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Posts posted by EpicEbilninja

  1. Cuz I followed the smell of sweet maple syrup


    then you must be thinking of my clone, I left this dump as soon as the anti-matter warfare began to happen between Canada, Antarctica, and the North Pole

  2. Let me cut in to say this:


    Guess what? I have the power to annihilate everyone and everything here.


    I guess that means I automatically win.


    Since I am pretty much omnipotent, I shall return to my void and watch you all continue this entertaining war.



    Well guess what, I have the absolute power to control nothing!! guess that makes your powers a little useless :P

  3. due to the hulks immunity to gamma radiation, he is now just floating around in space, quickly running out of oxygen



    and the ray was reflected(twice even), and we were previously in earth, correct

  4. well, if a gamma ray even got close to the earth, think of the earth as a marshmallow over a campfire...


    real gamma ray = supernova aftermath lazor from the north and south poles of the sun


    we = dead

  5. Got another copy of Mario and luigi: Bowsers Inside Story...(lost it a few years ago...)


    lost the old cartridge, but still had the case, and my parents got it second hand without...



    Got a ton of tea(teapot included), too many clothes(and socks), few games, cash, and few other things :)

  6. Is it strange that I look into the present, stuck in between time's dimensions? :P


    Nah, these things never really work, but I at least can count on learning something new...


    Y'know, sometimes it's fun just to play along with the new years resolutions. If there is something you feel you want to get done, or something you want to stop or do, than why not make a goal for yourself for the upcomming year? What is there to lose? You way even get a positive experience out of it.

  7. This is an online game. I guess it's like Okami? Or are you thinking of the reference to the wolf character? Because I was aiming for a maplestory-type appeal with skills; lots of skills and magic.


    You just compared ideas to zelda, so I just thought it would be sort of like a 3d open-world(like "oot") kind of game rather than a 2d platformer(that's maplestory, right?)

  8. D:


    if retro style is out of the question, then how about bugs bunny birthday blowout for the NES?

    I used to play that many years ago in my early childhood, and I really don't remember much of it...


    I don't even remember if it was amazing, or terrible, but it's only a suggestion(even if it may not be a best choice) :D

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