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Everything posted by EpicEbilninja

  1. seems a bit basic, looking like your typical panel flip game I can't quite think of any at the moment, but a few added game elements would be a great way to improve gameplay!
  2. Well, I'm not completely satisfied by the new pokemon generation/game, but atleast magikarp was in the trailer Also, as a complete opposite thing to what you guys said, Team Rocket should make their returnXD
  3. My most common profilepicture/avatar is based on my wario and waluigi rpg
  4. I'm thinking of learning japanese someday myself there are some colleges/universities I'm interested in for when I finish highschool in a few years
  5. currently just waluigi in a santa hat it was made for the holidays, so I think I should change it soon...
  6. If only I could get the old ones... I want to play, but I sort of want to play the 1st one before any other final fantasy (without an emulator )
  7. well, didn't quite intend to leave a pun there XD I don't really like to use the old term "pointdexter" though...
  8. I don't quite see much of a point here, but yes,I do wear glasses
  9. well, I guess the only thing left to do is fire another gamma ray!!! *charges mah lazor!!! *gamma ray explodes destroying all of existance
  10. why would I give away my location?
  11. why would there be a planet named after a breakfast pastry? That was a horrible guess
  12. well, what was the planet I was on then?
  13. well, I can't really criticise too much due to the fact that I havn't made much of an attempt to animate myself...
  14. OBJECTION!!!!!!! well, if you got word of a meteor crash on my current planet, where am I? *finger point, and objection theme plays
  15. mario bros 3.... my childhood...
  16. yes, maybe another demo would do the trick...
  17. As the all consuming rainbows of the apocolypse begin to devour the world, laughter begins to emanate from the headquarters of the evil magistrate... This prophecy... for fate cannot be changed, this prophecy is not the entire proof, kusai has awoken, but not as the prophecy has stated... What are you trying to protect shadow fire? What was written in the prophecy that you could not allow our eyes to see? Could there something far worse than the awakening? Fate, but a twisted stream of time, one who's path cannot be changed... what devestation could you not have foretold, and what purpose? Kusai has awokened and still the final mystery has yet to surface!
  18. nah, got an unlimited supply(I think this topic is turning into a supply for the money in battle system, or was just made for the intended purpose for rahls )
  19. nah, this planet was destroyed out ages ago
  20. I was thinking of doing something like this myself, but my hands are sort of full with my wario and waluigi rpg. I had quite a few of ideas already for this if you are interested
  21. well, doesn't matter to me, it's way better than the earthly life I used to live, due to the fact my hobo shack isn't getting destroyed by mutated polar bears If I'm stuck on the planet, that's not bad (wow, this conversation is getting random...)
  22. yeah, I guess I could make a character(not soon, but still) I don't have flash, but I may be able to help with story
  23. even he doesn't know, I got knocked off course by a meteor, and didn't make it to my destination... currently in a bunker on a random planet that none of you know about
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