, sucks for the others who can't. To the developers of URA, please, I'm just asking to not let these meaningless comments slow down the development of the project (if it is at all). The fans and supporters would be greatly disappointed if the project was canceled all together. Coming from a fan (and for the other fans perhaps), for every piece of URA that is shown, I am rather intrigued by it and I accept it. Keep up the amazing work, don't let those dogged humans impede the project's devolopment. You speak wise words, Zeth.
  3. I can totally relate to you, armos. Just about everything you stated describes me. I too have social anxiety disorder and it is a living hell. Nothing is better than failing to introduce yourself in front of the class, failing to do presentations, etc. I too fail with females and never had a girlfriend. I was almost in a relationship with an extrememly beautiful woman, but my SAD and clinical depression (and my occasional serial killer look) got in the way. Honestly, I don't even remember how I had the balls to get that far. Also, someone here said that women are overrated, and you can live happily without one. He is a wise man. As for the part where making friends is difficult, honestly, the only advice I can give you is to force yourself to approach people or talk to them. Trust me, I know how much of a bitch it is. It's not easy, but it does get a lot better to socialize with people. It doesn't even have to be an all out conversation, just try making small talk. If making friends is a bit out of your comfort zone, try making aquantences instead? It's much more comforting imo, and none of those trust issues are invading your mind. I hope my comment helps you, mr. armos sir.
  4. Muphins

    This or That?

    Windows 7. Having another Windows is just unneccessary. Arceus or Darkrai?
  5. Muphins

    This or That?

    The look of sapphire looks a bit cooler imo. Left 4 dead (1 or 2) or Dead Island?
  6. I just found this out today and thought I would share this with you people. You're welcome. (I didn't create this hack btw)
  7. Muphins

    This or That?

    Halo Reach. Halo 4 will be better. Tosh.0 or Family Guy?
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