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Posts posted by EpicEbilninja

  1. As the all consuming rainbows of the apocolypse begin to devour the world, laughter begins to emanate from the headquarters of the evil magistrate...


    This prophecy... for fate cannot be changed, this prophecy is not the entire proof, kusai has awoken, but not as the prophecy has stated...


    What are you trying to protect shadow fire? What was written in the prophecy that you could not allow our eyes to see? Could there something far worse than the awakening?

    Fate, but a twisted stream of time, one who's path cannot be changed... what devestation could you not have foretold, and what purpose? Kusai has awokened and still the final

    mystery has yet to surface!

  2. Well I hope u get stuck. :P


    well, doesn't matter to me, it's way better than the earthly life I used to live, due to the fact my hobo shack isn't getting destroyed by mutated polar bears


    If I'm stuck on the planet, that's not bad :P (wow, this conversation is getting random...)

  3. even he doesn't know, I got knocked off course by a meteor, and didn't make it to my destination... currently in a bunker on a random planet that none of you know about :P

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