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Natsu Dragneel

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Everything posted by Natsu Dragneel

  1. Natsu, having already destroyed the 3DS, looked at NoSkinnedKoopa "we're bound to get lost if we go back in there, there's no telling what could happen" he informed him, standing up
  2. Natsu looked over at the device "um... What is that thing?" He asked, having never seen one before
  3. Natsu laughed "yeah, come out alive" he said and grinned
  4. Natsu laughed "again: not really a sword. I can manipulate any fire in my system, so I can easily make it look like a sword" he grinned while scratching the back of his head "Anyway, me and NoHeadedKoopa are outside right now. We'll be waiting"
  5. Natsu hears Lord Roy talk about the swords "well, mine actually isn't a "sword" it's a peice of the eternal flame... Which I ate"
  6. (He still wouldn't do that, he would be beating you against a wall wanting you to wake up XD) Natsu pursed his lips in thought "I only know Fire Dragon Slayer magic, and it's not something you just 'learn'... And you can only learn it from the fire Dragon Igneel, my dad, who is nowhere to be found" he reasoned, and crossed his arms "Everyone has a specific power inside them, you just have to learn what it is" he said with a boyish grin "I'll help you find your power though, cuz I'm not exactly a 'training type' person... But I promise to help you incinerate your enemies along the way! I always love a good fight"
  7. (Wait. Who said I was making a fire?! Ahem, lemme correct you... And my god... My Little Pony and Twilight in ONE? Excuse me while I throw up my breakfast) Once NoSkinnedKoopa passed out, Natsu jumped back "ah! The hell?! WAKE UP!" And throughout the entire time, he was shaking him violently, accidentally heating up his hands and burning NoSkinnedKoopa's shoulders Once He/She awoke, Natsu sighed in relief, and had already carried them out "your awake! Good!" He said. NoSkinnedKoopa related the dream, an Natsu nodded thoughtfully "NoSkinnedKoopa... I think it's time I told you what's really going on. Because you seem you be confused" as they left the cave, the bite mark dissapeared "The Dark Link, uses a special kinda of magic, that creates illusions. And since you recently woke into this, he's targeted you, to make you not realize the truth..." Natsu took a deep breath "we are NOT in a game/computer/watch or whatever you think your in. This is the REAL world. And right before you woke up after the catastrophe, The Dark Link planted fake information into your head. This is reality of the cruelest kind, but that's why me and Axel came here in the first place. To save this barren earth." (There... I think I explained what's going on good enough)
  8. (You... Do know your not the hero, right? And you totally skipped over the options laid out! I am getting direct orders from Axel on this. You can't do that!) Natsu facepalmed "there isn't an ability like that! Besides, how could you mistake light do fire? Fire BURNS. Literally! I can handle it 'cuz I'm the fire dragon slayer, and I was taught by the fire dragon king, Igneel! And it took me 7-8 years to master it! It's not something you just get" Natsu clarified sternly "You underestimate the world, and overestimate your true power. You can't handle all this on your own shoulders, and you can't destroy The Mysterious One on your own! We will defeat him together! That's what comrades are for, and don't forget that" As NoSkinnedKoopa mentioned Axel and Lord Roy, Natsu looked around the empty corridor, seeing nothing. He sniffed the air, and doubled over coughing "there's a toxin in the air, it'll make you hallucinate... We won't run into them until we get out of here, or until a bust down a wall! But the place would capsize if I did that, so dismiss the idea..." (All this nonsensical stuff is forcing me to make Natsu go WAY OOC... *sigh* damn)
  9. Natsu laughed "yeah, that's the best joke I've heard all day, me investigate" he sighed "I'm not exactly the "smartest" person around, I'm only good in a battle" he said, while grinning confidantly, showing his sharp fangs
  10. Natsu looked at the blade as it turned to fire "fire... Hey maybe..." Natsu took the blade and ate it "I don't need a sword... Never used it anyway" shrugs as he hears Lord Roy speak in his mind "AH! What the? WHERE ARE YOU?!" Natsu questions as he starts freaking out "I-is it a ghost?!"
  11. Natsu cocked his in wonder "wha-? I think that's the side-effects of 1) you jumping in the flame and 2) when me and Axel almost torched you" he explained and kicked a pebble "I've been watching you, and I know that you have power over purifying water. There are three other holy swords too-this ones actually mine since I'm the only one who can handle it-but there is the sword of eternal flame, the sword of holy water, the sword of crushing earth, and the sword of free spirit-air-" (You can have some other element, Fire is mine, and it feels like your ripping off Natu =.=)
  12. Natsu's face turned from confused, to realization. Unsheathing a fiery sword as if from nowhere "you mean the sword of eternal flame? Me and Axel's master sent me in here to retrieve it, and guard it from the simple-minded" Natsu said "for if any human who doesn't have the fires on his side, will have his soul burned from his body" he said gravely
  13. Natsu blinked "wh-who... How do we kill him" Lilyhawk looked at him desperately "his weakness is-" Before she could finish, the cavern shook, and began to capsize. Natsu encased his body in flames, keeping his body from harm. When the smoke cleared, Natsu saw NoSkinnedKoopa laying unconscious atop the rocks. Natsu approached him, and from the look on his face, he was having a bad dream... "Well, damn..."
  14. The white figure steps foreword "I am the survivor..." It said Natsu blinked "the survivor of what?" "The End. I sent a projection of myself from the future, to warn you" it said, pulling the white hood back, revealing Lilyhawk "Hey... Your that girl... Didn't you die?" Natsu asked curiously "No... I mearly passed out for about 5 hours... By the time I awoke, everything had been crushed! I had only bees saved by my last ultimate defense" Future Lilyhawk said sadly "please... Stop the mysterious one!!"
  15. Natsu walks along the-would be-dark path, if not for his flames... As he moves foreword, he sees a figure in white... Whoever they were. He slowly approached the figure "wh-who are you?"
  16. Natsu grins "ok, so that leaves, HairlessKoopa? I forgot. Anyway, imma head out now, remember to stay alive!" Natsu took off down the 12:00 O'clock path
  17. Natsu sniffs the air -he's still there... I can smell it- "hey, um... I'm going to go through that one" Natsu says while pointing to a path
  18. (OOC: thievery!) Natsu grins and jumps into the fire, ending up in the same cave "ooooh!~" he said, lighting his hand ablaze, giving everyone some light He then sniffed the air "hey guys, there's some guy waiting for us up ahead... His scent is... Weird..." He growled lowly
  19. Natsu blinked "wha-waaait.... It's a portal?... I'm confused"
  20. Natsu's eyes glistened as the flame turned black "are these Fire God Fires? Cool... I've eaten these before..." Natsu said, completely forgotten about his rage from earlier about his strength being tested. If anyone ever did that, he'd 'bout blow up (literally)
  21. (OOC: how much god modding will commence today, huh Chris? XD) Natsu doesn't have a clue as to why the punk though being around water weakened him... Moron... Not to mention he thought he was in a "Majora's Mask" ROM, and thought "dark link" was the enemy "uwah... I don't wanna, you were stupid enough to think water stopped my flames too, which is stupid, I have half a mind to turn you to charcoal!!"
  22. Natsu didn't give a care "a sword can't kill me!" Natsu eats Axel's flames, increasing his speed, strength, defense, an magic/fire power by 5x as much "THAT SWORD WILL MEAN NOTHING ONCE I MELT IT!" He laughed manically, "my fire can burn through any kind of substance!"
  23. Natsu grins wickedly "YEAH! IM BURNING WITH PASSION!!!" His Fists light up with dragon fire flames and he gets into a fighting stance, resisting the urge to eat Axel's flames
  24. lilyhawk dies from being shot randomly by the gem(?) Natsu happens to be setting Radom timber wood ablaze when he sees Axel "hrmm? What's going on? And where am I?" he asks as he walks up
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