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Posts posted by EpicEbilninja

  1. What's the theme? Want to elaborate and share all of your ideas? No point in keeping anything secret since it's in such a premature stage of development. We're here to help you progress this game.


    What is the structure of the game world? Have you settled on Cackletta or would you like to introduce a new villain? Your plot devices so far seem to be uncharacteristic of the Mario franchise (heart attack, seriously?) and with Mario "saving the day" what's the point of Wario and Waluigi? Luigi is defending a fort, and Peach is missing. This sounds like a mess to be honest. The Mario Bros. need to be seriously incapacitated—maybe they've been turned into Mr. M and Mr. L and will serve as the Wario Bros' rivals throughout the game.


    I agree with Zaneeba about a raging woman being the villain. Cackletta could work if cast correctly. The Mario RPG games have a lot of humor to them, so don't get too serious (again, heart attack).


    Sorry, I know I didn't fully explain, but this isn't as bad a mess as you think it is, and I plan to prove that in the near future!

    (and the horrid word choice "heart attack" for toadsworth was just what I thought would easily explain that he's panicking)

  2. >content no longer relevant<


    Currently, tha basic idea is to have the Mario Bros. kidnapped by the main antagonist(decided to use Cackletta a long time ago). Why did his happen? What need would she have to get rid of them? To get them out of her way for good! To finally take over the kingdom, with no sign of any persistant pests, or atleast that's what she thought...With the kingdom in peril, and nobody to protect it, Wario and Waluigi received a bribe(could be money, castles(sort of like wario land did), a wish(like paper mario 64), etc.) to safely return Red and Green!I really can't say all the details, but I will say some of the main plot...Through the game, Cackletta(and many other power/money obsessed characters) will be trying to collect pieces of the dark star that shattered with the death of Fawful. The game will focus quite a bit on Cackletta's attempted take-over of the kingdom, explaning how this fiend could still be alive, while also showing many new and old characters to contribute as both parts of the main story, and filler to make this game a bit longer.I really don't think I should, nor am I ready to explain in further detail. For now, this is about as much as I am going to say about the story of the game :)

  3. Why would Wario and Waluigi be interested in rescuing the Mario Bros? There's gotta be a big impetus, like Peach promises them a ton of gold.


    Yes, I was trying to think of a generic motive for wario and waluigi, but I can't seem to think of a good one yet. Money itself is a bit of a bland idea, gotta find a way to get it to work


    Also: I'd like to help you design some characters, namely a new villain. Wario and Waluigi are my favorite Mario characters, so if I could lend a hand in character design that'd be sweet.


    That would be great! Any help would be greatly appreciated :D

  4. I just get so caught up in wanting to make the game, that I jump ahead trying to understand a language that I have no experience in...


    I know each makefile is unique to the program in development, and the makefiles just seem rather intimidating...


    Thanks again xdan :)


    now I just to figure out how to get it to spit out .elf and .nds to actually run a game... (I'll try to find it myself over the next few days)

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  5. Lately, I have been trying to figure out how to create a working makefile... I tried to research the topic, and wound up more confused than when I started...


    Does anybody out there know how to create a working makefile for a nds homebrew game?

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